 * pugixml parser - version 0.9
 * --------------------------------------------------------
 * Copyright (C) 2006-2010, by Arseny Kapoulkine (arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com)
 * Report bugs and download new versions at http://code.google.com/p/pugixml/
 * This library is distributed under the MIT License. See notice at the end
 * of this file.
 * This work is based on the pugxml parser, which is:
 * Copyright (C) 2003, by Kristen Wegner (kristen@tima.net)

#include "pugixml.hpp"

#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <assert.h>
#include <setjmp.h>
#include <wchar.h>

#	include <istream>
#	include <ostream>
#	include <string>

// For placement new
#include <new>

#ifdef _MSC_VER
#	pragma warning(disable: 4127) // conditional expression is constant
#	pragma warning(disable: 4611) // interaction between '_setjmp' and C++ object destruction is non-portable
#	pragma warning(disable: 4324) // structure was padded due to __declspec(align())
#	pragma warning(disable: 4996) // this function or variable may be unsafe

#	pragma warning(disable: 177) // function was declared but never referenced 
#	pragma warning(disable: 1478 1786) // function was declared "deprecated"

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
#	pragma warn -8008 // condition is always false
#	pragma warn -8066 // unreachable code

#ifdef __SNC__
#	pragma diag_suppress=178 // function waS declared but never referenced

// uintptr_t
#if !defined(_MSC_VER) || _MSC_VER >= 1600
#	include <stdint.h>
#	if _MSC_VER < 1300
// No native uintptr_t in MSVC6
typedef size_t uintptr_t;
#	endif
typedef unsigned __int8 uint8_t;
typedef unsigned __int16 uint16_t;
typedef unsigned __int32 uint32_t;

// Inlining controls
#if defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER >= 1300
#	define PUGIXML_NO_INLINE __declspec(noinline)
#elif defined(__GNUC__)
#	define PUGIXML_NO_INLINE __attribute__((noinline))

// Simple static assertion
#define STATIC_ASSERT(cond) { static const char condition_failed[(cond) ? 1 : -1] = {0}; (void)condition_failed[0]; }

// Memory allocation
	void* default_allocate(size_t size)
		return malloc(size);

	void default_deallocate(void* ptr)

	pugi::allocation_function global_allocate = default_allocate;
	pugi::deallocation_function global_deallocate = default_deallocate;

// String utilities prototypes
namespace pugi
	namespace impl
		size_t strlen(const char_t* s);
		bool strequalrange(const char_t* lhs, const char_t* rhs, size_t count);
		void widen_ascii(wchar_t* dest, const char* source);

// String utilities
namespace pugi
	namespace impl
		// Get string length
		size_t strlen(const char_t* s)
			return wcslen(s);
			return ::strlen(s);

		// Compare two strings
		bool PUGIXML_FUNCTION strequal(const char_t* src, const char_t* dst)
			return wcscmp(src, dst) == 0;
			return strcmp(src, dst) == 0;

		// Compare lhs with [rhs_begin, rhs_end)
		bool strequalrange(const char_t* lhs, const char_t* rhs, size_t count)
			for (size_t i = 0; i < count; ++i)
				if (lhs[i] != rhs[i])
					return false;
			return lhs[count] == 0;
		// Character set pattern match.
		static bool strequalwild_cset(const char_t** src, const char_t** dst)
			int find = 0, excl = 0, star = 0;
			if (**src == '!')
				excl = 1;
			while (**src != ']' || star == 1)
				if (find == 0)
					if (**src == '-' && *(*src-1) < *(*src+1) && *(*src+1) != ']' && star == 0)
						if (**dst >= *(*src-1) && **dst <= *(*src+1))
							find = 1;
					else if (**src == **dst) find = 1;
				star = 0;

			if (excl == 1) find = (1 - find);
			if (find == 1) ++(*dst);
			return find == 0;

		// Wildcard pattern match.
		static bool strequalwild_astr(const char_t** src, const char_t** dst)
			int find = 1;
			while ((**dst != 0 && **src == '?') || **src == '*')
				if(**src == '?') ++(*dst);
			while (**src == '*') ++(*src);
			if (**dst == 0 && **src != 0) return 0;
			if (**dst == 0 && **src == 0) return 1;
				if (!impl::strequalwild(*src,*dst))
						while(**src != **dst && **src != '[' && **dst != 0) 
					while ((**dst != 0) ? !impl::strequalwild(*src,*dst) : 0 != (find=0));
				if (**dst == 0 && **src == 0) find = 1;
				return find == 0;

		// Compare two strings, with globbing, and character sets.
		bool PUGIXML_FUNCTION strequalwild(const char_t* src, const char_t* dst)
			int find = 1;
			for(; *src != 0 && find == 1 && *dst != 0; ++src)
				switch (*src)
					case '?': ++dst; break;
					case '[': ++src; find = !strequalwild_cset(&src,&dst); break;
					case '*': find = !strequalwild_astr(&src,&dst); --src; break;
					default : find = (int) (*src == *dst); ++dst;
			while (*src == '*' && find == 1) ++src;
			return (find == 1 && *dst == 0 && *src == 0);

		// Convert string to wide string, assuming all symbols are ASCII
		void widen_ascii(wchar_t* dest, const char* source)
			for (const char* i = source; *i; ++i) *dest++ = *i;
			*dest = 0;

namespace pugi
	static const size_t xml_memory_page_size = 32768;

	static const uintptr_t xml_memory_page_alignment = 32;
	static const uintptr_t xml_memory_page_pointer_mask = ~(xml_memory_page_alignment - 1);
	static const uintptr_t xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask = 16;
	static const uintptr_t xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask = 8;
	static const uintptr_t xml_memory_page_type_mask = 7;

	struct xml_allocator;

	struct xml_memory_page
		static xml_memory_page* construct(void* memory)
			if (!memory) return 0;

			xml_memory_page* result = static_cast<xml_memory_page*>(memory);

			result->allocator = 0;
			result->memory = 0;
			result->prev = 0;
			result->next = 0;
			result->busy_size = 0;
			result->freed_size = 0;

			return result;

		xml_allocator* allocator;

		void* memory;

		xml_memory_page* prev;
		xml_memory_page* next;

		size_t busy_size;
		size_t freed_size;

		char data[1];

	struct xml_memory_string_header
		xml_memory_page* page;
		size_t full_size;

	struct xml_allocator
		xml_allocator(xml_memory_page* root): _root(root), _busy_size(root ? root->busy_size : 0)

		xml_memory_page* allocate_page(size_t data_size)
			size_t size = offsetof(xml_memory_page, data) + data_size;

			// allocate block with some alignment, leaving memory for worst-case padding
			void* memory = global_allocate(size + xml_memory_page_alignment);
			if (!memory) return 0;

			// align upwards to page boundary
			void* page_memory = reinterpret_cast<void*>((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(memory) + (xml_memory_page_alignment - 1)) & ~(xml_memory_page_alignment - 1));

			// prepare page structure
			xml_memory_page* page = xml_memory_page::construct(page_memory);

			page->memory = memory;
			page->allocator = _root->allocator;

			return page;

		static void deallocate_page(xml_memory_page* page)

		void* allocate_memory_oob(size_t size, xml_memory_page*& out_page);

		void* allocate_memory(size_t size, xml_memory_page*& out_page)
			if (_busy_size + size > xml_memory_page_size) return allocate_memory_oob(size, out_page);

			void* buf = _root->data + _busy_size;

			_busy_size += size;

			out_page = _root;

			return buf;

		void deallocate_memory(void* ptr, size_t size, xml_memory_page* page)
			assert(ptr >= page->data && ptr < page->data + xml_memory_page_size);

			if (page == _root) page->busy_size = _busy_size;

			page->freed_size += size;
			assert(page->freed_size <= page->busy_size);

			if (page->freed_size == page->busy_size)
				if (page->next == 0)
					assert(_root == page);

					// top page freed, just reset sizes
					page->busy_size = page->freed_size = 0;
					_busy_size = 0;
					assert(_root != page);

					// remove from the list
					page->prev->next = page->next;
					page->next->prev = page->prev;

					// deallocate

		char_t* allocate_string(size_t length)
			// get actual size, rounded up to pointer alignment boundary
			size_t size = ((length * sizeof(char_t)) + (sizeof(void*) - 1)) & ~(sizeof(void*) - 1);

			// allocate memory for string and header block
			size_t full_size = sizeof(xml_memory_string_header) + size;

			xml_memory_page* page;
			xml_memory_string_header* header = static_cast<xml_memory_string_header*>(allocate_memory(full_size, page));

			if (!header) return 0;

			// setup header
			header->page = page;
			header->full_size = full_size;

			return reinterpret_cast<char_t*>(header + 1);

		void deallocate_string(char_t* string)
			// get header
			xml_memory_string_header* header = reinterpret_cast<xml_memory_string_header*>(string) - 1;

			// deallocate
			deallocate_memory(header, header->full_size, header->page);

		xml_memory_page* _root;
		size_t _busy_size;

	PUGIXML_NO_INLINE void* xml_allocator::allocate_memory_oob(size_t size, xml_memory_page*& out_page)
		const size_t large_allocation_threshold = xml_memory_page_size / 4;

		xml_memory_page* page = allocate_page(size <= large_allocation_threshold ? xml_memory_page_size : size);
		if (!page) return 0;

		if (size <= large_allocation_threshold)
			_root->busy_size = _busy_size;

			// insert page at the end of linked list
			page->prev = _root;
			_root->next = page;
			_root = page;

			_busy_size = size;
			// insert page before the end of linked list, so that it is deleted as soon as possible
			// the last page is not deleted even if it's empty (see deallocate_memory)

			page->prev = _root->prev;
			page->next = _root;

			_root->prev->next = page;
			_root->prev = page;

		// allocate inside page
		page->busy_size = size;

		out_page = page;
		return page->data;

	/// A 'name=value' XML attribute structure.
	struct xml_attribute_struct
		/// Default ctor
		xml_attribute_struct(xml_memory_page* page): header(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(page)), name(0), value(0), prev_attribute_c(0), next_attribute(0)

		uintptr_t header;

		char_t* name;	///< Pointer to attribute name.
		char_t*	value;	///< Pointer to attribute value.

		xml_attribute_struct* prev_attribute_c;	///< Previous attribute (cyclic list)
		xml_attribute_struct* next_attribute;	///< Next attribute

	/// An XML document tree node.
	struct xml_node_struct
		/// Default ctor
		/// \param type - node type
		xml_node_struct(xml_memory_page* page, xml_node_type type): header(reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(page) | type), parent(0), name(0), value(0), first_child(0), prev_sibling_c(0), next_sibling(0), first_attribute(0)

		uintptr_t header;

		xml_node_struct*		parent;					///< Pointer to parent

		char_t*					name;					///< Pointer to element name.
		char_t*					value;					///< Pointer to any associated string data.

		xml_node_struct*		first_child;			///< First child
		xml_node_struct*		prev_sibling_c;			///< Left brother (cyclic list)
		xml_node_struct*		next_sibling;			///< Right brother
		xml_attribute_struct*	first_attribute;		///< First attribute

	struct xml_document_struct: public xml_node_struct, public xml_allocator
		xml_document_struct(xml_memory_page* page): xml_node_struct(page, node_document), xml_allocator(page), buffer(0)

		const char_t* buffer;

	inline xml_allocator& get_allocator(const xml_node_struct* node)

		return *reinterpret_cast<xml_memory_page*>(node->header & xml_memory_page_pointer_mask)->allocator;

// Low-level DOM operations
	using namespace pugi;

	inline xml_attribute_struct* allocate_attribute(xml_allocator& alloc)
		xml_memory_page* page;
		void* memory = alloc.allocate_memory(sizeof(xml_attribute_struct), page);

		return new (memory) xml_attribute_struct(page);

	inline xml_node_struct* allocate_node(xml_allocator& alloc, xml_node_type type)
		xml_memory_page* page;
		void* memory = alloc.allocate_memory(sizeof(xml_node_struct), page);

		return new (memory) xml_node_struct(page, type);

	inline void destroy_attribute(xml_attribute_struct* a, xml_allocator& alloc)
		uintptr_t header = a->header;

		if (header & xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask) alloc.deallocate_string(a->name);
		if (header & xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask) alloc.deallocate_string(a->value);

		alloc.deallocate_memory(a, sizeof(xml_attribute_struct), reinterpret_cast<xml_memory_page*>(header & xml_memory_page_pointer_mask));

	inline void destroy_node(xml_node_struct* n, xml_allocator& alloc)
		uintptr_t header = n->header;

		if (header & xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask) alloc.deallocate_string(n->name);
		if (header & xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask) alloc.deallocate_string(n->value);

		for (xml_attribute_struct* attr = n->first_attribute; attr; )
			xml_attribute_struct* next = attr->next_attribute;

			destroy_attribute(attr, alloc);

			attr = next;

		for (xml_node_struct* child = n->first_child; child; )
			xml_node_struct* next = child->next_sibling;

			destroy_node(child, alloc);

			child = next;

		alloc.deallocate_memory(n, sizeof(xml_node_struct), reinterpret_cast<xml_memory_page*>(header & xml_memory_page_pointer_mask));

	PUGIXML_NO_INLINE xml_node_struct* append_node(xml_node_struct* node, xml_allocator& alloc, xml_node_type type = node_element)
		xml_node_struct* child = allocate_node(alloc, type);
		if (!child) return 0;

		child->parent = node;

		xml_node_struct* first_child = node->first_child;
		if (first_child)
			xml_node_struct* last_child = first_child->prev_sibling_c;

			last_child->next_sibling = child;
			child->prev_sibling_c = last_child;
			first_child->prev_sibling_c = child;
			node->first_child = child;
			child->prev_sibling_c = child;
		return child;

	PUGIXML_NO_INLINE xml_attribute_struct* append_attribute_ll(xml_node_struct* node, xml_allocator& alloc)
		xml_attribute_struct* a = allocate_attribute(alloc);
		if (!a) return 0;

		xml_attribute_struct* first_attribute = node->first_attribute;

		if (first_attribute)
			xml_attribute_struct* last_attribute = first_attribute->prev_attribute_c;

			last_attribute->next_attribute = a;
			a->prev_attribute_c = last_attribute;
			first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a;
			node->first_attribute = a;
			a->prev_attribute_c = a;
		return a;

// Helper classes for code generation
	struct opt_false
		enum { value = 0 };

	struct opt_true
		enum { value = 1 };

// Unicode utilities
	inline uint16_t endian_swap(uint16_t value)
		return static_cast<uint16_t>(((value & 0xff) << 8) | (value >> 8));

	inline uint32_t endian_swap(uint32_t value)
		return ((value & 0xff) << 24) | ((value & 0xff00) << 8) | ((value & 0xff0000) >> 8) | (value >> 24);

	struct utf8_counter
		typedef size_t value_type;

		static value_type low(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			// U+0000..U+007F
			if (ch < 0x80) return result + 1;
			// U+0080..U+07FF
			else if (ch < 0x800) return result + 2;
			// U+0800..U+FFFF
			else return result + 3;

		static value_type high(value_type result, uint32_t)
			// U+10000..U+10FFFF
			return result + 4;

	struct utf8_writer
		typedef uint8_t* value_type;

		static value_type low(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			// U+0000..U+007F
			if (ch < 0x80)
				*result = static_cast<uint8_t>(ch);
				return result + 1;
			// U+0080..U+07FF
			else if (ch < 0x800)
				result[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0xC0 | (ch >> 6));
				result[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0x80 | (ch & 0x3F));
				return result + 2;
			// U+0800..U+FFFF
				result[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0xE0 | (ch >> 12));
				result[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0x80 | ((ch >> 6) & 0x3F));
				result[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0x80 | (ch & 0x3F));
				return result + 3;

		static value_type high(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			// U+10000..U+10FFFF
			result[0] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0xF0 | (ch >> 18));
			result[1] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0x80 | ((ch >> 12) & 0x3F));
			result[2] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0x80 | ((ch >> 6) & 0x3F));
			result[3] = static_cast<uint8_t>(0x80 | (ch & 0x3F));
			return result + 4;

		static value_type any(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			return (ch < 0x10000) ? low(result, ch) : high(result, ch);

	struct utf16_counter
		typedef size_t value_type;

		static value_type low(value_type result, uint32_t)
			return result + 1;

		static value_type high(value_type result, uint32_t)
			return result + 2;

	struct utf16_writer
		typedef uint16_t* value_type;

		static value_type low(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			*result = static_cast<uint16_t>(ch);

			return result + 1;

		static value_type high(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			uint32_t msh = (uint32_t)(ch - 0x10000) >> 10;
			uint32_t lsh = (uint32_t)(ch - 0x10000) & 0x3ff;

			result[0] = static_cast<uint16_t>(0xD800 + msh);
			result[1] = static_cast<uint16_t>(0xDC00 + lsh);

			return result + 2;

		static value_type any(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			return (ch < 0x10000) ? low(result, ch) : high(result, ch);

	struct utf32_counter
		typedef size_t value_type;

		static value_type low(value_type result, uint32_t)
			return result + 1;

		static value_type high(value_type result, uint32_t)
			return result + 1;

	struct utf32_writer
		typedef uint32_t* value_type;

		static value_type low(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			*result = ch;

			return result + 1;

		static value_type high(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			*result = ch;

			return result + 1;

		static value_type any(value_type result, uint32_t ch)
			*result = ch;

			return result + 1;

	template <size_t size> struct wchar_selector;

	template <> struct wchar_selector<2>
		typedef uint16_t type;
		typedef utf16_counter counter;
		typedef utf16_writer writer;

	template <> struct wchar_selector<4>
		typedef uint32_t type;
		typedef utf32_counter counter;
		typedef utf32_writer writer;

	typedef wchar_selector<sizeof(wchar_t)>::counter wchar_counter;
	typedef wchar_selector<sizeof(wchar_t)>::writer wchar_writer;

	template <typename Traits, typename opt_swap = opt_false> struct utf_decoder
		static inline typename Traits::value_type decode_utf8_block(const uint8_t* data, size_t size, typename Traits::value_type result)
			const uint8_t utf8_byte_mask = 0x3f;

			while (size)
				uint8_t lead = *data;

				// 0xxxxxxx -> U+0000..U+007F
				if (lead < 0x80)
					result = Traits::low(result, lead);
					data += 1;
					size -= 1;

					// process aligned single-byte (ascii) blocks
					if ((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(data) & 3) == 0)
						while (size >= 4 && (*reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(data) & 0x80808080) == 0)
							result = Traits::low(result, data[0]);
							result = Traits::low(result, data[1]);
							result = Traits::low(result, data[2]);
							result = Traits::low(result, data[3]);
							data += 4;
							size -= 4;
				// 110xxxxx -> U+0080..U+07FF
				else if ((unsigned)(lead - 0xC0) < 0x20 && size >= 2 && (data[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80)
					result = Traits::low(result, ((lead & ~0xC0) << 6) | (data[1] & utf8_byte_mask));
					data += 2;
					size -= 2;
				// 1110xxxx -> U+0800-U+FFFF
				else if ((unsigned)(lead - 0xE0) < 0x10 && size >= 3 && (data[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (data[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80)
					result = Traits::low(result, ((lead & ~0xE0) << 12) | ((data[1] & utf8_byte_mask) << 6) | (data[2] & utf8_byte_mask));
					data += 3;
					size -= 3;
				// 11110xxx -> U+10000..U+10FFFF
				else if ((unsigned)(lead - 0xF0) < 0x08 && size >= 4 && (data[1] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (data[2] & 0xc0) == 0x80 && (data[3] & 0xc0) == 0x80)
					result = Traits::high(result, ((lead & ~0xF0) << 18) | ((data[1] & utf8_byte_mask) << 12) | ((data[2] & utf8_byte_mask) << 6) | (data[3] & utf8_byte_mask));
					data += 4;
					size -= 4;
				// 10xxxxxx or 11111xxx -> invalid
					data += 1;
					size -= 1;

			return result;

		static inline typename Traits::value_type decode_utf16_block(const uint16_t* data, size_t size, typename Traits::value_type result)
			const uint16_t* end = data + size;

			while (data < end)
				uint16_t lead = opt_swap::value ? endian_swap(*data) : *data;

				// U+0000..U+D7FF
				if (lead < 0xD800)
					result = Traits::low(result, lead);
					data += 1;
				// U+E000..U+FFFF
				else if ((unsigned)(lead - 0xE000) < 0x2000)
					result = Traits::low(result, lead);
					data += 1;
				// surrogate pair lead
				else if ((unsigned)(lead - 0xD800) < 0x400 && data + 1 < end)
					uint16_t next = opt_swap::value ? endian_swap(data[1]) : data[1];

					if ((unsigned)(next - 0xDC00) < 0x400)
						result = Traits::high(result, 0x10000 + ((lead & 0x3ff) << 10) + (next & 0x3ff));
						data += 2;
						data += 1;
					data += 1;

			return result;

		static inline typename Traits::value_type decode_utf32_block(const uint32_t* data, size_t size, typename Traits::value_type result)
			const uint32_t* end = data + size;

			while (data < end)
				uint32_t lead = opt_swap::value ? endian_swap(*data) : *data;

				// U+0000..U+FFFF
				if (lead < 0x10000)
					result = Traits::low(result, lead);
					data += 1;
				// U+10000..U+10FFFF
					result = Traits::high(result, lead);
					data += 1;

			return result;

	template <typename T> inline void convert_utf_endian_swap(T* result, const T* data, size_t length)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) result[i] = endian_swap(data[i]);

	inline void convert_wchar_endian_swap(wchar_t* result, const wchar_t* data, size_t length)
		for (size_t i = 0; i < length; ++i) result[i] = static_cast<wchar_t>(endian_swap(static_cast<wchar_selector<sizeof(wchar_t)>::type>(data[i])));

	enum chartype_t
		ct_parse_pcdata = 1,	// \0, &, \r, <
		ct_parse_attr = 2,		// \0, &, \r, ', "
		ct_parse_attr_ws = 4,	// \0, &, \r, ', ", \n, tab
		ct_space = 8,			// \r, \n, space, tab
		ct_parse_cdata = 16,	// \0, ], >, \r
		ct_parse_comment = 32,	// \0, -, >, \r
		ct_symbol = 64,			// Any symbol > 127, a-z, A-Z, 0-9, _, :, -, .
		ct_start_symbol = 128	// Any symbol > 127, a-z, A-Z, _, :

	const unsigned char chartype_table[256] =
		55,  0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,      0,   12,  12,  0,   0,   63,  0,   0,   // 0-15
		0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   // 16-31
		8,   0,   6,   0,   0,   0,   7,   6,      0,   0,   0,   0,   0,   96,  64,  0,   // 32-47
		64,  64,  64,  64,  64,  64,  64,  64,     64,  64,  192, 0,   1,   0,   48,  0,   // 48-63
		0,   192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, // 64-79
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 0,   0,   16,  0,   192, // 80-95
		0,   192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, // 96-111
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,           // 112-127

		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, // 128+
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,
		192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192,    192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192, 192

	#define IS_CHARTYPE(c, ct) ((static_cast<unsigned int>(c) < 128 ? chartype_table[static_cast<unsigned int>(c)] : chartype_table[128]) & (ct))
	#define IS_CHARTYPE(c, ct) (chartype_table[static_cast<unsigned char>(c)] & (ct))

	enum output_chartype_t
		oct_special_pcdata = 1,   // Any symbol >= 0 and < 32 (except \t, \r, \n), &, <, >
		oct_special_attr = 2      // Any symbol >= 0 and < 32 (except \t), &, <, >, "

	const unsigned char output_chartype_table[256] =
		3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,    3, 0, 2, 3, 3, 2, 3, 3,  // 0-15
		3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,    3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3, 3,  // 16-31
		0, 0, 2, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 32-47
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 3, 0, 3, 0,  // 48-63

		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 64-128
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,

		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,  // 128+
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,    0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
	#define IS_OUTPUT_CHARTYPE(c, ct) ((static_cast<unsigned int>(c) < 128 ? output_chartype_table[static_cast<unsigned int>(c)] : output_chartype_table[128]) & (ct))
	#define IS_OUTPUT_CHARTYPE(c, ct) (output_chartype_table[static_cast<unsigned char>(c)] & (ct))

	bool is_little_endian()
		unsigned int ui = 1;

		return *reinterpret_cast<unsigned char*>(&ui) == 1;

	xml_encoding get_wchar_encoding()
		STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 || sizeof(wchar_t) == 4);

		if (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2)
			return is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf16_le : encoding_utf16_be;
			return is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf32_le : encoding_utf32_be;

	xml_encoding guess_buffer_encoding(uint8_t d0, uint8_t d1, uint8_t d2, uint8_t d3)
		// look for BOM in first few bytes
		if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0xfe && d3 == 0xff) return encoding_utf32_be;
		if (d0 == 0xff && d1 == 0xfe && d2 == 0 && d3 == 0) return encoding_utf32_le;
		if (d0 == 0xfe && d1 == 0xff) return encoding_utf16_be;
		if (d0 == 0xff && d1 == 0xfe) return encoding_utf16_le;
		if (d0 == 0xef && d1 == 0xbb && d2 == 0xbf) return encoding_utf8;

		// look for <, <? or <?xm in various encodings
		if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0 && d3 == 0x3c) return encoding_utf32_be;
		if (d0 == 0x3c && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0 && d3 == 0) return encoding_utf32_le;
		if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0x3c && d2 == 0 && d3 == 0x3f) return encoding_utf16_be;
		if (d0 == 0x3c && d1 == 0 && d2 == 0x3f && d3 == 0) return encoding_utf16_le;
		if (d0 == 0x3c && d1 == 0x3f && d2 == 0x78 && d3 == 0x6d) return encoding_utf8;

		// look for utf16 < followed by node name (this may fail, but is better than utf8 since it's zero terminated so early)
		if (d0 == 0 && d1 == 0x3c) return encoding_utf16_be;
		if (d0 == 0x3c && d1 == 0) return encoding_utf16_le;

		// no known BOM detected, assume utf8
		return encoding_utf8;

	xml_encoding get_buffer_encoding(xml_encoding encoding, const void* contents, size_t size)
		// replace wchar encoding with utf implementation
		if (encoding == encoding_wchar) return get_wchar_encoding();

		// replace utf16 encoding with utf16 with specific endianness
		if (encoding == encoding_utf16) return is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf16_le : encoding_utf16_be;

		// replace utf32 encoding with utf32 with specific endianness
		if (encoding == encoding_utf32) return is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf32_le : encoding_utf32_be;

		// only do autodetection if no explicit encoding is requested
		if (encoding != encoding_auto) return encoding;

		// skip encoding autodetection if input buffer is too small
		if (size < 4) return encoding_utf8;

		// try to guess encoding (based on XML specification, Appendix F.1)
		const uint8_t* data = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(contents);

		return guess_buffer_encoding(data[0], data[1], data[2], data[3]);

	bool get_mutable_buffer(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, const void* contents, size_t size, bool is_mutable)
		if (is_mutable)
			out_buffer = static_cast<char_t*>(const_cast<void*>(contents));
			void* buffer = global_allocate(size > 0 ? size : 1);
			if (!buffer) return false;

			memcpy(buffer, contents, size);

			out_buffer = static_cast<char_t*>(buffer);

		out_length = size / sizeof(char_t);

		return true;

	inline bool need_endian_swap_utf(xml_encoding le, xml_encoding re)
		return (le == encoding_utf16_be && re == encoding_utf16_le) || (le == encoding_utf16_le && re == encoding_utf16_be) ||
		       (le == encoding_utf32_be && re == encoding_utf32_le) || (le == encoding_utf32_le && re == encoding_utf32_be);

	bool convert_buffer_endian_swap(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, const void* contents, size_t size, bool is_mutable)
		const char_t* data = static_cast<const char_t*>(contents);
		if (is_mutable)
			out_buffer = const_cast<char_t*>(data);
			out_buffer = static_cast<char_t*>(global_allocate(size > 0 ? size : 1));
			if (!out_buffer) return false;

		out_length = size / sizeof(char_t);

		convert_wchar_endian_swap(out_buffer, data, out_length);

		return true;

	bool convert_buffer_utf8(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, const void* contents, size_t size)
		const uint8_t* data = static_cast<const uint8_t*>(contents);

		// first pass: get length in wchar_t units
		out_length = utf_decoder<wchar_counter>::decode_utf8_block(data, size, 0);

		// allocate buffer of suitable length
		out_buffer = static_cast<char_t*>(global_allocate((out_length > 0 ? out_length : 1) * sizeof(char_t)));
		if (!out_buffer) return false;

		// second pass: convert utf8 input to wchar_t
		wchar_writer::value_type out_begin = reinterpret_cast<wchar_writer::value_type>(out_buffer);
		wchar_writer::value_type out_end = utf_decoder<wchar_writer>::decode_utf8_block(data, size, out_begin);

		assert(out_end == out_begin + out_length);

		return true;

	template <typename opt_swap> bool convert_buffer_utf16(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, const void* contents, size_t size, opt_swap)
		const uint16_t* data = static_cast<const uint16_t*>(contents);
		size_t length = size / sizeof(uint16_t);

		// first pass: get length in wchar_t units
		out_length = utf_decoder<wchar_counter, opt_swap>::decode_utf16_block(data, length, 0);

		// allocate buffer of suitable length
		out_buffer = static_cast<char_t*>(global_allocate((out_length > 0 ? out_length : 1) * sizeof(char_t)));
		if (!out_buffer) return false;

		// second pass: convert utf16 input to wchar_t
		wchar_writer::value_type out_begin = reinterpret_cast<wchar_writer::value_type>(out_buffer);
		wchar_writer::value_type out_end = utf_decoder<wchar_writer, opt_swap>::decode_utf16_block(data, length, out_begin);

		assert(out_end == out_begin + out_length);

		return true;

	template <typename opt_swap> bool convert_buffer_utf32(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, const void* contents, size_t size, opt_swap)
		const uint32_t* data = static_cast<const uint32_t*>(contents);
		size_t length = size / sizeof(uint32_t);

		// first pass: get length in wchar_t units
		out_length = utf_decoder<wchar_counter, opt_swap>::decode_utf32_block(data, length, 0);

		// allocate buffer of suitable length
		out_buffer = static_cast<char_t*>(global_allocate((out_length > 0 ? out_length : 1) * sizeof(char_t)));
		if (!out_buffer) return false;

		// second pass: convert utf32 input to wchar_t
		wchar_writer::value_type out_begin = reinterpret_cast<wchar_writer::value_type>(out_buffer);
		wchar_writer::value_type out_end = utf_decoder<wchar_writer, opt_swap>::decode_utf32_block(data, length, out_begin);

		assert(out_end == out_begin + out_length);

		return true;

	bool convert_buffer(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, xml_encoding encoding, const void* contents, size_t size, bool is_mutable)
		// get native encoding
		xml_encoding wchar_encoding = get_wchar_encoding();

		// fast path: no conversion required
		if (encoding == wchar_encoding) return get_mutable_buffer(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, is_mutable);

		// only endian-swapping is required
		if (need_endian_swap_utf(encoding, wchar_encoding)) return convert_buffer_endian_swap(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, is_mutable);

		// source encoding is utf8
		if (encoding == encoding_utf8) return convert_buffer_utf8(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size);

		// source encoding is utf16
		if (encoding == encoding_utf16_be || encoding == encoding_utf16_le)
			xml_encoding native_encoding = is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf16_le : encoding_utf16_be;

			return (native_encoding == encoding) ?
				convert_buffer_utf16(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, opt_false()) :
				convert_buffer_utf16(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, opt_true());

		// source encoding is utf32
		if (encoding == encoding_utf32_be || encoding == encoding_utf32_le)
			xml_encoding native_encoding = is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf32_le : encoding_utf32_be;

			return (native_encoding == encoding) ?
				convert_buffer_utf32(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, opt_false()) :
				convert_buffer_utf32(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, opt_true());

		// invalid encoding combination (this can't happen)

		return false;
	template <typename opt_swap> bool convert_buffer_utf16(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, const void* contents, size_t size, opt_swap)
		const uint16_t* data = static_cast<const uint16_t*>(contents);
		size_t length = size / sizeof(uint16_t);

		// first pass: get length in utf8 units
		out_length = utf_decoder<utf8_counter, opt_swap>::decode_utf16_block(data, length, 0);

		// allocate buffer of suitable length
		out_buffer = static_cast<char_t*>(global_allocate((out_length > 0 ? out_length : 1) * sizeof(char_t)));
		if (!out_buffer) return false;

		// second pass: convert utf16 input to utf8
		uint8_t* out_begin = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(out_buffer);
		uint8_t* out_end = utf_decoder<utf8_writer, opt_swap>::decode_utf16_block(data, length, out_begin);

		assert(out_end == out_begin + out_length);

		return true;

	template <typename opt_swap> bool convert_buffer_utf32(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, const void* contents, size_t size, opt_swap)
		const uint32_t* data = static_cast<const uint32_t*>(contents);
		size_t length = size / sizeof(uint32_t);

		// first pass: get length in utf8 units
		out_length = utf_decoder<utf8_counter, opt_swap>::decode_utf32_block(data, length, 0);

		// allocate buffer of suitable length
		out_buffer = static_cast<char_t*>(global_allocate((out_length > 0 ? out_length : 1) * sizeof(char_t)));
		if (!out_buffer) return false;

		// second pass: convert utf32 input to utf8
		uint8_t* out_begin = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(out_buffer);
		uint8_t* out_end = utf_decoder<utf8_writer, opt_swap>::decode_utf32_block(data, length, out_begin);

		assert(out_end == out_begin + out_length);

		return true;

	bool convert_buffer(char_t*& out_buffer, size_t& out_length, xml_encoding encoding, const void* contents, size_t size, bool is_mutable)
		// fast path: no conversion required
		if (encoding == encoding_utf8) return get_mutable_buffer(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, is_mutable);

		// source encoding is utf16
		if (encoding == encoding_utf16_be || encoding == encoding_utf16_le)
			xml_encoding native_encoding = is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf16_le : encoding_utf16_be;

			return (native_encoding == encoding) ?
				convert_buffer_utf16(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, opt_false()) :
				convert_buffer_utf16(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, opt_true());

		// source encoding is utf32
		if (encoding == encoding_utf32_be || encoding == encoding_utf32_le)
			xml_encoding native_encoding = is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf32_le : encoding_utf32_be;

			return (native_encoding == encoding) ?
				convert_buffer_utf32(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, opt_false()) :
				convert_buffer_utf32(out_buffer, out_length, contents, size, opt_true());

		// invalid encoding combination (this can't happen)

		return false;

	bool strcpy_insitu(char_t*& dest, uintptr_t& header, uintptr_t header_mask, const char_t* source)
		size_t source_length = impl::strlen(source);

		if (dest && impl::strlen(dest) >= source_length)
			memcpy(dest, source, (source_length + 1) * sizeof(char_t));
			return true;
			xml_allocator* alloc = reinterpret_cast<xml_memory_page*>(header & xml_memory_page_pointer_mask)->allocator;

			char_t* buf = alloc->allocate_string(source_length + 1);
			if (!buf) return false;

			memcpy(buf, source, (source_length + 1) * sizeof(char_t));

			if (header & header_mask) alloc->deallocate_string(dest);
			dest = buf;
			header |= header_mask;

			return true;

	struct gap
		char_t* end;
		size_t size;
		gap(): end(0), size(0)
		// Push new gap, move s count bytes further (skipping the gap).
		// Collapse previous gap.
		void push(char_t*& s, size_t count)
			if (end) // there was a gap already; collapse it
				// Move [old_gap_end, new_gap_start) to [old_gap_start, ...)
				memmove(end - size, end, reinterpret_cast<char*>(s) - reinterpret_cast<char*>(end));
			s += count; // end of current gap
			// "merge" two gaps
			end = s;
			size += count;
		// Collapse all gaps, return past-the-end pointer
		char_t* flush(char_t* s)
			if (end)
				// Move [old_gap_end, current_pos) to [old_gap_start, ...)
				memmove(end - size, end, reinterpret_cast<char*>(s) - reinterpret_cast<char*>(end));

				return s - size;
			else return s;
	char_t* strconv_escape(char_t* s, gap& g)
		char_t* stre = s + 1;

		switch (*stre)
			case '#':	// &#...
				unsigned int ucsc = 0;

				if (stre[1] == 'x') // &#x... (hex code)
					stre += 2;

					char_t ch = *stre;

					if (ch == ';') return stre;

					for (;;)
						if (static_cast<unsigned int>(ch - '0') <= 9)
							ucsc = 16 * ucsc + (ch - '0');
						else if (static_cast<unsigned int>((ch | ' ') - 'a') <= 5)
							ucsc = 16 * ucsc + ((ch | ' ') - 'a' + 10);
						else if (ch == ';')
						else // cancel
							return stre;

						ch = *++stre;
				else	// &#... (dec code)
					char_t ch = *++stre;

					if (ch == ';') return stre;

					for (;;)
						if (static_cast<unsigned int>(ch - '0') <= 9)
							ucsc = 10 * ucsc + (ch - '0');
						else if (ch == ';')
						else // cancel
							return stre;

						ch = *++stre;

				s = reinterpret_cast<char_t*>(wchar_writer::any(reinterpret_cast<wchar_writer::value_type>(s), ucsc));
				s = reinterpret_cast<char_t*>(utf8_writer::any(reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(s), ucsc));
				g.push(s, stre - s);
				return stre;
			case 'a':	// &a

				if (*stre == 'm') // &am
					if (*++stre == 'p' && *++stre == ';') // &amp;
						*s++ = '&';
						g.push(s, stre - s);
						return stre;
				else if (*stre == 'p') // &ap
					if (*++stre == 'o' && *++stre == 's' && *++stre == ';') // &apos;
						*s++ = '\'';

						g.push(s, stre - s);
						return stre;
			case 'g': // &g
				if (*++stre == 't' && *++stre == ';') // &gt;
					*s++ = '>';
					g.push(s, stre - s);
					return stre;
			case 'l': // &l
				if (*++stre == 't' && *++stre == ';') // &lt;
					*s++ = '<';
					g.push(s, stre - s);
					return stre;
			case 'q': // &q
				if (*++stre == 'u' && *++stre == 'o' && *++stre == 't' && *++stre == ';') // &quot;
					*s++ = '"';
					g.push(s, stre - s);
					return stre;
		return stre;

	// Utility macro for last character handling
	#define ENDSWITH(c, e) ((c) == (e) || ((c) == 0 && endch == (e)))

	char_t* strconv_comment(char_t* s, char_t endch)
		gap g;
		while (true)
			while (!IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_parse_comment)) ++s;
			if (*s == '\r') // Either a single 0x0d or 0x0d 0x0a pair
				*s++ = '\n'; // replace first one with 0x0a
				if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
			else if (s[0] == '-' && s[1] == '-' && ENDSWITH(s[2], '>')) // comment ends here
				*g.flush(s) = 0;
				return s + (s[2] == '>' ? 3 : 2);
			else if (*s == 0)
				return 0;
			else ++s;

	char_t* strconv_cdata(char_t* s, char_t endch)
		gap g;
		while (true)
			while (!IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_parse_cdata)) ++s;
			if (*s == '\r') // Either a single 0x0d or 0x0d 0x0a pair
				*s++ = '\n'; // replace first one with 0x0a
				if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
			else if (s[0] == ']' && s[1] == ']' && ENDSWITH(s[2], '>')) // CDATA ends here
				*g.flush(s) = 0;
				return s + 1;
			else if (*s == 0)
				return 0;
			else ++s;
	typedef char_t* (*strconv_pcdata_t)(char_t*);
	template <typename opt_eol, typename opt_escape> struct strconv_pcdata_impl
		static char_t* parse(char_t* s)
			gap g;
			while (true)
				while (!IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_parse_pcdata)) ++s;
				if (*s == '<') // PCDATA ends here
					*g.flush(s) = 0;
					return s + 1;
				else if (opt_eol::value && *s == '\r') // Either a single 0x0d or 0x0d 0x0a pair
					*s++ = '\n'; // replace first one with 0x0a
					if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
				else if (opt_escape::value && *s == '&')
					s = strconv_escape(s, g);
				else if (*s == 0)
					return s;
				else ++s;
	strconv_pcdata_t get_strconv_pcdata(unsigned int optmask)
		STATIC_ASSERT(parse_escapes == 0x10 && parse_eol == 0x20);

		switch ((optmask >> 4) & 3) // get bitmask for flags (eol escapes)
		case 0: return strconv_pcdata_impl<opt_false, opt_false>::parse;
		case 1: return strconv_pcdata_impl<opt_false, opt_true>::parse;
		case 2: return strconv_pcdata_impl<opt_true, opt_false>::parse;
		case 3: return strconv_pcdata_impl<opt_true, opt_true>::parse;
		default: return 0; // should not get here

	typedef char_t* (*strconv_attribute_t)(char_t*, char_t);
	template <typename opt_escape> struct strconv_attribute_impl
		static char_t* parse_wnorm(char_t* s, char_t end_quote)
			gap g;

			// trim leading whitespaces
			if (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_space))
				char_t* str = s;
				do ++str;
				while (IS_CHARTYPE(*str, ct_space));
				g.push(s, str - s);

			while (true)
				while (!IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_parse_attr_ws | ct_space)) ++s;
				if (*s == end_quote)
					char_t* str = g.flush(s);
					do *str-- = 0;
					while (IS_CHARTYPE(*str, ct_space));
					return s + 1;
				else if (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_space))
					*s++ = ' ';
					if (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_space))
						char_t* str = s + 1;
						while (IS_CHARTYPE(*str, ct_space)) ++str;
						g.push(s, str - s);
				else if (opt_escape::value && *s == '&')
					s = strconv_escape(s, g);
				else if (!*s)
					return 0;
				else ++s;

		static char_t* parse_wconv(char_t* s, char_t end_quote)
			gap g;

			while (true)
				while (!IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_parse_attr_ws)) ++s;
				if (*s == end_quote)
					*g.flush(s) = 0;
					return s + 1;
				else if (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_space))
					if (*s == '\r')
						*s++ = ' ';
						if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
					else *s++ = ' ';
				else if (opt_escape::value && *s == '&')
					s = strconv_escape(s, g);
				else if (!*s)
					return 0;
				else ++s;

		static char_t* parse_eol(char_t* s, char_t end_quote)
			gap g;

			while (true)
				while (!IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_parse_attr)) ++s;
				if (*s == end_quote)
					*g.flush(s) = 0;
					return s + 1;
				else if (*s == '\r')
					*s++ = '\n';
					if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
				else if (opt_escape::value && *s == '&')
					s = strconv_escape(s, g);
				else if (!*s)
					return 0;
				else ++s;

		static char_t* parse_simple(char_t* s, char_t end_quote)
			gap g;

			while (true)
				while (!IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_parse_attr)) ++s;
				if (*s == end_quote)
					*g.flush(s) = 0;
					return s + 1;
				else if (opt_escape::value && *s == '&')
					s = strconv_escape(s, g);
				else if (!*s)
					return 0;
				else ++s;

	strconv_attribute_t get_strconv_attribute(unsigned int optmask)
		STATIC_ASSERT(parse_escapes == 0x10 && parse_eol == 0x20 && parse_wconv_attribute == 0x40 && parse_wnorm_attribute == 0x80);
		switch ((optmask >> 4) & 15) // get bitmask for flags (wconv wnorm eol escapes)
		case 0:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_false>::parse_simple;
		case 1:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_true>::parse_simple;
		case 2:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_false>::parse_eol;
		case 3:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_true>::parse_eol;
		case 4:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_false>::parse_wconv;
		case 5:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_true>::parse_wconv;
		case 6:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_false>::parse_wconv;
		case 7:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_true>::parse_wconv;
		case 8:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_false>::parse_wnorm;
		case 9:  return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_true>::parse_wnorm;
		case 10: return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_false>::parse_wnorm;
		case 11: return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_true>::parse_wnorm;
		case 12: return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_false>::parse_wnorm;
		case 13: return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_true>::parse_wnorm;
		case 14: return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_false>::parse_wnorm;
		case 15: return strconv_attribute_impl<opt_true>::parse_wnorm;
		default: return 0; // should not get here

	inline xml_parse_result make_parse_result(xml_parse_status status, ptrdiff_t offset = 0)
		xml_parse_result result = {status, offset, encoding_auto};
		return result;

	struct xml_parser
		xml_allocator alloc;
		char_t* error_offset;
		jmp_buf error_handler;
		// Parser utilities.
		#define SKIPWS()			{ while (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_space)) ++s; }
		#define OPTSET(OPT)			( optmsk & OPT )
		#define PUSHNODE(TYPE)		{ cursor = append_node(cursor, alloc, TYPE); if (!cursor) longjmp(error_handler, status_out_of_memory); }
		#define POPNODE()			{ cursor = cursor->parent; }
		#define SCANFOR(X)			{ while (*s != 0 && !(X)) ++s; }
		#define SCANWHILE(X)		{ while ((X)) ++s; }
		#define ENDSEG()			{ ch = *s; *s = 0; ++s; }
		#define THROW_ERROR(err, m)	error_offset = m, longjmp(error_handler, err)
		#define CHECK_ERROR(err, m)	{ if (*s == 0) THROW_ERROR(err, m); }
		xml_parser(const xml_allocator& alloc): alloc(alloc), error_offset(0)

		// DOCTYPE consists of nested sections of the following possible types:
		// <!-- ... -->, <? ... ?>, "...", '...'
		// <![...]]>
		// <!...>
		// First group can not contain nested groups
		// Second group can contain nested groups of the same type
		// Third group can contain all other groups
		void parse_doctype_primitive(char_t*& s)
			if (*s == '"' || *s == '\'')
				// quoted string
				char_t ch = *s++;
				SCANFOR(*s == ch);
				if (!*s) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_doctype, s);

			else if (s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '?')
				// <? ... ?>
				s += 2;
				SCANFOR(s[0] == '?' && s[1] == '>'); // no need for ENDSWITH because ?> can't terminate proper doctype
				if (!*s) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_doctype, s);

				s += 2;
			else if (s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '!' && s[2] == '-' && s[3] == '-')
				s += 4;
				SCANFOR(s[0] == '-' && s[1] == '-' && s[2] == '>'); // no need for ENDSWITH because --> can't terminate proper doctype
				if (!*s) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_doctype, s);

				s += 4;
			else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_doctype, s);

		void parse_doctype_ignore(char_t*& s)
			assert(s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '!' && s[2] == '[');

			while (*s)
				if (s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '!' && s[2] == '[')
					// nested ignore section
				else if (s[0] == ']' && s[1] == ']' && s[2] == '>')
					// ignore section end
					s += 3;

				else s++;

			THROW_ERROR(status_bad_doctype, s);

		void parse_doctype(char_t*& s, char_t endch, bool toplevel)
			assert(s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '!');

			while (*s)
				if (s[0] == '<' && s[1] == '!' && s[2] != '-')
					if (s[2] == '[')
						// ignore
						// some control group
						parse_doctype(s, endch, false);
				else if (s[0] == '<' || s[0] == '"' || s[0] == '\'')
					// unknown tag (forbidden), or some primitive group
				else if (*s == '>')

				else s++;

			if (!toplevel || endch != '>') THROW_ERROR(status_bad_doctype, s);

		void parse_exclamation(char_t*& ref_s, xml_node_struct* cursor, unsigned int optmsk, char_t endch)
			// load into registers
			char_t* s = ref_s;

			// parse node contents, starting with exclamation mark

			if (*s == '-') // '<!-...'

				if (*s == '-') // '<!--...'

					if (OPTSET(parse_comments))
						PUSHNODE(node_comment); // Append a new node on the tree.
						cursor->value = s; // Save the offset.

					if (OPTSET(parse_eol) && OPTSET(parse_comments))
						s = strconv_comment(s, endch);

						if (!s) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_comment, cursor->value);
						// Scan for terminating '-->'.
						SCANFOR(s[0] == '-' && s[1] == '-' && ENDSWITH(s[2], '>'));
						CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_comment, s);

						if (OPTSET(parse_comments))
							*s = 0; // Zero-terminate this segment at the first terminating '-'.

						s += (s[2] == '>' ? 3 : 2); // Step over the '\0->'.
				else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_comment, s);
			else if (*s == '[')
				// '<![CDATA[...'
				if (*++s=='C' && *++s=='D' && *++s=='A' && *++s=='T' && *++s=='A' && *++s == '[')

					if (OPTSET(parse_cdata))
						PUSHNODE(node_cdata); // Append a new node on the tree.
						cursor->value = s; // Save the offset.

						if (OPTSET(parse_eol))
							s = strconv_cdata(s, endch);

							if (!s) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_cdata, cursor->value);
							// Scan for terminating ']]>'.
							SCANFOR(s[0] == ']' && s[1] == ']' && ENDSWITH(s[2], '>'));
							CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_cdata, s);

							*s++ = 0; // Zero-terminate this segment.
					else // Flagged for discard, but we still have to scan for the terminator.
						// Scan for terminating ']]>'.
						SCANFOR(s[0] == ']' && s[1] == ']' && ENDSWITH(s[2], '>'));
						CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_cdata, s);


					s += (s[1] == '>' ? 2 : 1); // Step over the last ']>'.
				else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_cdata, s);
			else if (s[0] == 'D' && s[1] == 'O' && s[2] == 'C' && s[3] == 'T' && s[4] == 'Y' && s[5] == 'P' && ENDSWITH(s[6], 'E'))
				s -= 2;

				parse_doctype(s, endch, true);
			else if (*s == 0 && endch == '-') THROW_ERROR(status_bad_comment, s);
			else if (*s == 0 && endch == '[') THROW_ERROR(status_bad_cdata, s);
			else THROW_ERROR(status_unrecognized_tag, s);

			// store from registers
			ref_s = s;

		void parse_question(char_t*& ref_s, xml_node_struct*& ref_cursor, unsigned int optmsk, char_t endch)
			// load into registers
			char_t* s = ref_s;
			xml_node_struct* cursor = ref_cursor;
			char_t ch = 0;

			// parse node contents, starting with question mark

			// read PI target
			char_t* target = s;

			if (!IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_start_symbol)) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_pi, s);

			SCANWHILE(IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_symbol));
			CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_pi, s);

			// determine node type; stricmp / strcasecmp is not portable
			bool declaration = (target[0] | ' ') == 'x' && (target[1] | ' ') == 'm' && (target[2] | ' ') == 'l' && target + 3 == s;

			if (declaration ? OPTSET(parse_declaration) : OPTSET(parse_pi))
				if (declaration)
					// disallow non top-level declarations
					if ((cursor->header & xml_memory_page_type_mask) != node_document) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_pi, s);


				cursor->name = target;


				// parse value/attributes
				if (ch == '?')
					// empty node
					if (!ENDSWITH(*s, '>')) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_pi, s);
					s += (*s == '>');

				else if (IS_CHARTYPE(ch, ct_space))

					// scan for tag end
					char_t* value = s;

					SCANFOR(s[0] == '?' && ENDSWITH(s[1], '>'));
					CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_pi, s);

					if (declaration)
						// replace ending ? with / so that 'element' terminates properly
						*s = '/';

						// we exit from this function with cursor at node_declaration, which is a signal to parse() to go to LOC_ATTRIBUTES
						s = value;
						// store value and step over >
						cursor->value = value;


						s += (*s == '>');
				else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_pi, s);
				// scan for tag end
				SCANFOR(s[0] == '?' && ENDSWITH(s[1], '>'));
				CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_pi, s);

				s += (s[1] == '>' ? 2 : 1);

			// store from registers
			ref_s = s;
			ref_cursor = cursor;

		void parse(char_t* s, xml_node_struct* xmldoc, unsigned int optmsk, char_t endch)
			strconv_attribute_t strconv_attribute = get_strconv_attribute(optmsk);
			strconv_pcdata_t strconv_pcdata = get_strconv_pcdata(optmsk);
			char_t ch = 0;
			xml_node_struct* cursor = xmldoc;
			char_t* mark = s;

			while (*s != 0)
				if (*s == '<')

					if (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_start_symbol)) // '<#...'
						PUSHNODE(node_element); // Append a new node to the tree.

						cursor->name = s;

						SCANWHILE(IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_symbol)); // Scan for a terminator.
						ENDSEG(); // Save char in 'ch', terminate & step over.

						if (ch == '>')
							// end of tag
						else if (IS_CHARTYPE(ch, ct_space))
						    while (true)
								SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.
								if (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_start_symbol)) // <... #...
									xml_attribute_struct* a = append_attribute_ll(cursor, alloc); // Make space for this attribute.
									if (!a) THROW_ERROR(status_out_of_memory, 0);

									a->name = s; // Save the offset.

									SCANWHILE(IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_symbol)); // Scan for a terminator.
									CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_attribute, s); //$ redundant, left for performance

									ENDSEG(); // Save char in 'ch', terminate & step over.
									CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_attribute, s); //$ redundant, left for performance

									if (IS_CHARTYPE(ch, ct_space))
										SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.
										CHECK_ERROR(status_bad_attribute, s); //$ redundant, left for performance

										ch = *s;
									if (ch == '=') // '<... #=...'
										SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.

										if (*s == '"' || *s == '\'') // '<... #="...'
											ch = *s; // Save quote char to avoid breaking on "''" -or- '""'.
											++s; // Step over the quote.
											a->value = s; // Save the offset.

											s = strconv_attribute(s, ch);
											if (!s) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_attribute, a->value);

											// After this line the loop continues from the start;
											// Whitespaces, / and > are ok, symbols and EOF are wrong,
											// everything else will be detected
											if (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_start_symbol)) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_attribute, s);
										else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_attribute, s);
									else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_attribute, s);
								else if (*s == '/')
									if (*s == '>')
									else if (*s == 0 && endch == '>')
									else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_start_element, s);
								else if (*s == '>')

								else if (*s == 0 && endch == '>')
								else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_start_element, s);

							// !!!
						else if (ch == '/') // '<#.../'
							if (!ENDSWITH(*s, '>')) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_start_element, s);

							POPNODE(); // Pop.

							s += (*s == '>');
						else if (ch == 0)
							// we stepped over null terminator, backtrack & handle closing tag
							if (endch != '>') THROW_ERROR(status_bad_start_element, s);
						else THROW_ERROR(status_bad_start_element, s);
					else if (*s == '/')

						char_t* name = cursor->name;
						if (!name) THROW_ERROR(status_end_element_mismatch, s);
						while (IS_CHARTYPE(*s, ct_symbol))
							if (*s++ != *name++) THROW_ERROR(status_end_element_mismatch, s);

						if (*name)
							if (*s == 0 && name[0] == endch && name[1] == 0) THROW_ERROR(status_bad_end_element, s);
							else THROW_ERROR(status_end_element_mismatch, s);
						POPNODE(); // Pop.


						if (*s == 0)
							if (endch != '>') THROW_ERROR(status_bad_end_element, s);
							if (*s != '>') THROW_ERROR(status_bad_end_element, s);
					else if (*s == '?') // '<?...'
						parse_question(s, cursor, optmsk, endch);

						if (cursor && (cursor->header & xml_memory_page_type_mask) == node_declaration) goto LOC_ATTRIBUTES;
					else if (*s == '!') // '<!...'
						parse_exclamation(s, cursor, optmsk, endch);
					else if (*s == 0 && endch == '?') THROW_ERROR(status_bad_pi, s);
					else THROW_ERROR(status_unrecognized_tag, s);
					mark = s; // Save this offset while searching for a terminator.

					SKIPWS(); // Eat whitespace if no genuine PCDATA here.

					if ((!OPTSET(parse_ws_pcdata) || mark == s) && (*s == '<' || !*s))

					s = mark;
					if (cursor->parent)
						PUSHNODE(node_pcdata); // Append a new node on the tree.
						cursor->value = s; // Save the offset.

						s = strconv_pcdata(s);
						POPNODE(); // Pop since this is a standalone.
						if (!*s) break;
						SCANFOR(*s == '<'); // '...<'
						if (!*s) break;

					// We're after '<'
					goto LOC_TAG;

			// check that last tag is closed
			if (cursor != xmldoc) THROW_ERROR(status_end_element_mismatch, s);

		static xml_parse_result parse(char_t* buffer, size_t length, xml_node_struct* xmldoc, unsigned int optmsk)
			// store buffer for offset_debug
			static_cast<xml_document_struct*>(xmldoc)->buffer = buffer;

			// early-out for empty documents
			if (length == 0) return make_parse_result(status_ok);

			// create parser on stack
			xml_allocator& alloc = *static_cast<xml_document_struct*>(xmldoc);
			xml_parser parser(alloc);

			// save last character and make buffer zero-terminated (speeds up parsing)
			char_t endch = buffer[length - 1];
			buffer[length - 1] = 0;
			// perform actual parsing
			int error = setjmp(parser.error_handler);

			if (error == 0)
				parser.parse(buffer, xmldoc, optmsk, endch);

			xml_parse_result result = make_parse_result(static_cast<xml_parse_status>(error), parser.error_offset ? parser.error_offset - buffer : 0);

			// update allocator state
			alloc = parser.alloc;

			// since we removed last character, we have to handle the only possible false positive
			if (result && endch == '<')
				// there's no possible well-formed document with < at the end
				return make_parse_result(status_unrecognized_tag, length);

			return result;

	// Output facilities
	xml_encoding get_write_native_encoding()
		return get_wchar_encoding();
		return encoding_utf8;

	xml_encoding get_write_encoding(xml_encoding encoding)
		// replace wchar encoding with utf implementation
		if (encoding == encoding_wchar) return get_wchar_encoding();

		// replace utf16 encoding with utf16 with specific endianness
		if (encoding == encoding_utf16) return is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf16_le : encoding_utf16_be;

		// replace utf32 encoding with utf32 with specific endianness
		if (encoding == encoding_utf32) return is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf32_le : encoding_utf32_be;

		// only do autodetection if no explicit encoding is requested
		if (encoding != encoding_auto) return encoding;

		// assume utf8 encoding
		return encoding_utf8;

	size_t get_valid_length(const char_t* data, size_t length)
		assert(length > 0);

		// discard last character if it's the lead of a surrogate pair 
		return (sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 && (unsigned)(static_cast<uint16_t>(data[length - 1]) - 0xD800) < 0x400) ? length - 1 : length;

	size_t convert_buffer(char* result, const char_t* data, size_t length, xml_encoding encoding)
		// only endian-swapping is required
		if (need_endian_swap_utf(encoding, get_wchar_encoding()))
			convert_wchar_endian_swap(reinterpret_cast<char_t*>(result), data, length);

			return length * sizeof(char_t);
		// convert to utf8
		if (encoding == encoding_utf8)
			uint8_t* dest = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(result);

			uint8_t* end = sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 ?
				utf_decoder<utf8_writer>::decode_utf16_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(data), length, dest) :
				utf_decoder<utf8_writer>::decode_utf32_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(data), length, dest);

			return static_cast<size_t>(end - dest);

		// convert to utf16
		if (encoding == encoding_utf16_be || encoding == encoding_utf16_le)
			uint16_t* dest = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(result);

			// convert to native utf16
			uint16_t* end = utf_decoder<utf16_writer>::decode_utf32_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(data), length, dest);

			// swap if necessary
			xml_encoding native_encoding = is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf16_le : encoding_utf16_be;

			if (native_encoding != encoding) convert_utf_endian_swap(dest, dest, static_cast<size_t>(end - dest));

			return static_cast<size_t>(end - dest) * sizeof(uint16_t);

		// convert to utf32
		if (encoding == encoding_utf32_be || encoding == encoding_utf32_le)
			uint32_t* dest = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(result);

			// convert to native utf32
			uint32_t* end = utf_decoder<utf32_writer>::decode_utf16_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(data), length, dest);

			// swap if necessary
			xml_encoding native_encoding = is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf32_le : encoding_utf32_be;

			if (native_encoding != encoding) convert_utf_endian_swap(dest, dest, static_cast<size_t>(end - dest));

			return static_cast<size_t>(end - dest) * sizeof(uint32_t);

		// invalid encoding combination (this can't happen)

		return 0;
	size_t get_valid_length(const char_t* data, size_t length)
		assert(length > 4);

		for (size_t i = 1; i <= 4; ++i)
			uint8_t ch = static_cast<uint8_t>(data[length - i]);

			// either a standalone character or a leading one
			if ((ch & 0xc0) != 0x80) return length - i;

		// there are four non-leading characters at the end, sequence tail is broken so might as well process the whole chunk
		return length;

	size_t convert_buffer(char* result, const char_t* data, size_t length, xml_encoding encoding)
		if (encoding == encoding_utf16_be || encoding == encoding_utf16_le)
			uint16_t* dest = reinterpret_cast<uint16_t*>(result);

			// convert to native utf16
			uint16_t* end = utf_decoder<utf16_writer>::decode_utf8_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data), length, dest);

			// swap if necessary
			xml_encoding native_encoding = is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf16_le : encoding_utf16_be;

			if (native_encoding != encoding) convert_utf_endian_swap(dest, dest, static_cast<size_t>(end - dest));

			return static_cast<size_t>(end - dest) * sizeof(uint16_t);

		if (encoding == encoding_utf32_be || encoding == encoding_utf32_le)
			uint32_t* dest = reinterpret_cast<uint32_t*>(result);

			// convert to native utf32
			uint32_t* end = utf_decoder<utf32_writer>::decode_utf8_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(data), length, dest);

			// swap if necessary
			xml_encoding native_encoding = is_little_endian() ? encoding_utf32_le : encoding_utf32_be;

			if (native_encoding != encoding) convert_utf_endian_swap(dest, dest, static_cast<size_t>(end - dest));

			return static_cast<size_t>(end - dest) * sizeof(uint32_t);

		// invalid encoding combination (this can't happen)

		return 0;

	class xml_buffered_writer
		xml_buffered_writer(const xml_buffered_writer&);
		xml_buffered_writer& operator=(const xml_buffered_writer&);

		xml_buffered_writer(xml_writer& writer, xml_encoding user_encoding): writer(writer), bufsize(0), encoding(get_write_encoding(user_encoding))


		void flush()
			flush(buffer, bufsize);
			bufsize = 0;

		void flush(const char_t* data, size_t size)
			if (size == 0) return;

			// fast path, just write data
			if (encoding == get_write_native_encoding())
				writer.write(data, size * sizeof(char_t));
				// convert chunk
				size_t result = convert_buffer(scratch, data, size, encoding);
				assert(result <= sizeof(scratch));

				// write data
				writer.write(scratch, result);

		void write(const char_t* data, size_t length)
			if (bufsize + length > bufcapacity)
				// flush the remaining buffer contents

				// handle large chunks
				if (length > bufcapacity)
					if (encoding == get_write_native_encoding())
						// fast path, can just write data chunk
						writer.write(data, length * sizeof(char_t));

					// need to convert in suitable chunks
					while (length > bufcapacity)
						// get chunk size by selecting such number of characters that are guaranteed to fit into scratch buffer
						// and form a complete codepoint sequence (i.e. discard start of last codepoint if necessary)
						size_t chunk_size = get_valid_length(data, bufcapacity);

						// convert chunk and write
						flush(data, chunk_size);

						// iterate
						data += chunk_size;
						length -= chunk_size;

					// small tail is copied below
					bufsize = 0;

			memcpy(buffer + bufsize, data, length * sizeof(char_t));
			bufsize += length;

		void write(const char_t* data)
			write(data, impl::strlen(data));

		void write(char_t d0)
			if (bufsize + 1 > bufcapacity) flush();

			buffer[bufsize + 0] = d0;
			bufsize += 1;

		void write(char_t d0, char_t d1)
			if (bufsize + 2 > bufcapacity) flush();

			buffer[bufsize + 0] = d0;
			buffer[bufsize + 1] = d1;
			bufsize += 2;

		void write(char_t d0, char_t d1, char_t d2)
			if (bufsize + 3 > bufcapacity) flush();

			buffer[bufsize + 0] = d0;
			buffer[bufsize + 1] = d1;
			buffer[bufsize + 2] = d2;
			bufsize += 3;

		void write(char_t d0, char_t d1, char_t d2, char_t d3)
			if (bufsize + 4 > bufcapacity) flush();

			buffer[bufsize + 0] = d0;
			buffer[bufsize + 1] = d1;
			buffer[bufsize + 2] = d2;
			buffer[bufsize + 3] = d3;
			bufsize += 4;

		void write(char_t d0, char_t d1, char_t d2, char_t d3, char_t d4)
			if (bufsize + 5 > bufcapacity) flush();

			buffer[bufsize + 0] = d0;
			buffer[bufsize + 1] = d1;
			buffer[bufsize + 2] = d2;
			buffer[bufsize + 3] = d3;
			buffer[bufsize + 4] = d4;
			bufsize += 5;

		void write(char_t d0, char_t d1, char_t d2, char_t d3, char_t d4, char_t d5)
			if (bufsize + 6 > bufcapacity) flush();

			buffer[bufsize + 0] = d0;
			buffer[bufsize + 1] = d1;
			buffer[bufsize + 2] = d2;
			buffer[bufsize + 3] = d3;
			buffer[bufsize + 4] = d4;
			buffer[bufsize + 5] = d5;
			bufsize += 6;

		// utf8 maximum expansion: x4 (-> utf32)
		// utf16 maximum expansion: x2 (-> utf32)
		// utf32 maximum expansion: x1
		enum { bufcapacity = 2048 };

		char_t buffer[bufcapacity];
		char scratch[4 * bufcapacity];

		xml_writer& writer;
		size_t bufsize;
		xml_encoding encoding;

	void write_bom(xml_writer& writer, xml_encoding encoding)
		switch (encoding)
		case encoding_utf8:
			writer.write("\xef\xbb\xbf", 3);

		case encoding_utf16_be:
			writer.write("\xfe\xff", 2);

		case encoding_utf16_le:
			writer.write("\xff\xfe", 2);

		case encoding_utf32_be:
			writer.write("\x00\x00\xfe\xff", 4);

		case encoding_utf32_le:
			writer.write("\xff\xfe\x00\x00", 4);

			// invalid encoding (this should not happen)

	void text_output_escaped(xml_buffered_writer& writer, const char_t* s, output_chartype_t type)
		while (*s)
			const char_t* prev = s;
			// While *s is a usual symbol
			while (!IS_OUTPUT_CHARTYPE(*s, type)) ++s;
			writer.write(prev, static_cast<size_t>(s - prev));

			switch (*s)
				case 0: break;
				case '&':
					writer.write('&', 'a', 'm', 'p', ';');
				case '<':
					writer.write('&', 'l', 't', ';');
				case '>':
					writer.write('&', 'g', 't', ';');
				case '"':
					writer.write('&', 'q', 'u', 'o', 't', ';');
				default: // s is not a usual symbol
					unsigned int ch = static_cast<unsigned int>(*s++);
					assert(ch < 32);

					writer.write('&', '#', static_cast<char_t>((ch / 10) + '0'), static_cast<char_t>((ch % 10) + '0'), ';');

	void text_output_cdata(xml_buffered_writer& writer, const char_t* s)
			writer.write('<', '!', '[', 'C', 'D');
			writer.write('A', 'T', 'A', '[');

			const char_t* prev = s;

			// look for ]]> sequence - we can't output it as is since it terminates CDATA
			while (*s && !(s[0] == ']' && s[1] == ']' && s[2] == '>')) ++s;

			// skip ]] if we stopped at ]]>, > will go to the next CDATA section
			if (*s) s += 2;

			writer.write(prev, static_cast<size_t>(s - prev));

			writer.write(']', ']', '>');
		while (*s);

	void node_output_attributes(xml_buffered_writer& writer, const xml_node& node)
		const char_t* default_name = PUGIXML_TEXT(":anonymous");

		for (xml_attribute a = node.first_attribute(); a; a = a.next_attribute())
			writer.write(' ');
			writer.write(a.name()[0] ? a.name() : default_name);
			writer.write('=', '"');

			text_output_escaped(writer, a.value(), oct_special_attr);


	void node_output(xml_buffered_writer& writer, const xml_node& node, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, unsigned int depth)
		const char_t* default_name = PUGIXML_TEXT(":anonymous");

		if ((flags & format_indent) != 0 && (flags & format_raw) == 0)
			for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) writer.write(indent);

		switch (node.type())
		case node_document:
			for (xml_node n = node.first_child(); n; n = n.next_sibling())
				node_output(writer, n, indent, flags, depth);
		case node_element:
			const char_t* name = node.name()[0] ? node.name() : default_name;


			node_output_attributes(writer, node);

			if (flags & format_raw)
				if (!node.first_child())
					writer.write(' ', '/', '>');

					for (xml_node n = node.first_child(); n; n = n.next_sibling())
						node_output(writer, n, indent, flags, depth + 1);

					writer.write('<', '/');
			else if (!node.first_child())
				writer.write(' ', '/', '>', '\n');
			else if (node.first_child() == node.last_child() && node.first_child().type() == node_pcdata)

				text_output_escaped(writer, node.first_child().value(), oct_special_pcdata);

				writer.write('<', '/');
				writer.write('>', '\n');
				writer.write('>', '\n');
				for (xml_node n = node.first_child(); n; n = n.next_sibling())
					node_output(writer, n, indent, flags, depth + 1);

				if ((flags & format_indent) != 0 && (flags & format_raw) == 0)
					for (unsigned int i = 0; i < depth; ++i) writer.write(indent);
				writer.write('<', '/');
				writer.write('>', '\n');

		case node_pcdata:
			text_output_escaped(writer, node.value(), oct_special_pcdata);
			if ((flags & format_raw) == 0) writer.write('\n');

		case node_cdata:
			text_output_cdata(writer, node.value());
			if ((flags & format_raw) == 0) writer.write('\n');

		case node_comment:
			writer.write('<', '!', '-', '-');
			writer.write('-', '-', '>');
			if ((flags & format_raw) == 0) writer.write('\n');

		case node_pi:
		case node_declaration:
			writer.write('<', '?');
			writer.write(node.name()[0] ? node.name() : default_name);

			if (node.type() == node_declaration)
				node_output_attributes(writer, node);
			else if (node.value()[0])
				writer.write(' ');

			writer.write('?', '>');
			if ((flags & format_raw) == 0) writer.write('\n');


	inline bool has_declaration(const xml_node& node)
		for (xml_node child = node.first_child(); child; child = child.next_sibling())
			xml_node_type type = child.type();

			if (type == node_declaration) return true;
			if (type == node_element) return false;

		return false;

	inline bool allow_insert_child(xml_node_type parent, xml_node_type child)
		if (parent != node_document && parent != node_element) return false;
		if (child == node_document || child == node_null) return false;
		if (parent != node_document && child == node_declaration) return false;

		return true;

	void recursive_copy_skip(xml_node& dest, const xml_node& source, const xml_node& skip)
		assert(dest.type() == source.type());

		switch (source.type())
		case node_element:

			for (xml_attribute a = source.first_attribute(); a; a = a.next_attribute())

			for (xml_node c = source.first_child(); c; c = c.next_sibling())
				if (c == skip) continue;

				xml_node cc = dest.append_child(c.type());

				recursive_copy_skip(cc, c, skip);


		case node_pcdata:
		case node_cdata:
		case node_comment:

		case node_pi:

		case node_declaration:

			for (xml_attribute a = source.first_attribute(); a; a = a.next_attribute())



	struct buffer_holder
		void* data;

		buffer_holder(void* data): data(data)

			if (data) global_deallocate(data);

		void* release()
			void* result = data;
			data = 0;
			return result;

	template <typename T> xml_parse_result load_stream_impl(xml_document& doc, std::basic_istream<T>& stream, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)
		// get length of remaining data in stream
		typename std::basic_istream<T>::pos_type pos = stream.tellg();
		stream.seekg(0, std::ios::end);
		std::streamoff length = stream.tellg() - pos;

		if (stream.fail() || pos < 0) return make_parse_result(status_io_error);

		// guard against huge files
		size_t read_length = static_cast<size_t>(length);

		if (static_cast<std::streamsize>(read_length) != length || length < 0) return make_parse_result(status_out_of_memory);

		// read stream data into memory (guard against stream exceptions with buffer holder)
		buffer_holder buffer = global_allocate((read_length > 0 ? read_length : 1) * sizeof(T));
		if (!buffer.data) return make_parse_result(status_out_of_memory);

		stream.read(static_cast<T*>(buffer.data), static_cast<std::streamsize>(read_length));

		// read may set failbit | eofbit in case gcount() is less than read_length (i.e. line ending conversion), so check for other I/O errors
		if (stream.bad()) return make_parse_result(status_io_error);

		// load data from buffer
		size_t actual_length = static_cast<size_t>(stream.gcount());
		assert(actual_length <= read_length);

		return doc.load_buffer_inplace_own(buffer.release(), actual_length * sizeof(T), options, encoding);

namespace pugi
	xml_writer_file::xml_writer_file(void* file): file(file)

	void xml_writer_file::write(const void* data, size_t size)
		fwrite(data, size, 1, static_cast<FILE*>(file));

	xml_writer_stream::xml_writer_stream(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& stream): narrow_stream(&stream), wide_stream(0)

	xml_writer_stream::xml_writer_stream(std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >& stream): narrow_stream(0), wide_stream(&stream)

	void xml_writer_stream::write(const void* data, size_t size)
		if (narrow_stream)
			narrow_stream->write(reinterpret_cast<const char*>(data), static_cast<std::streamsize>(size));
			assert(size % sizeof(wchar_t) == 0);

			wide_stream->write(reinterpret_cast<const wchar_t*>(data), static_cast<std::streamsize>(size / sizeof(wchar_t)));

	xml_tree_walker::xml_tree_walker(): _depth(0)

	int xml_tree_walker::depth() const
		return _depth;

	bool xml_tree_walker::begin(xml_node&)
		return true;

	bool xml_tree_walker::end(xml_node&)
		return true;

	xml_attribute::xml_attribute(): _attr(0)

	xml_attribute::xml_attribute(xml_attribute_struct* attr): _attr(attr)

	xml_attribute::operator xml_attribute::unspecified_bool_type() const
#ifdef __MWERKS__
      	return _attr ? &xml_attribute::empty : 0;
      	return _attr ? &xml_attribute::_attr : 0;

   	bool xml_attribute::operator!() const
   		return !_attr;

	bool xml_attribute::operator==(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr == r._attr);
	bool xml_attribute::operator!=(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr != r._attr);

	bool xml_attribute::operator<(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr < r._attr);
	bool xml_attribute::operator>(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr > r._attr);
	bool xml_attribute::operator<=(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr <= r._attr);
	bool xml_attribute::operator>=(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr >= r._attr);

   	xml_attribute xml_attribute::next_attribute() const
    	return _attr ? xml_attribute(_attr->next_attribute) : xml_attribute();

    xml_attribute xml_attribute::previous_attribute() const
    	return _attr && _attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute ? xml_attribute(_attr->prev_attribute_c) : xml_attribute();

	int xml_attribute::as_int() const
		if (!_attr || !_attr->value) return 0;

		return (int)wcstol(_attr->value, 0, 10);
		return (int)strtol(_attr->value, 0, 10);

	unsigned int xml_attribute::as_uint() const
		if (!_attr || !_attr->value) return 0;

		return (unsigned int)wcstoul(_attr->value, 0, 10);
		return (unsigned int)strtoul(_attr->value, 0, 10);

	double xml_attribute::as_double() const
		if (!_attr || !_attr->value) return 0;

		return wcstod(_attr->value, 0);
		return strtod(_attr->value, 0);

	float xml_attribute::as_float() const
		if (!_attr || !_attr->value) return 0;

		return (float)wcstod(_attr->value, 0);
		return (float)strtod(_attr->value, 0);

	bool xml_attribute::as_bool() const
		if (!_attr || !_attr->value) return false;

		// only look at first char
		char_t first = *_attr->value;

		// 1*, t* (true), T* (True), y* (yes), Y* (YES)
		return (first == '1' || first == 't' || first == 'T' || first == 'y' || first == 'Y');

	bool xml_attribute::empty() const
		return !_attr;

	const char_t* xml_attribute::name() const
		return (_attr && _attr->name) ? _attr->name : PUGIXML_TEXT("");

	const char_t* xml_attribute::value() const
		return (_attr && _attr->value) ? _attr->value : PUGIXML_TEXT("");

	const void* xml_attribute::document_order() const
		if (!_attr) return 0;

		if ((_attr->header & xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask) == 0) return _attr->name;
		if ((_attr->header & xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask) == 0) return _attr->value;

		return 0;

	xml_attribute& xml_attribute::operator=(const char_t* rhs)
		return *this;
	xml_attribute& xml_attribute::operator=(int rhs)
		return *this;

	xml_attribute& xml_attribute::operator=(unsigned int rhs)
		return *this;

	xml_attribute& xml_attribute::operator=(double rhs)
		return *this;
	xml_attribute& xml_attribute::operator=(bool rhs)
		return *this;

	bool xml_attribute::set_name(const char_t* rhs)
		if (!_attr) return false;
		return strcpy_insitu(_attr->name, _attr->header, xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask, rhs);
	bool xml_attribute::set_value(const char_t* rhs)
		if (!_attr) return false;

		return strcpy_insitu(_attr->value, _attr->header, xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask, rhs);

	bool xml_attribute::set_value(int rhs)
		char buf[128];
		sprintf(buf, "%d", rhs);
		char_t wbuf[128];
		impl::widen_ascii(wbuf, buf);

		return set_value(wbuf);
		return set_value(buf);

	bool xml_attribute::set_value(unsigned int rhs)
		char buf[128];
		sprintf(buf, "%u", rhs);

		char_t wbuf[128];
		impl::widen_ascii(wbuf, buf);

		return set_value(wbuf);
		return set_value(buf);

	bool xml_attribute::set_value(double rhs)
		char buf[128];
		sprintf(buf, "%g", rhs);

		char_t wbuf[128];
		impl::widen_ascii(wbuf, buf);

		return set_value(wbuf);
		return set_value(buf);
	bool xml_attribute::set_value(bool rhs)
		return set_value(rhs ? PUGIXML_TEXT("true") : PUGIXML_TEXT("false"));

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
	bool operator&&(const xml_attribute& lhs, bool rhs)
		return (bool)lhs && rhs;

	bool operator||(const xml_attribute& lhs, bool rhs)
		return (bool)lhs || rhs;

	xml_node::xml_node(): _root(0)

	xml_node::xml_node(xml_node_struct* p): _root(p)
	xml_node::operator xml_node::unspecified_bool_type() const
#ifdef __MWERKS__
      	return _root ? &xml_node::empty : 0;
      	return _root ? &xml_node::_root : 0;

   	bool xml_node::operator!() const
   		return !_root;

	xml_node::iterator xml_node::begin() const
		return iterator(_root ? _root->first_child : 0, _root);

	xml_node::iterator xml_node::end() const
		return iterator(0, _root);
	xml_node::attribute_iterator xml_node::attributes_begin() const
		return attribute_iterator(_root ? _root->first_attribute : 0, _root);

	xml_node::attribute_iterator xml_node::attributes_end() const
		return attribute_iterator(0, _root);

	bool xml_node::operator==(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root == r._root);

	bool xml_node::operator!=(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root != r._root);

	bool xml_node::operator<(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root < r._root);
	bool xml_node::operator>(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root > r._root);
	bool xml_node::operator<=(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root <= r._root);
	bool xml_node::operator>=(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root >= r._root);

	bool xml_node::empty() const
		return !_root;
	const char_t* xml_node::name() const
		return (_root && _root->name) ? _root->name : PUGIXML_TEXT("");

	xml_node_type xml_node::type() const
		return _root ? static_cast<xml_node_type>(_root->header & xml_memory_page_type_mask) : node_null;
	const char_t* xml_node::value() const
		return (_root && _root->value) ? _root->value : PUGIXML_TEXT("");
	xml_node xml_node::child(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();

		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && impl::strequal(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::child_w(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();

		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && impl::strequalwild(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_attribute xml_node::attribute(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_attribute();

		for (xml_attribute_struct* i = _root->first_attribute; i; i = i->next_attribute)
			if (i->name && impl::strequal(name, i->name))
				return xml_attribute(i);
		return xml_attribute();
	xml_attribute xml_node::attribute_w(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_attribute();

		for (xml_attribute_struct* i = _root->first_attribute; i; i = i->next_attribute)
			if (i->name && impl::strequalwild(name, i->name))
				return xml_attribute(i);
		return xml_attribute();

	xml_node xml_node::next_sibling(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->next_sibling; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && impl::strequal(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::next_sibling_w(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->next_sibling; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && impl::strequalwild(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::next_sibling() const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		if (_root->next_sibling) return xml_node(_root->next_sibling);
		else return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::previous_sibling(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->prev_sibling_c; i->next_sibling; i = i->prev_sibling_c)
			if (i->name && impl::strequal(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::previous_sibling_w(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->prev_sibling_c; i->next_sibling; i = i->prev_sibling_c)
			if (i->name && impl::strequalwild(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::previous_sibling() const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		if (_root->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling) return xml_node(_root->prev_sibling_c);
		else return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::parent() const
		return _root ? xml_node(_root->parent) : xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::root() const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();

		xml_memory_page* page = reinterpret_cast<xml_memory_page*>(_root->header & xml_memory_page_pointer_mask);

		return xml_node(static_cast<xml_document_struct*>(page->allocator));

	const char_t* xml_node::child_value() const
		if (!_root) return PUGIXML_TEXT("");
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			xml_node_type type = static_cast<xml_node_type>(i->header & xml_memory_page_type_mask);

			if (i->value && (type == node_pcdata || type == node_cdata))
				return i->value;

		return PUGIXML_TEXT("");

	const char_t* xml_node::child_value(const char_t* name) const
		return child(name).child_value();

	const char_t* xml_node::child_value_w(const char_t* name) const
		if (!_root) return PUGIXML_TEXT("");

		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && impl::strequalwild(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i).child_value();

		return PUGIXML_TEXT("");

	xml_attribute xml_node::first_attribute() const
		return _root ? xml_attribute(_root->first_attribute) : xml_attribute();

	xml_attribute xml_node::last_attribute() const
		return _root && _root->first_attribute ? xml_attribute(_root->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c) : xml_attribute();

	xml_node xml_node::first_child() const
		return _root ? xml_node(_root->first_child) : xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::last_child() const
		return _root && _root->first_child ? xml_node(_root->first_child->prev_sibling_c) : xml_node();

	bool xml_node::set_name(const char_t* rhs)
		switch (type())
		case node_pi:
		case node_declaration:
		case node_element:
			return strcpy_insitu(_root->name, _root->header, xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask, rhs);

			return false;
	bool xml_node::set_value(const char_t* rhs)
		switch (type())
		case node_pi:
		case node_cdata:
		case node_pcdata:
		case node_comment:
			return strcpy_insitu(_root->value, _root->header, xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask, rhs);

			return false;

	xml_attribute xml_node::append_attribute(const char_t* name)
		if (type() != node_element && type() != node_declaration) return xml_attribute();
		xml_attribute a(append_attribute_ll(_root, get_allocator(_root)));
		return a;

	xml_attribute xml_node::insert_attribute_before(const char_t* name, const xml_attribute& attr)
		if ((type() != node_element && type() != node_declaration) || attr.empty()) return xml_attribute();
		// check that attribute belongs to *this
		xml_attribute_struct* cur = attr._attr;

		while (cur->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) cur = cur->prev_attribute_c;

		if (cur != _root->first_attribute) return xml_attribute();

		xml_attribute a(allocate_attribute(get_allocator(_root)));
		if (!a) return xml_attribute();


		if (attr._attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute)
			attr._attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute = a._attr;
			_root->first_attribute = a._attr;
		a._attr->prev_attribute_c = attr._attr->prev_attribute_c;
		a._attr->next_attribute = attr._attr;
		attr._attr->prev_attribute_c = a._attr;
		return a;

	xml_attribute xml_node::insert_attribute_after(const char_t* name, const xml_attribute& attr)
		if ((type() != node_element && type() != node_declaration) || attr.empty()) return xml_attribute();
		// check that attribute belongs to *this
		xml_attribute_struct* cur = attr._attr;

		while (cur->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) cur = cur->prev_attribute_c;

		if (cur != _root->first_attribute) return xml_attribute();

		xml_attribute a(allocate_attribute(get_allocator(_root)));
		if (!a) return xml_attribute();


		if (attr._attr->next_attribute)
			attr._attr->next_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a._attr;
			_root->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a._attr;
		a._attr->next_attribute = attr._attr->next_attribute;
		a._attr->prev_attribute_c = attr._attr;
		attr._attr->next_attribute = a._attr;

		return a;

	xml_attribute xml_node::append_copy(const xml_attribute& proto)
		if (!proto) return xml_attribute();

		xml_attribute result = append_attribute(proto.name());

		return result;

	xml_attribute xml_node::insert_copy_after(const xml_attribute& proto, const xml_attribute& attr)
		if (!proto) return xml_attribute();

		xml_attribute result = insert_attribute_after(proto.name(), attr);

		return result;

	xml_attribute xml_node::insert_copy_before(const xml_attribute& proto, const xml_attribute& attr)
		if (!proto) return xml_attribute();

		xml_attribute result = insert_attribute_before(proto.name(), attr);

		return result;

	xml_node xml_node::append_child(xml_node_type type)
		if (!allow_insert_child(this->type(), type)) return xml_node();
		xml_node n(append_node(_root, get_allocator(_root), type));

		if (type == node_declaration) n.set_name(PUGIXML_TEXT("xml"));

		return n;

	xml_node xml_node::insert_child_before(xml_node_type type, const xml_node& node)
		if (!allow_insert_child(this->type(), type)) return xml_node();
		if (!node._root || node._root->parent != _root) return xml_node();
		xml_node n(allocate_node(get_allocator(_root), type));
		if (!n) return xml_node();

		n._root->parent = _root;
		if (node._root->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling)
			node._root->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling = n._root;
			_root->first_child = n._root;
		n._root->prev_sibling_c = node._root->prev_sibling_c;
		n._root->next_sibling = node._root;
		node._root->prev_sibling_c = n._root;

		if (type == node_declaration) n.set_name(PUGIXML_TEXT("xml"));

		return n;

	xml_node xml_node::insert_child_after(xml_node_type type, const xml_node& node)
		if (!allow_insert_child(this->type(), type)) return xml_node();
		if (!node._root || node._root->parent != _root) return xml_node();
		xml_node n(allocate_node(get_allocator(_root), type));
		if (!n) return xml_node();

		n._root->parent = _root;
		if (node._root->next_sibling)
			node._root->next_sibling->prev_sibling_c = n._root;
			_root->first_child->prev_sibling_c = n._root;
		n._root->next_sibling = node._root->next_sibling;
		n._root->prev_sibling_c = node._root;
		node._root->next_sibling = n._root;

		if (type == node_declaration) n.set_name(PUGIXML_TEXT("xml"));

		return n;

	xml_node xml_node::append_copy(const xml_node& proto)
		xml_node result = append_child(proto.type());

		if (result) recursive_copy_skip(result, proto, result);

		return result;

	xml_node xml_node::insert_copy_after(const xml_node& proto, const xml_node& node)
		xml_node result = insert_child_after(proto.type(), node);

		if (result) recursive_copy_skip(result, proto, result);

		return result;

	xml_node xml_node::insert_copy_before(const xml_node& proto, const xml_node& node)
		xml_node result = insert_child_before(proto.type(), node);

		if (result) recursive_copy_skip(result, proto, result);

		return result;

	bool xml_node::remove_attribute(const char_t* name)
		return remove_attribute(attribute(name));

	bool xml_node::remove_attribute(const xml_attribute& a)
		if (!_root || !a._attr) return false;

		// check that attribute belongs to *this
		xml_attribute_struct* attr = a._attr;

		while (attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) attr = attr->prev_attribute_c;

		if (attr != _root->first_attribute) return false;

		if (a._attr->next_attribute) a._attr->next_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a._attr->prev_attribute_c;
		else if (_root->first_attribute) _root->first_attribute->prev_attribute_c = a._attr->prev_attribute_c;
		if (a._attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute) a._attr->prev_attribute_c->next_attribute = a._attr->next_attribute;
		else _root->first_attribute = a._attr->next_attribute;

		destroy_attribute(a._attr, get_allocator(_root));

		return true;

	bool xml_node::remove_child(const char_t* name)
		return remove_child(child(name));

	bool xml_node::remove_child(const xml_node& n)
		if (!_root || !n._root || n._root->parent != _root) return false;

		if (n._root->next_sibling) n._root->next_sibling->prev_sibling_c = n._root->prev_sibling_c;
		else if (_root->first_child) _root->first_child->prev_sibling_c = n._root->prev_sibling_c;
		if (n._root->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling) n._root->prev_sibling_c->next_sibling = n._root->next_sibling;
		else _root->first_child = n._root->next_sibling;
        destroy_node(n._root, get_allocator(_root));

		return true;

	xml_node xml_node::find_child_by_attribute(const char_t* name, const char_t* attr_name, const char_t* attr_value) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && impl::strequal(name, i->name))
				for (xml_attribute_struct* a = i->first_attribute; a; a = a->next_attribute)
					if (impl::strequal(attr_name, a->name) && impl::strequal(attr_value, a->value))
						return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::find_child_by_attribute_w(const char_t* name, const char_t* attr_name, const char_t* attr_value) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && impl::strequalwild(name, i->name))
				for (xml_attribute_struct* a = i->first_attribute; a; a = a->next_attribute)
					if (impl::strequalwild(attr_name, a->name) && impl::strequalwild(attr_value, a->value))
						return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::find_child_by_attribute(const char_t* attr_name, const char_t* attr_value) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			for (xml_attribute_struct* a = i->first_attribute; a; a = a->next_attribute)
				if (impl::strequal(attr_name, a->name) && impl::strequal(attr_value, a->value))
					return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::find_child_by_attribute_w(const char_t* attr_name, const char_t* attr_value) const
		if (!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			for (xml_attribute_struct* a = i->first_attribute; a; a = a->next_attribute)
				if (impl::strequalwild(attr_name, a->name) && impl::strequalwild(attr_value, a->value))
					return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	string_t xml_node::path(char_t delimiter) const
		string_t path;

		xml_node cursor = *this; // Make a copy.
		path = cursor.name();

		while (cursor.parent())
			cursor = cursor.parent();
			string_t temp = cursor.name();
			temp += delimiter;
			temp += path;

		return path;

	xml_node xml_node::first_element_by_path(const char_t* path, char_t delimiter) const
		xml_node found = *this; // Current search context.

		if (!_root || !path || !path[0]) return found;

		if (path[0] == delimiter)
			// Absolute path; e.g. '/foo/bar'
			found = found.root();

		const char_t* path_segment = path;

		while (*path_segment == delimiter) ++path_segment;

		const char_t* path_segment_end = path_segment;

		while (*path_segment_end && *path_segment_end != delimiter) ++path_segment_end;

		if (path_segment == path_segment_end) return found;

		const char_t* next_segment = path_segment_end;

		while (*next_segment == delimiter) ++next_segment;

		if (*path_segment == '.' && path_segment + 1 == path_segment_end)
			return found.first_element_by_path(next_segment, delimiter);
		else if (*path_segment == '.' && *(path_segment+1) == '.' && path_segment + 2 == path_segment_end)
			return found.parent().first_element_by_path(next_segment, delimiter);
			for (xml_node_struct* j = found._root->first_child; j; j = j->next_sibling)
				if (j->name && impl::strequalrange(j->name, path_segment, static_cast<size_t>(path_segment_end - path_segment)))
					xml_node subsearch = xml_node(j).first_element_by_path(next_segment, delimiter);

					if (subsearch) return subsearch;

			return xml_node();

	bool xml_node::traverse(xml_tree_walker& walker)
		walker._depth = -1;
		xml_node arg_begin = *this;
		if (!walker.begin(arg_begin)) return false;

		xml_node cur = first_child();
		if (cur)

				xml_node arg_for_each = cur;
				if (!walker.for_each(arg_for_each))
					return false;
				if (cur.first_child())
					cur = cur.first_child();
				else if (cur.next_sibling())
					cur = cur.next_sibling();
					// Borland C++ workaround
					while (!cur.next_sibling() && cur != *this && (bool)cur.parent())
						cur = cur.parent();
					if (cur != *this)
						cur = cur.next_sibling();
			while (cur && cur != *this);

		assert(walker._depth == -1);

		xml_node arg_end = *this;
		return walker.end(arg_end);

	const void* xml_node::document_order() const
		if (!_root) return 0;

		if (_root->name && (_root->header & xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask) == 0) return _root->name;
		if (_root->value && (_root->header & xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask) == 0) return _root->value;

		return 0;

	void xml_node::print(xml_writer& writer, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, xml_encoding encoding, unsigned int depth) const
		if (!_root) return;

		xml_buffered_writer buffered_writer(writer, encoding);

		node_output(buffered_writer, *this, indent, flags, depth);

	void xml_node::print(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& stream, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, xml_encoding encoding, unsigned int depth) const
		xml_writer_stream writer(stream);

		print(writer, indent, flags, encoding, depth);

	void xml_node::print(std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >& stream, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, unsigned int depth) const
		xml_writer_stream writer(stream);

		print(writer, indent, flags, encoding_wchar, depth);

	ptrdiff_t xml_node::offset_debug() const
		xml_node_struct* r = root()._root;

		if (!r) return -1;

		const char_t* buffer = static_cast<xml_document_struct*>(r)->buffer;

		if (!buffer) return -1;

		switch (type())
		case node_document:
			return 0;

		case node_element:
		case node_declaration:
		case node_pi:
			return (_root->header & xml_memory_page_name_allocated_mask) ? -1 : _root->name - buffer;

		case node_pcdata:
		case node_cdata:
		case node_comment:
			return (_root->header & xml_memory_page_value_allocated_mask) ? -1 : _root->value - buffer;

			return -1;

#ifdef __BORLANDC__
	bool operator&&(const xml_node& lhs, bool rhs)
		return (bool)lhs && rhs;

	bool operator||(const xml_node& lhs, bool rhs)
		return (bool)lhs || rhs;


	xml_node_iterator::xml_node_iterator(const xml_node& node): _wrap(node), _parent(node.parent())

	xml_node_iterator::xml_node_iterator(xml_node_struct* ref, xml_node_struct* parent): _wrap(ref), _parent(parent)

	bool xml_node_iterator::operator==(const xml_node_iterator& rhs) const
		return _wrap._root == rhs._wrap._root && _parent._root == rhs._parent._root;
	bool xml_node_iterator::operator!=(const xml_node_iterator& rhs) const
		return _wrap._root != rhs._wrap._root || _parent._root != rhs._parent._root;

	xml_node& xml_node_iterator::operator*()
		return _wrap;

	xml_node* xml_node_iterator::operator->()
		return &_wrap;

	const xml_node_iterator& xml_node_iterator::operator++()
		_wrap._root = _wrap._root->next_sibling;
		return *this;

	xml_node_iterator xml_node_iterator::operator++(int)
		xml_node_iterator temp = *this;
		return temp;

	const xml_node_iterator& xml_node_iterator::operator--()
		_wrap = _wrap._root ? _wrap.previous_sibling() : _parent.last_child();
		return *this;

	xml_node_iterator xml_node_iterator::operator--(int)
		xml_node_iterator temp = *this;
		return temp;


	xml_attribute_iterator::xml_attribute_iterator(const xml_attribute& attr, const xml_node& parent): _wrap(attr), _parent(parent)

	xml_attribute_iterator::xml_attribute_iterator(xml_attribute_struct* ref, xml_node_struct* parent): _wrap(ref), _parent(parent)

	bool xml_attribute_iterator::operator==(const xml_attribute_iterator& rhs) const
		return _wrap._attr == rhs._wrap._attr && _parent._root == rhs._parent._root;
	bool xml_attribute_iterator::operator!=(const xml_attribute_iterator& rhs) const
		return _wrap._attr != rhs._wrap._attr || _parent._root != rhs._parent._root;

	xml_attribute& xml_attribute_iterator::operator*()
		return _wrap;

	xml_attribute* xml_attribute_iterator::operator->()
		return &_wrap;

	const xml_attribute_iterator& xml_attribute_iterator::operator++()
		_wrap._attr = _wrap._attr->next_attribute;
		return *this;

	xml_attribute_iterator xml_attribute_iterator::operator++(int)
		xml_attribute_iterator temp = *this;
		return temp;

	const xml_attribute_iterator& xml_attribute_iterator::operator--()
		_wrap = _wrap._attr ? _wrap.previous_attribute() : _parent.last_attribute();
		return *this;

	xml_attribute_iterator xml_attribute_iterator::operator--(int)
		xml_attribute_iterator temp = *this;
		return temp;

	const char* xml_parse_result::description() const
		switch (status)
		case status_ok: return "No error";

		case status_file_not_found: return "File was not found";
		case status_io_error: return "Error reading from file/stream";
		case status_out_of_memory: return "Could not allocate memory";
		case status_internal_error: return "Internal error occurred";

		case status_unrecognized_tag: return "Could not determine tag type";

		case status_bad_pi: return "Error parsing document declaration/processing instruction";
		case status_bad_comment: return "Error parsing comment";
		case status_bad_cdata: return "Error parsing CDATA section";
		case status_bad_doctype: return "Error parsing document type declaration";
		case status_bad_pcdata: return "Error parsing PCDATA section";
		case status_bad_start_element: return "Error parsing start element tag";
		case status_bad_attribute: return "Error parsing element attribute";
		case status_bad_end_element: return "Error parsing end element tag";
		case status_end_element_mismatch: return "Start-end tags mismatch";

		default: return "Unknown error";

	xml_document::xml_document(): _buffer(0)


	void xml_document::reset()

	void xml_document::create()
		// initialize sentinel page
		STATIC_ASSERT(offsetof(xml_memory_page, data) + sizeof(xml_document_struct) + xml_memory_page_alignment <= sizeof(_memory));

		// align upwards to page boundary
		void* page_memory = reinterpret_cast<void*>((reinterpret_cast<uintptr_t>(_memory) + (xml_memory_page_alignment - 1)) & ~(xml_memory_page_alignment - 1));

		// prepare page structure
		xml_memory_page* page = xml_memory_page::construct(page_memory);

		page->busy_size = xml_memory_page_size;

		// allocate new root
		_root = new (page->data) xml_document_struct(page);
		_root->prev_sibling_c = _root;

		// setup sentinel page
		page->allocator = static_cast<xml_document_struct*>(_root);

	void xml_document::destroy()
		// destroy static storage
		if (_buffer)
			_buffer = 0;

		// destroy dynamic storage, leave sentinel page (it's in static memory)
		if (_root)
			xml_memory_page* root_page = reinterpret_cast<xml_memory_page*>(_root->header & xml_memory_page_pointer_mask);
			assert(root_page && !root_page->prev && !root_page->memory);

			// destroy all pages
			for (xml_memory_page* page = root_page->next; page; )
				xml_memory_page* next = page->next;


				page = next;

			// cleanup root page
			root_page->allocator = 0;
			root_page->next = 0;
			root_page->busy_size = root_page->freed_size = 0;

			_root = 0;

	xml_parse_result xml_document::load(std::basic_istream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& stream, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)

		return load_stream_impl(*this, stream, options, encoding);

	xml_parse_result xml_document::load(std::basic_istream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >& stream, unsigned int options)

		return load_stream_impl(*this, stream, options, encoding_wchar);

	xml_parse_result xml_document::load(const char_t* contents, unsigned int options)
		// Force native encoding (skip autodetection)
		xml_encoding encoding = encoding_wchar;
		xml_encoding encoding = encoding_utf8;

		return load_buffer(contents, impl::strlen(contents) * sizeof(char_t), options, encoding);

	xml_parse_result xml_document::parse(char* xmlstr, unsigned int options)
		return load_buffer_inplace(xmlstr, strlen(xmlstr), options, encoding_utf8);
	xml_parse_result xml_document::parse(const transfer_ownership_tag&, char* xmlstr, unsigned int options)
		return load_buffer_inplace_own(xmlstr, strlen(xmlstr), options, encoding_utf8);

	xml_parse_result xml_document::load_file(const char* path, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)

		FILE* file = fopen(path, "rb");
		if (!file) return make_parse_result(status_file_not_found);

		fseek(file, 0, SEEK_END);
		long length = ftell(file);
		fseek(file, 0, SEEK_SET);

		if (length < 0)
			return make_parse_result(status_io_error);
		char* s = static_cast<char*>(global_allocate(length > 0 ? length : 1));

		if (!s)
			return make_parse_result(status_out_of_memory);

		size_t read = fread(s, 1, (size_t)length, file);

		if (read != (size_t)length)
			return make_parse_result(status_io_error);
		return load_buffer_inplace_own(s, length, options, encoding);

	xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer_impl(void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding, bool is_mutable, bool own)

		// check input buffer
		assert(contents || size == 0);

		// get actual encoding
		xml_encoding buffer_encoding = get_buffer_encoding(encoding, contents, size);

		// get private buffer
		char_t* buffer = 0;
		size_t length = 0;

		if (!convert_buffer(buffer, length, buffer_encoding, contents, size, is_mutable)) return make_parse_result(status_out_of_memory);
		// delete original buffer if we performed a conversion
		if (own && buffer != contents) global_deallocate(contents);

		// parse
		xml_parse_result res = xml_parser::parse(buffer, length, _root, options);

		// remember encoding
		res.encoding = buffer_encoding;

		// grab onto buffer if it's our buffer, user is responsible for deallocating contens himself
		if (own || buffer != contents) _buffer = buffer;

		return res;

	xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer(const void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)
		return load_buffer_impl(const_cast<void*>(contents), size, options, encoding, false, false);

	xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer_inplace(void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)
		return load_buffer_impl(contents, size, options, encoding, true, false);
	xml_parse_result xml_document::load_buffer_inplace_own(void* contents, size_t size, unsigned int options, xml_encoding encoding)
		return load_buffer_impl(contents, size, options, encoding, true, true);

	void xml_document::save(xml_writer& writer, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, xml_encoding encoding) const
		if (flags & format_write_bom) write_bom(writer, get_write_encoding(encoding));

		xml_buffered_writer buffered_writer(writer, encoding);

		if (!(flags & format_no_declaration) && !has_declaration(*this))
			buffered_writer.write(PUGIXML_TEXT("<?xml version=\"1.0\"?>"));
			if (!(flags & format_raw)) buffered_writer.write('\n');

		node_output(buffered_writer, *this, indent, flags, 0);

	void xml_document::save(std::basic_ostream<char, std::char_traits<char> >& stream, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, xml_encoding encoding) const
		xml_writer_stream writer(stream);

		save(writer, indent, flags, encoding);

	void xml_document::save(std::basic_ostream<wchar_t, std::char_traits<wchar_t> >& stream, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags) const
		xml_writer_stream writer(stream);

		save(writer, indent, flags, encoding_wchar);

	bool xml_document::save_file(const char* path, const char_t* indent, unsigned int flags, xml_encoding encoding) const
		FILE* file = fopen(path, "wb");
		if (!file) return false;

		xml_writer_file writer(file);
		save(writer, indent, flags, encoding);


		return true;

	void xml_document::precompute_document_order()

	std::string PUGIXML_FUNCTION as_utf8(const wchar_t* str)

		STATIC_ASSERT(sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 || sizeof(wchar_t) == 4);

		size_t length = wcslen(str);

		// first pass: get length in utf8 characters
		size_t size = sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 ?
			utf_decoder<utf8_counter>::decode_utf16_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(str), length, 0) :
			utf_decoder<utf8_counter>::decode_utf32_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(str), length, 0);

		// allocate resulting string
		std::string result;

		// second pass: convert to utf8
		if (size > 0)
			uint8_t* begin = reinterpret_cast<uint8_t*>(&result[0]);
			uint8_t* end = sizeof(wchar_t) == 2 ?
				utf_decoder<utf8_writer>::decode_utf16_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint16_t*>(str), length, begin) :
				utf_decoder<utf8_writer>::decode_utf32_block(reinterpret_cast<const uint32_t*>(str), length, begin);
			assert(begin + result.size() == end);

	  	return result;
	std::wstring PUGIXML_FUNCTION as_utf16(const char* str)
		return as_wide(str);

	std::wstring PUGIXML_FUNCTION as_wide(const char* str)

		const uint8_t* data = reinterpret_cast<const uint8_t*>(str);
		size_t size = strlen(str);

		// first pass: get length in wchar_t
		size_t length = utf_decoder<wchar_counter>::decode_utf8_block(data, size, 0);

		// allocate resulting string
		std::wstring result;

		// second pass: convert to wchar_t
		if (length > 0)
			wchar_writer::value_type begin = reinterpret_cast<wchar_writer::value_type>(&result[0]);
			wchar_writer::value_type end = utf_decoder<wchar_writer>::decode_utf8_block(data, size, begin);

			assert(begin + result.size() == end);

		return result;

    void PUGIXML_FUNCTION set_memory_management_functions(allocation_function allocate, deallocation_function deallocate)
    	global_allocate = allocate;
    	global_deallocate = deallocate;

    allocation_function PUGIXML_FUNCTION get_memory_allocation_function()
    	return global_allocate;

    deallocation_function PUGIXML_FUNCTION get_memory_deallocation_function()
    	return global_deallocate;

#if !defined(PUGIXML_NO_STL) && (defined(_MSC_VER) || defined(__ICC))
namespace std
	// Workarounds for (non-standard) iterator category detection for older versions (MSVC7/IC8 and earlier)
	std::bidirectional_iterator_tag _Iter_cat(const pugi::xml_node_iterator&)
		return std::bidirectional_iterator_tag();

	std::bidirectional_iterator_tag _Iter_cat(const pugi::xml_attribute_iterator&)
		return std::bidirectional_iterator_tag();

#if !defined(PUGIXML_NO_STL) && defined(__SUNPRO_CC)
namespace std
	// Workarounds for (non-standard) iterator category detection
	std::bidirectional_iterator_tag __iterator_category(const pugi::xml_node_iterator&)
		return std::bidirectional_iterator_tag();

	std::bidirectional_iterator_tag __iterator_category(const pugi::xml_attribute_iterator&)
		return std::bidirectional_iterator_tag();

 * Copyright (c) 2006-2010 Arseny Kapoulkine
 * Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person
 * obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation
 * files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without
 * restriction, including without limitation the rights to use,
 * copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell
 * copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the
 * Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following
 * conditions:
 * The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be
 * included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software.