path: root/src/pugixml.cpp
diff options
authorArseny Kapoulkine <>2014-10-11 02:16:41 +0000
committerArseny Kapoulkine <>2014-10-11 02:16:41 +0000
commitf4f55051d69003c4d1c7a8148216781580b842f9 (patch)
treefc25605f4244674106b27a721a2b0100c30e0bee /src/pugixml.cpp
parentd69127d78e723fc46b3050faff6600eb07a948e5 (diff)
Refactor node/attribute tree operations
All ad-hoc attribute operations are now implemented as explicit low-level functions, and xml_node just uses them. Additionally extract commonly used is_attribute_of and move detaching of node from append_node to remove_node - append_node now only works on detached nodes (small increase in parsing performance). git-svn-id: 99668b35-9821-0410-8761-19e4c4f06640
Diffstat (limited to 'src/pugixml.cpp')
1 files changed, 107 insertions, 83 deletions
diff --git a/src/pugixml.cpp b/src/pugixml.cpp
index 9e1dec5..c3b685b 100644
--- a/src/pugixml.cpp
+++ b/src/pugixml.cpp
@@ -640,8 +640,6 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN
node->first_child = child;
child->prev_sibling_c = child;
- child->next_sibling = 0;
inline void prepend_node(xml_node_struct* child, xml_node_struct* node)
@@ -709,6 +707,84 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN
node->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling = node->next_sibling;
parent->first_child = node->next_sibling;
+ node->prev_sibling_c = 0;
+ node->next_sibling = 0;
+ }
+ inline void append_attribute(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_node_struct* node)
+ {
+ xml_attribute_struct* head = node->first_attribute;
+ if (head)
+ {
+ xml_attribute_struct* tail = head->prev_attribute_c;
+ tail->next_attribute = attr;
+ attr->prev_attribute_c = tail;
+ head->prev_attribute_c = attr;
+ }
+ else
+ {
+ node->first_attribute = attr;
+ attr->prev_attribute_c = attr;
+ }
+ }
+ inline void prepend_attribute(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_node_struct* node)
+ {
+ xml_attribute_struct* head = node->first_attribute;
+ if (head)
+ {
+ attr->prev_attribute_c = head->prev_attribute_c;
+ head->prev_attribute_c = attr;
+ }
+ else
+ attr->prev_attribute_c = attr;
+ attr->next_attribute = head;
+ node->first_attribute = attr;
+ }
+ inline void insert_attribute_before(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_attribute_struct* place, xml_node_struct* node)
+ {
+ if (place->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute)
+ place->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute = attr;
+ else
+ node->first_attribute = attr;
+ attr->prev_attribute_c = place->prev_attribute_c;
+ attr->next_attribute = place;
+ place->prev_attribute_c = attr;
+ }
+ inline void insert_attribute_after(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_attribute_struct* place, xml_node_struct* node)
+ {
+ if (place->next_attribute)
+ place->next_attribute->prev_attribute_c = attr;
+ else
+ node->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = attr;
+ attr->next_attribute = place->next_attribute;
+ attr->prev_attribute_c = place;
+ place->next_attribute = attr;
+ }
+ inline void remove_attribute(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_node_struct* node)
+ {
+ if (attr->next_attribute)
+ attr->next_attribute->prev_attribute_c = attr->prev_attribute_c;
+ else if (node->first_attribute)
+ node->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = attr->prev_attribute_c;
+ if (attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute)
+ attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute = attr->next_attribute;
+ else
+ node->first_attribute = attr->next_attribute;
+ attr->prev_attribute_c = 0;
+ attr->next_attribute = 0;
PUGI__FN_NO_INLINE xml_node_struct* append_new_node(xml_node_struct* node, xml_allocator& alloc, xml_node_type type = node_element)
@@ -723,26 +799,12 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN
PUGI__FN_NO_INLINE xml_attribute_struct* append_new_attribute(xml_node_struct* node, xml_allocator& alloc)
- xml_attribute_struct* a = allocate_attribute(alloc);
- if (!a) return 0;
+ xml_attribute_struct* attr = allocate_attribute(alloc);
+ if (!attr) return 0;
- xml_attribute_struct* first_attribute = node->first_attribute;
+ append_attribute(attr, node);
- if (first_attribute)
- {
- xml_attribute_struct* last_attribute = first_attribute->prev_attribute_c;
- last_attribute->next_attribute = a;
- a->prev_attribute_c = last_attribute;
- first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a;
- }
- else
- {
- node->first_attribute = a;
- a->prev_attribute_c = a;
- }
- return a;
+ return attr;
@@ -3566,7 +3628,7 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN
while (node != root);
- inline bool has_declaration(const xml_node node)
+ PUGI__FN bool has_declaration(const xml_node node)
for (xml_node child = node.first_child(); child; child = child.next_sibling())
@@ -3579,7 +3641,16 @@ PUGI__NS_BEGIN
return false;
- inline bool allow_insert_child(xml_node_type parent, xml_node_type child)
+ PUGI__FN bool is_attribute_of(xml_attribute_struct* attr, xml_node_struct* node)
+ {
+ for (xml_attribute_struct* a = node->first_attribute; a; a = a->next_attribute)
+ if (a == attr)
+ return true;
+ return false;
+ }
+ PUGI__FN bool allow_insert_child(xml_node_type parent, xml_node_type child)
if (parent != node_document && parent != node_element) return false;
if (child == node_document || child == node_null) return false;
@@ -4772,7 +4843,10 @@ namespace pugi
if (type() != node_element && type() != node_declaration) return xml_attribute();
- xml_attribute a(impl::append_new_attribute(_root, impl::get_allocator(_root)));
+ xml_attribute a(impl::allocate_attribute(impl::get_allocator(_root)));
+ if (!a) return xml_attribute();
+ impl::append_attribute(a._attr, _root);
@@ -4786,18 +4860,7 @@ namespace pugi
xml_attribute a(impl::allocate_attribute(impl::get_allocator(_root)));
if (!a) return xml_attribute();
- xml_attribute_struct* head = _root->first_attribute;
- if (head)
- {
- a._attr->prev_attribute_c = head->prev_attribute_c;
- head->prev_attribute_c = a._attr;
- }
- else
- a._attr->prev_attribute_c = a._attr;
- a._attr->next_attribute = head;
- _root->first_attribute = a._attr;
+ impl::prepend_attribute(a._attr, _root);
@@ -4806,27 +4869,14 @@ namespace pugi
PUGI__FN xml_attribute xml_node::insert_attribute_before(const char_t* name_, const xml_attribute& attr)
- if ((type() != node_element && type() != node_declaration) || attr.empty()) return xml_attribute();
+ if (type() != node_element && type() != node_declaration) return xml_attribute();
+ if (!attr || !impl::is_attribute_of(attr._attr, _root)) return xml_attribute();
- // check that attribute belongs to *this
- xml_attribute_struct* cur = attr._attr;
- while (cur->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) cur = cur->prev_attribute_c;
- if (cur != _root->first_attribute) return xml_attribute();
xml_attribute a(impl::allocate_attribute(impl::get_allocator(_root)));
if (!a) return xml_attribute();
- if (attr._attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute)
- attr._attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute = a._attr;
- else
- _root->first_attribute = a._attr;
- a._attr->prev_attribute_c = attr._attr->prev_attribute_c;
- a._attr->next_attribute = attr._attr;
- attr._attr->prev_attribute_c = a._attr;
+ impl::insert_attribute_before(a._attr, attr._attr, _root);
return a;
@@ -4834,26 +4884,13 @@ namespace pugi
PUGI__FN xml_attribute xml_node::insert_attribute_after(const char_t* name_, const xml_attribute& attr)
- if ((type() != node_element && type() != node_declaration) || attr.empty()) return xml_attribute();
+ if (type() != node_element && type() != node_declaration) return xml_attribute();
+ if (!attr || !impl::is_attribute_of(attr._attr, _root)) return xml_attribute();
- // check that attribute belongs to *this
- xml_attribute_struct* cur = attr._attr;
- while (cur->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) cur = cur->prev_attribute_c;
- if (cur != _root->first_attribute) return xml_attribute();
xml_attribute a(impl::allocate_attribute(impl::get_allocator(_root)));
if (!a) return xml_attribute();
- if (attr._attr->next_attribute)
- attr._attr->next_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a._attr;
- else
- _root->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a._attr;
- a._attr->next_attribute = attr._attr->next_attribute;
- a._attr->prev_attribute_c = attr._attr;
- attr._attr->next_attribute = a._attr;
+ impl::insert_attribute_after(a._attr, attr._attr, _root);
@@ -5094,20 +5131,9 @@ namespace pugi
PUGI__FN bool xml_node::remove_attribute(const xml_attribute& a)
if (!_root || !a._attr) return false;
+ if (!impl::is_attribute_of(a._attr, _root)) return false;
- // check that attribute belongs to *this
- xml_attribute_struct* attr = a._attr;
- while (attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) attr = attr->prev_attribute_c;
- if (attr != _root->first_attribute) return false;
- if (a._attr->next_attribute) a._attr->next_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a._attr->prev_attribute_c;
- else if (_root->first_attribute) _root->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a._attr->prev_attribute_c;
- if (a._attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) a._attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute = a._attr->next_attribute;
- else _root->first_attribute = a._attr->next_attribute;
+ impl::remove_attribute(a._attr, _root);
impl::destroy_attribute(a._attr, impl::get_allocator(_root));
return true;
@@ -5123,7 +5149,6 @@ namespace pugi
if (!_root || !n._root || n._root->parent != _root) return false;
impl::destroy_node(n._root, impl::get_allocator(_root));
return true;
@@ -6145,7 +6170,6 @@ namespace std
// STL replacements
struct equal_to