path: root/tests
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Diffstat (limited to 'tests')
2 files changed, 199 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/tests/test.hpp b/tests/test.hpp
index 41dc218..028da62 100644
--- a/tests/test.hpp
+++ b/tests/test.hpp
@@ -46,6 +46,15 @@ inline bool test_xpath_number(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* query, dou
return fabs(q.evaluate_number(node) - expected) < 1e-8f;
+inline bool test_xpath_number_nan(const pugi::xml_node& node, const char* query)
+ pugi::xpath_query q(query);
+ double r = q.evaluate_number(node);
+ return r != r;
inline bool test_xpath_fail_compile(const char* query)
@@ -127,6 +136,7 @@ struct dummy_fixture {};
#define CHECK_XPATH_STRING(node, query, expected) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_string(node, query, expected), #query " does not evaluate to " #expected " in context " #node)
#define CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(node, query, expected) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_boolean(node, query, expected), #query " does not evaluate to " #expected " in context " #node)
#define CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(node, query, expected) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_number(node, query, expected), #query " does not evaluate to " #expected " in context " #node)
+#define CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(node, query) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_number_nan(node, query), #query " does not evaluate to NaN in context " #node)
#define CHECK_XPATH_FAIL(query) CHECK_TEXT(test_xpath_fail_compile(query), #query " should not compile")
diff --git a/tests/test_xpath_functions.cpp b/tests/test_xpath_functions.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e4430f3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/tests/test_xpath_functions.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,189 @@
+#include "common.hpp"
+TEST_XML(xpath_number_number, "<node>123</node>")
+ xml_node c;
+ xml_node n = doc.child("node").first_child();
+ // number with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "number()");
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(n, "number()", 123);
+ // number with 1 string argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "number(' -123.456 ')", -123.456);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "number(' -123.')", -123);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "number('123.')", 123);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "number('.56')", 0.56);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "number('foobar')");
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "number('f1')");
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "number('1f')");
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "number('1.f')");
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "number('1.0f')");
+ // number with 1 bool argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "number(true())", 1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "number(false())", 0);
+ // number with 1 node set argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(n, "number(.)", 123);
+ // number with 1 number argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "number(1)", 1);
+ // number with 2 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("number(1, 2)");
+TEST_XML(xpath_number_sum, "<node>123<child>789</child></node><node/>")
+ xml_node c;
+ xml_node n = doc.child("node");
+ // sum with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("sum()");
+ // sum with 1 argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "sum(.)", 0);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(n, "sum(.)", 123789); // 123 .. 789
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(n, "sum(./descendant-or-self::node())", 125490); // node + 123 + child + 789 = 123789 + 123 + 789 + 789 = 125490
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(doc.last_child(), "sum(.)");
+ // sum with 2 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("sum(1, 2)");
+ // sum with 1 non-node-set argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("sum(1)");
+ xml_node c;
+ // floor with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("floor()");
+ // floor with 1 argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "floor(1.2)", 1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "floor(1)", 1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "floor(-1.2)", -2);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "floor(string('nan'))");
+ CHECK_XPATH_STRING(c, "string(floor(1 div 0))", "Infinity");
+ CHECK_XPATH_STRING(c, "string(floor(-1 div 0))", "-Infinity");
+ // floor with 2 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("floor(1, 2)");
+ xml_node c;
+ // ceiling with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("ceiling()");
+ // ceiling with 1 argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "ceiling(1.2)", 2);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "ceiling(1)", 1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "ceiling(-1.2)", -1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "ceiling(string('nan'))");
+ CHECK_XPATH_STRING(c, "string(ceiling(1 div 0))", "Infinity");
+ CHECK_XPATH_STRING(c, "string(ceiling(-1 div 0))", "-Infinity");
+ // ceiling with 2 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("ceiling(1, 2)");
+ xml_node c;
+ // round with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("round()");
+ // round with 1 argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(1.2)", 1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(1.5)", 2);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(1.8)", 2);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(1)", 1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(-1.2)", -1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(-1.5)", -1);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(-1.6)", -2);
+ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER_NAN(c, "round(string('nan'))");
+ CHECK_XPATH_STRING(c, "string(round(1 div 0))", "Infinity");
+ CHECK_XPATH_STRING(c, "string(round(-1 div 0))", "-Infinity");
+ // round with 2 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("round(1, 2)");
+ // round with negative zero results
+ // $$ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(-0.3)", -0)
+ // $$ CHECK_XPATH_NUMBER(c, "round(-0)", -0)
+TEST_XML(xpath_boolean_boolean, "<node />")
+ xml_node c;
+ // boolean with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("boolean()");
+ // boolean with 1 number argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "boolean(0)", false);
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "boolean(1)", true);
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "boolean(-1)", true);
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "boolean(0.1)", true);
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "boolean(number('nan'))", false);
+ // boolean with 1 string argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "boolean('x')", true);
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "boolean('')", false);
+ // boolean with 1 node set argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "boolean(.)", false);
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(doc, "boolean(.)", true);
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(doc, "boolean(foo)", false);
+ // boolean with 2 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("boolean(1, 2)");
+ xml_node c;
+ // not with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("not()");
+ // not with 1 argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "not(true())", false);
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "not(false())", true);
+ // boolean with 2 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("not(1, 2)");
+ xml_node c;
+ // true with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "true()", true);
+ // true with 1 argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("true(1)");
+ xml_node c;
+ // false with 0 arguments
+ CHECK_XPATH_BOOLEAN(c, "false()", false);
+ // false with 1 argument
+ CHECK_XPATH_FAIL("false(1)");
+// $$$: string value of <node>123<child>789</child>100</node> should be 123789100 (?)
+// $$$: type -> node set conversion seems to be guarded via assert instead of exception