// Pug Improved XML Parser - Version 0.2
// --------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright (C) 2006-2007, by Arseny Kapoulkine (arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com)
// Thanks to Palvelev Artyom (cppguru@mail.ru) for hints about optimizing
// conversion functions.
// This work is based on the pugxml parser, which is:
// Copyright (C) 2003, by Kristen Wegner (kristen@tima.net)
// Released into the Public Domain. Use at your own risk.
// See pugxml.xml for further information, history, etc.
// Contributions by Neville Franks (readonly@getsoft.com).

#include "pugixml.hpp"

#include <cstdlib>

#include <new>

namespace pugi
	/// A 'name=value' XML attribute structure.
	struct xml_attribute_struct
		/// Default ctor

		char*		name;			///< Pointer to attribute name.
		char*		value;			///< Pointer to attribute value.

		xml_attribute_struct* prev_attribute;	///< Previous attribute
		xml_attribute_struct* next_attribute;	///< Next attribute

	/// An XML document tree node.
	struct xml_node_struct
		/// Default ctor
		/// \param type - node type
		xml_node_struct(xml_node_type type = node_element);

		xml_node_type			type;					///< Node type; see xml_node_type.
		xml_node_struct*		parent;					///< Pointer to parent

		char*					name;					///< Pointer to element name.
		char*					value;					///< Pointer to any associated string data.

		xml_node_struct*		first_child;			///< First child
		xml_node_struct*		last_child;				///< Last child
		xml_node_struct*		prev_sibling;			///< Left brother
		xml_node_struct*		next_sibling;			///< Right brother
		xml_attribute_struct*	first_attribute;		///< First attribute
		xml_attribute_struct*	last_attribute;			///< Last attribute

	class xml_allocator
		xml_allocator(xml_memory_block* root): _root(root), _count(0)

		template <typename T> T* allocate()
			void* buf = memalloc(sizeof(T));
			return new (buf) T();
		template <typename T, typename U> T* allocate(U val)
			void* buf = memalloc(sizeof(T));
			return new (buf) T(val);

		xml_memory_block* _root;
		unsigned int _count;

		void* memalloc(size_t size)
			if (_root->size + size <= memory_block_size)
				void* buf = _root->data + _root->size;
				_root->size += size;
				return buf;
				_root->next = new xml_memory_block();
				_root = _root->next;

				_root->size = size;


				return _root->data;

	namespace utf8
		const unsigned char BYTE_MASK = 0xBF;
		const unsigned char BYTE_MARK = 0x80;
		const unsigned char BYTE_MASK_READ = 0x3F;
		const unsigned char FIRST_BYTE_MARK[7] = { 0x00, 0x00, 0xC0, 0xE0, 0xF0, 0xF8, 0xFC };

	enum chartype
		ct_parse_pcdata = 1,	// \0, &, \r, <
		ct_parse_attr = 2,		// \0, &, \r, ', "
		ct_parse_attr_ws = 4,	// \0, &, \r, ', ", \n, space, tab
		ct_space = 8,			// \r, \n, space, tab
		ct_parse_cdata = 16,	// \0, ], >, \r
		ct_parse_comment = 32	// \0, -, >, \r
	static unsigned char chartype_table[256] =
		55, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,		0, 12, 12, 0, 0, 63, 0, 0,	// 0-15
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,		// 16-31
		12, 0, 6, 0, 0, 0, 7, 6,		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32, 0, 0,	// 32-47
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 48, 0,	// 48-63
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,		// 64-79
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 16, 0, 0,	// 80-95
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,		// 96-111
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,		// 112-127

		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,
		0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0,			0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0
	bool is_chartype(char c, chartype ct)
		return !!(chartype_table[static_cast<unsigned char>(c)] & ct);

namespace pugi
	// Get the size that is needed for strutf16_utf8 applied to all s characters
	static size_t strutf16_utf8_size(const wchar_t* s)
		size_t length = 0;

		for (; *s; ++s)
			if (*s < 0x80) length += 1;
			else if (*s < 0x800) length += 2;
			else if (*s < 0x10000) length += 3;
			else if (*s < 0x200000) length += 4;

		return length;

	// Write utf16 char to stream, return position after the last written char
	// \param s - pointer to string
	// \param ch - char
	// \return position after the last char
	// \rem yes, this is trom TinyXML. How would you write it the other way, without switch trick?..
	static char* strutf16_utf8(char* s, unsigned int ch)
		unsigned int length;

		if (ch < 0x80) length = 1;
		else if (ch < 0x800) length = 2;
		else if (ch < 0x10000) length = 3;
		else if (ch < 0x200000) length = 4;
		else return s;
		s += length;

		// Scary scary fall throughs.
		switch (length) 
			case 4:
				*--s = (char)((ch | utf8::BYTE_MARK) & utf8::BYTE_MASK); 
				ch >>= 6;
			case 3:
				*--s = (char)((ch | utf8::BYTE_MARK) & utf8::BYTE_MASK); 
				ch >>= 6;
			case 2:
				*--s = (char)((ch | utf8::BYTE_MARK) & utf8::BYTE_MASK); 
				ch >>= 6;
			case 1:
				*--s = (char)(ch | utf8::FIRST_BYTE_MARK[length]);
		return s + length;

	// Get the size that is needed for strutf8_utf16 applied to all s characters
	static size_t strutf8_utf16_size(const char* s)
		size_t length = 0;

		for (; *s; ++s)
			unsigned char ch = static_cast<unsigned char>(*s);

			if (ch < 0x80 || (ch >= 0xC0 && ch < 0xFC)) ++length;

		return length;

	// Read utf16 char from utf8 stream, return position after the last read char
	// \param s - pointer to string
	// \param ch - char
	// \return position after the last char
	static const char* strutf8_utf16(const char* s, unsigned int& ch)
		unsigned int length;

		const unsigned char* str = reinterpret_cast<const unsigned char*>(s);

		if (*str < utf8::BYTE_MARK)
			ch = *str;
			return s + 1;
		else if (*str < 0xC0)
			ch = ' ';
			return s + 1;
		else if (*str < 0xE0) length = 2;
		else if (*str < 0xF0) length = 3;
		else if (*str < 0xF8) length = 4;
		else if (*str < 0xFC) length = 5;
			ch = ' ';
			return s + 1;

		ch = (*str++ & ~utf8::FIRST_BYTE_MARK[length]);
		// Scary scary fall throughs.
		switch (length) 
			case 5:
				ch <<= 6;
				ch += (*str++ & utf8::BYTE_MASK_READ);
			case 4:
				ch <<= 6;
				ch += (*str++ & utf8::BYTE_MASK_READ);
			case 3:
				ch <<= 6;
				ch += (*str++ & utf8::BYTE_MASK_READ);
			case 2:
				ch <<= 6;
				ch += (*str++ & utf8::BYTE_MASK_READ);
		return reinterpret_cast<const char*>(str);

	struct xml_parser_impl
		xml_allocator& alloc;
		bool chartype_symbol_table[256];
		bool chartype_symbol(char c) const { return chartype_symbol_table[(unsigned char)c]; }
		struct gap
			char* end;
			size_t size;
			gap(): end(0), size(0)
			// Push new gap, move s count bytes further (skipping the gap).
			// Collapse previous gap.
			void push(char*& s, size_t count)
				if (end) // there was a gap already; collapse it
					// Move [old_gap_end, new_gap_start) to [old_gap_start, ...)
					memmove(end - size, end, s - end);
				s += count; // end of current gap
				// "merge" two gaps
				end = s;
				size += count;
			// Collapse all gaps, return past-the-end pointer
			char* flush(char* s)
				if (end)
					// Move [old_gap_end, current_pos) to [old_gap_start, ...)
					memmove(end - size, end, s - end);

					return s - size;
				else return s;
		static char* strconv_escape(char* s, gap& g)
			char* stre = s + 1;

			switch (*stre)
				case '#':	// &#...
					unsigned int ucsc = 0;


					if (*stre == 'x') // &#x... (hex code)
						while (*stre)
							if (*stre >= '0' && *stre <= '9')
								ucsc = 16 * ucsc + (*stre++ - '0');
							else if (*stre >= 'A' && *stre <= 'F')
								ucsc = 16 * ucsc + (*stre++ - 'A' + 10);
							else if (*stre >= 'a' && *stre <= 'f')
								ucsc = 16 * ucsc + (*stre++ - 'a' + 10);
							else break;

						if (*stre == ';') ++stre;
					else	// &#... (dec code)
						while (*stre >= '0' && *stre <= '9')
							ucsc = 10 * ucsc + (*stre++ - '0');

						if (*stre == ';') ++stre;

					s = strutf16_utf8(s, ucsc);
					g.push(s, stre - s);
					return stre;
				case 'a':	// &a

					if (*stre == 'm') // &am
						if (*++stre == 'p' && *++stre == ';') // &amp;
							*s++ = '&';
							g.push(s, stre - s);
							return stre;
					else if (*stre == 'p') // &ap
						if (*++stre == 'o' && *++stre == 's' && *++stre == ';') // &apos;
							*s++ = '\'';

							g.push(s, stre - s);
							return stre;
				case 'g': // &g
					if (*++stre == 't' && *++stre == ';') // &gt;
						*s++ = '>';
						g.push(s, stre - s);
						return stre;
				case 'l': // &l
					if (*++stre == 't' && *++stre == ';') // &lt;
						*s++ = '<';
						g.push(s, stre - s);
						return stre;
				case 'q': // &q
					if (*++stre == 'u' && *++stre == 'o' && *++stre == 't' && *++stre == ';') // &quot;
						*s++ = '"';
						g.push(s, stre - s);
						return stre;
			return stre;

		static char* strconv_comment(char* s)
			if (!*s) return 0;
			gap g;
			while (true)
				while (!is_chartype(*s, ct_parse_comment)) ++s;
				if (*s == '\r') // Either a single 0x0d or 0x0d 0x0a pair
					*s++ = '\n'; // replace first one with 0x0a
					if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
				else if (*s == '-' && *(s+1) == '-' && *(s+2) == '>') // comment ends here
					*g.flush(s) = 0;
					return s + 3;
				else if (*s == 0)
					return 0;
				else ++s;

		static char* strconv_cdata(char* s)
			if (!*s) return 0;
			gap g;
			while (true)
				while (!is_chartype(*s, ct_parse_cdata)) ++s;
				if (*s == '\r') // Either a single 0x0d or 0x0d 0x0a pair
					*s++ = '\n'; // replace first one with 0x0a
					if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
				else if (*s == ']' && *(s+1) == ']' && *(s+2) == '>') // CDATA ends here
					*g.flush(s) = 0;
					return s + 1;
				else if (*s == 0)
					return 0;
				else ++s;
		template <bool opt_escape, bool opt_eol> static char* strconv_pcdata(char* s)
			if (!*s) return 0;

			gap g;
			while (true)
				while (!is_chartype(*s, ct_parse_pcdata)) ++s;
				if (opt_eol && *s == '\r') // Either a single 0x0d or 0x0d 0x0a pair
					*s++ = '\n'; // replace first one with 0x0a
					if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
				else if (opt_escape && *s == '&')
					s = strconv_escape(s, g);
				else if (*s == '<') // PCDATA ends here
					*g.flush(s) = 0;
					return s + 1;
				else if (*s == 0)
					return 0;
				else ++s;

		static char* strconv_pcdata(char* s, unsigned int opt_escape, unsigned int opt_eol)
			if (opt_escape)
				return opt_eol ? strconv_pcdata<true, true>(s) : strconv_pcdata<true, false>(s);
				return opt_eol ? strconv_pcdata<false, true>(s) : strconv_pcdata<false, false>(s);

		template <bool opt_escape, bool opt_wnorm, bool opt_wconv, bool opt_eol> static char* strconv_attr(char* s, char end_quote)
			if (!*s) return 0;
			gap g;

			// Trim whitespaces
			if (opt_wnorm)
				char* str = s;
				while (is_chartype(*str, ct_space)) ++str;
				if (str != s)
					g.push(s, str - s);
			while (true)
				while (!is_chartype(*s, (opt_wnorm || opt_wconv) ? ct_parse_attr_ws : ct_parse_attr)) ++s;
				if (opt_escape && *s == '&')
					s = strconv_escape(s, g);
				else if (opt_wnorm && is_chartype(*s, ct_space))
					*s++ = ' ';
					if (is_chartype(*s, ct_space))
						char* str = s + 1;
						while (is_chartype(*str, ct_space)) ++str;
						g.push(s, str - s);
				else if (opt_wconv && is_chartype(*s, ct_space))
					if (opt_eol)
						if (*s == '\r')
							*s++ = ' ';
							if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
						else *s++ = ' ';
					else *s++ = ' ';
				else if (opt_eol && *s == '\r')
					*s++ = '\n';
					if (*s == '\n') g.push(s, 1);
				else if (*s == end_quote)
					char* str = g.flush(s);
					if (opt_wnorm)
						do *str-- = 0;
						while (is_chartype(*str, ct_space));
					else *str = 0;
					return s + 1;
				else if (!*s)
					return 0;
				else ++s;
		static void strconv_attr_setup(char* (*&func)(char*, char), unsigned int opt_escape, unsigned int opt_wnorm, unsigned int opt_wconv, unsigned int opt_eol)
			if (opt_eol)
				if (opt_wconv)
					if (opt_escape)
						if (opt_wnorm) func = &strconv_attr<true, true, true, true>;
						else func = &strconv_attr<true, false, true, true>;
						if (opt_wnorm) func = &strconv_attr<false, true, true, true>;
						else func = &strconv_attr<false, false, true, true>;
					if (opt_escape)
						if (opt_wnorm) func = &strconv_attr<true, true, false, true>;
						else func = &strconv_attr<true, false, false, true>;
						if (opt_wnorm) func = &strconv_attr<false, true, false, true>;
						else func = &strconv_attr<false, false, false, true>;
				if (opt_wconv)
					if (opt_escape)
						if (opt_wnorm) func = &strconv_attr<true, true, true, false>;
						else func = &strconv_attr<true, false, true, false>;
						if (opt_wnorm) func = &strconv_attr<false, true, true, false>;
						else func = &strconv_attr<false, false, true, false>;
					if (opt_escape)
						if (opt_wnorm) func = &strconv_attr<true, true, false, false>;
						else func = &strconv_attr<true, false, false, false>;
						if (opt_wnorm) func = &strconv_attr<false, true, false, false>;
						else func = &strconv_attr<false, false, false, false>;

		// Allocate & append a new xml_node_struct onto the given parent.
		// \param parent - pointer to parent node.
		// \param type - desired node type.
		// \return pointer to the new node
		xml_node_struct* append_node(xml_node_struct* parent, xml_node_type type = node_element)
			if(!parent) return 0; // Must have a parent.

			xml_node_struct* child = alloc.allocate<xml_node_struct>(type); // Allocate a new child.
			child->parent = parent; // Set it's parent pointer.
			if (parent->last_child)
				parent->last_child->next_sibling = child;
				child->prev_sibling = parent->last_child;
				parent->last_child = child;
			else parent->first_child = parent->last_child = child;
			return child;

		// Allocate & append a new attribute to the given xml_node_struct.
		// \param node - pointer to parent node.
		// \return pointer to appended xml_attribute_struct.
		xml_attribute_struct* append_attribute(xml_node_struct* node)
			if(!node) return 0;
			xml_attribute_struct* a = alloc.allocate<xml_attribute_struct>();

			if (node->last_attribute)
				node->last_attribute->next_attribute = a;
				a->prev_attribute = node->last_attribute;
				node->last_attribute = a;
			else node->first_attribute = node->last_attribute = a;
			return a;
		// Parser utilities.
		#define SKIPWS()			{ while(is_chartype(*s, ct_space)) ++s; if(*s==0) return s; }
		#define OPTSET(OPT)			( optmsk & OPT )
		#define PUSHNODE(TYPE)		{ cursor = append_node(cursor,TYPE); }
		#define POPNODE()			{ cursor = cursor->parent; }
		#define SCANFOR(X)			{ while(*s!=0 && !(X)) ++s; if(*s==0) return s; }
		#define SCANWHILE(X)		{ while((X)) ++s; if(*s==0) return s; }
		#define ENDSEG()			{ ch = *s; *s = 0; ++s; if(*s==0) return s; }
		xml_parser_impl(xml_allocator& alloc): alloc(alloc)
			for (unsigned int c = 0; c < 256; ++c)
				chartype_symbol_table[c] = c > 127 || (c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z') ||
										(c >= '0' && c <= '9') || c == '_' || c == ':' || c == '-' || c == '.';
		// Static single-pass in-situ parse the given xml string.
		// \param s - pointer to XML-formatted string.
		// \param xmldoc - pointer to root.
		// \param optmsk - parse options mask.
		// \return last string position or NULL.
		char* parse(register char* s,xml_node_struct* xmldoc,unsigned int optmsk = parse_default)
			if(!s || !xmldoc) return s;

			char* (*strconv_attribute)(char*, char);

			strconv_attr_setup(strconv_attribute, OPTSET(parse_escapes), OPTSET(parse_wnorm_attribute), OPTSET(parse_wconv_attribute), OPTSET(parse_eol));

			char ch = 0; // Current char, in cases where we must null-terminate before we test.
			xml_node_struct* cursor = xmldoc; // Tree node cursor.
			char* mark = s; // Marked string position for temporary look-ahead.
			LOC_SEARCH: // Obliviously search for next element.
				SCANFOR(*s == '<'); // Find the next '<'.
				if(*s == '<')
				LOC_CLASSIFY: // What kind of element?
					if(*s == '?') // '<?...'
						if(chartype_symbol(*s) && OPTSET(parse_pi))
							mark = s;
							SCANWHILE(chartype_symbol(*s)); // Read PI target
							PUSHNODE(node_pi); // Append a new node on the tree.

							cursor->name = mark;

							if (is_chartype(ch, ct_space))

								mark = s;
							else mark = 0;

							SCANFOR(*s == '?' && *(s+1) == '>'); // Look for '?>'.

							cursor->value = mark;


							goto LOC_LEAVE;
						else // Bad PI or parse_pi not set.
							SCANFOR(*s == '?' && *(s+1) == '>'); // Look for '?>'.
							goto LOC_LEAVE;
					else if(*s == '!') // '<!...'
						if(*s == '-') // '<!-...'
							if(*s == '-') // '<!--...'
								if (OPTSET(parse_comments))
									PUSHNODE(node_comment); // Append a new node on the tree.
									cursor->value = s; // Save the offset.

								if (OPTSET(parse_eol) && OPTSET(parse_comments))
									s = strconv_comment(s);
									if (!s) return s;
									// Scan for terminating '-->'.
									SCANFOR(*s == '-' && *(s+1) == '-' && *(s+2) == '>');
									if (OPTSET(parse_comments))
										*s = 0; // Zero-terminate this segment at the first terminating '-'.
									s += 2; // Step over the '\0-'.
								if (OPTSET(parse_comments))
									POPNODE(); // Pop since this is a standalone.
								goto LOC_LEAVE; // Look for any following PCDATA.
						else if(*s == '[')
							// '<![CDATA[...'
							if(*++s=='C' && *++s=='D' && *++s=='A' && *++s=='T' && *++s=='A' && *++s == '[')
									PUSHNODE(node_cdata); // Append a new node on the tree.
									cursor->value = s; // Save the offset.

									if (OPTSET(parse_eol))
										s = strconv_cdata(s);
										if (!s) return s;
										// Scan for terminating ']]>'.
										SCANFOR(*s == ']' && *(s+1) == ']' && *(s+2) == '>');
										ENDSEG(); // Zero-terminate this segment.

									POPNODE(); // Pop since this is a standalone.
								else // Flagged for discard, but we still have to scan for the terminator.
									// Scan for terminating ']]>'.
									SCANFOR(*s == ']' && *(s+1) == ']' && *(s+2) == '>');
								++s; // Step over the last ']'.
								goto LOC_LEAVE; // Look for any following PCDATA.
							continue; // Probably a corrupted CDATA section, so just eat it.
						else if(*s=='D' && *++s=='O' && *++s=='C' && *++s=='T' && *++s=='Y' && *++s=='P' && *++s=='E')
							SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.
							SCANWHILE(*s == '\'' || *s == '"' || *s == '[' || *s == '>');
							if(*s == '\'' || *s == '"') // '...SYSTEM "..."
								ch = *s++;
								SCANFOR(*s == ch);
								goto LOC_DOCTYPE;
							if(*s == '[') // '...[...'
								unsigned int bd = 1; // Bracket depth counter.
								while(*s!=0) // Loop till we're out of all brackets.
									if(*s == ']') --bd;
									else if(*s == '[') ++bd;
									if(bd == 0) break;
								// Note: 's' now points to end of DTD, i.e.: ']'.
								SCANFOR(*s == '>');
							// Fall-through
					else if(chartype_symbol(*s)) // '<#...'
						cursor = append_node(cursor); // Append a new node to the tree.

						cursor->name = s;
						SCANWHILE(chartype_symbol(*s)); // Scan for a terminator.
						ENDSEG(); // Save char in 'ch', terminate & step over.
						if (*s!=0 && ch == '/') // '</...'
							SCANFOR(*s == '>'); // Scan for '>'
							POPNODE(); // Pop.
							goto LOC_LEAVE;
						else if(*s!=0 && !is_chartype(ch, ct_space))
							if (ch != '>') SCANWHILE(*s != '>');
							if (!*s) return s;
							goto LOC_PCDATA; // No attributes, so scan for PCDATA.
						else if(*s!=0 && is_chartype(ch, ct_space))
							SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.
							if(chartype_symbol(*s)) // <... #...
								xml_attribute_struct* a = append_attribute(cursor); // Make space for this attribute.
								a->name = s; // Save the offset.
								SCANWHILE(chartype_symbol(*s)); // Scan for a terminator.
								ENDSEG(); // Save char in 'ch', terminate & step over.
								if(*s!=0 && is_chartype(ch, ct_space)) SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.
								if(*s!=0 && (ch == '=' || *s == '=')) // '<... #=...'
									if(*s == '=') ++s;
									SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.
									if(*s == '\'' || *s == '"') // '<... #="...'
										ch = *s; // Save quote char to avoid breaking on "''" -or- '""'.
										++s; // Step over the quote.
										a->value = s; // Save the offset.

										s = strconv_attribute(s, ch);
										if (!s) return s;

										if(*s == '>')
											goto LOC_PCDATA;
										else if(*s == '/')
											SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.
											goto LOC_LEAVE;
										else if(is_chartype(*s, ct_space)) // This may indicate a following attribute.
											SKIPWS(); // Eat any whitespace.
											goto LOC_ATTRIBUTE; // Go scan for additional attributes.
								goto LOC_ATTRIBUTE;

							SCANWHILE(*s != '>' && *s != '/');
						if(*s == '>') // '...>'
							++s; // Step over the '>'.
						LOC_PCDATA: // '>...<'
							mark = s; // Save this offset while searching for a terminator.
							SKIPWS(); // Eat whitespace if no genuine PCDATA here.
							// We hit a '<...', with only whitespace, so don't bother storing anything.
 							if((mark == s || !OPTSET(parse_ws_pcdata)) && *s == '<')
								if(*(s+1) == '/') // '</...'
									goto LOC_CLOSE;
								else goto LOC_SEARCH; // Expect a new element enter, so go scan for it.
							s = mark;
							bool preserve = OPTSET(parse_ext_pcdata) || cursor->type != node_document;

							if (preserve)
								PUSHNODE(node_pcdata); // Append a new node on the tree.
								cursor->value = s; // Save the offset.

								s = strconv_pcdata(s, OPTSET(parse_escapes), OPTSET(parse_eol));
								if (!s) return s;
								POPNODE(); // Pop since this is a standalone.
								SCANFOR(*s == '<'); // '...<'

							// We're after '<...', otherwise we would not get here
							if(*s == '/') goto LOC_CLOSE;
							else if(*s == '!') goto LOC_CLASSIFY; // We hit a '<!...'. We must test this here if we want comments intermixed w/PCDATA.
							else if(*s) goto LOC_CLASSIFY;
							else return s;
						// Fall-through A.
						else if(*s == '/') // '.../'
							if(*s == '>') // '.../>'
								POPNODE(); // Pop.
								goto LOC_LEAVE;
					// Fall-through B.
					else if(*s == '/') // '.../'
						if (OPTSET(parse_match_end_tags))
							while (cursor && cursor->type != node_document)
								char* tagname = s;
								// is it the matching tag?
								char* name = cursor->name;
								if (name)
									while (*tagname && chartype_symbol(*tagname))
										if (*tagname++ != *name++) goto TAG_NEXTMATCH;
									if (!*name)
										// we've found matching tag
										s = tagname;

						else if (OPTSET(parse_check_end_tags))
							char* name = cursor->name;
							if (!name) return s;
							while (*s && chartype_symbol(*s))
								if (*s++ != *name++) return s;
							if (*name) return s;
							POPNODE(); // Pop.
							SCANFOR(*s == '>'); // '...>'
							POPNODE(); // Pop.

						goto LOC_LEAVE;
			return s;
		const xml_parser_impl& operator=(const xml_parser_impl&);

	// Compare lhs with [rhs_begin, rhs_end)
	static int strcmprange(const char* lhs, const char* rhs_begin, const char* rhs_end)
		while (*lhs && rhs_begin != rhs_end && *lhs == *rhs_begin)
		if (rhs_begin == rhs_end && *lhs == 0) return 0;
		else return 1;
	// Character set pattern match.
	static int strcmpwild_cset(const char** src, const char** dst)
		int find = 0, excl = 0, star = 0;
		if (**src == '!')
			excl = 1;
		while (**src != ']' || star == 1)
			if (find == 0)
				if (**src == '-' && *(*src-1) < *(*src+1) && *(*src+1) != ']' && star == 0)
					if (**dst >= *(*src-1) && **dst <= *(*src+1))
						find = 1;
				else if (**src == **dst) find = 1;
			star = 0;

		if (excl == 1) find = (1 - find);
		if (find == 1) ++(*dst);
		return find;

	// Wildcard pattern match.
	static int strcmpwild_astr(const char** src, const char** dst)
		int find = 1;
		while ((**dst != 0 && **src == '?') || **src == '*')
			if(**src == '?') ++(*dst);
		while (**src == '*') ++(*src);
		if (**dst == 0 && **src != 0) return 0;
		if (**dst == 0 && **src == 0) return 1;
			if (impl::strcmpwild(*src,*dst))
					while(**src != **dst && **src != '[' && **dst != 0) 
				while ((**dst != 0) ? impl::strcmpwild(*src,*dst) : 0 != (find=0));
			if (**dst == 0 && **src == 0) find = 1;
			return find;

	namespace impl
		// Compare two strings, with globbing, and character sets.
		int strcmpwild(const char* src, const char* dst)
			int find = 1;
			for(; *src != 0 && find == 1 && *dst != 0; ++src)
				switch (*src)
					case '?': ++dst; break;
					case '[': ++src; find = strcmpwild_cset(&src,&dst); break;
					case '*': find = strcmpwild_astr(&src,&dst); --src; break;
					default : find = (int) (*src == *dst); ++dst;
			while (*src == '*' && find == 1) ++src;
			return (find == 1 && *dst == 0 && *src == 0) ? 0 : 1;

	int strcmp(const char* lhs, const char* rhs)
		return ::strcmp(lhs, rhs);

	int strcmpwildimpl(const char* src, const char* dst)
		return impl::strcmpwild(src, dst);

	typedef int (*strcmpfunc)(const char*, const char*);

	xml_attribute_struct::xml_attribute_struct(): name(0), value(0), prev_attribute(0), next_attribute(0)
	xml_node_struct::xml_node_struct(xml_node_type type): type(type), parent(0), name(0), value(0), first_child(0), last_child(0), prev_sibling(0), next_sibling(0), first_attribute(0), last_attribute(0)

	xml_tree_walker::xml_tree_walker() : _deep(0)

	void xml_tree_walker::push()

	void xml_tree_walker::pop()

	int xml_tree_walker::depth() const
		return (_deep > 0) ? _deep : 0;

	bool xml_tree_walker::begin(const xml_node&)
		return true;

	bool xml_tree_walker::end(const xml_node&)
		return true;

	xml_attribute::xml_attribute(): _attr(0)

	xml_attribute::xml_attribute(const xml_attribute_struct* attr): _attr(attr)

	xml_attribute::operator xml_attribute::unspecified_bool_type() const
      	return empty() ? 0 : &xml_attribute::_attr;

	bool xml_attribute::operator==(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr == r._attr);
	bool xml_attribute::operator!=(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr != r._attr);

	bool xml_attribute::operator<(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr < r._attr);
	bool xml_attribute::operator>(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr > r._attr);
	bool xml_attribute::operator<=(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr <= r._attr);
	bool xml_attribute::operator>=(const xml_attribute& r) const
		return (_attr >= r._attr);

   	xml_attribute xml_attribute::next_attribute() const
    	return _attr ? xml_attribute(_attr->next_attribute) : xml_attribute();

    xml_attribute xml_attribute::previous_attribute() const
    	return _attr ? xml_attribute(_attr->prev_attribute) : xml_attribute();

	int xml_attribute::as_int() const
		if(empty() || !_attr->value) return 0;
		return atoi(_attr->value);

	double xml_attribute::as_double() const
		if(empty() || !_attr->value) return 0.0;
		return atof(_attr->value);

	float xml_attribute::as_float() const
		if(empty() || !_attr->value) return 0.0f;
		return (float)atof(_attr->value);

	bool xml_attribute::as_bool() const
		if(empty() || !_attr->value) return false;
			return // Only look at first char:
				*(_attr->value) == '1' || // 1*
				*(_attr->value) == 't' || // t* (true)
				*(_attr->value) == 'T' || // T* (true|true)
				*(_attr->value) == 'y' || // y* (yes)
				*(_attr->value) == 'Y' // Y* (Yes|YES)
				? true : false; // Return true if matches above, else false.
		else return false;

	bool xml_attribute::empty() const
		return (_attr == 0);

	const char* xml_attribute::name() const
		return (!empty() && _attr->name) ? _attr->name : "";

	const char* xml_attribute::value() const
		return (!empty() && _attr->value) ? _attr->value : "";

	xml_node::xml_node(): _root(0)

	xml_node::xml_node(const xml_node_struct* p): _root(p)
	xml_node::operator xml_node::unspecified_bool_type() const
      	return empty() ? 0 : &xml_node::_root;

	xml_node::iterator xml_node::begin() const
		return iterator(_root->first_child);

	xml_node::iterator xml_node::end() const
		return iterator(0, _root->last_child);
	xml_node::iterator xml_node::children_begin() const
		return iterator(_root->first_child);

	xml_node::iterator xml_node::children_end() const
		return iterator(0, _root->last_child);
	xml_node::attribute_iterator xml_node::attributes_begin() const
		return attribute_iterator(_root->first_attribute);

	xml_node::attribute_iterator xml_node::attributes_end() const
		return attribute_iterator(0, _root->last_attribute);

	xml_node::iterator xml_node::siblings_begin() const
		return parent().children_begin();

	xml_node::iterator xml_node::siblings_end() const
		return parent().children_end();

	bool xml_node::operator==(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root == r._root);

	bool xml_node::operator!=(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root != r._root);

	bool xml_node::operator<(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root < r._root);
	bool xml_node::operator>(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root > r._root);
	bool xml_node::operator<=(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root <= r._root);
	bool xml_node::operator>=(const xml_node& r) const
		return (_root >= r._root);

	bool xml_node::empty() const
		return (_root == 0 || _root->type == node_null);
	bool xml_node::type_document() const
		return (_root && _root == _root->parent && _root->type == node_document);
	const char* xml_node::name() const
		return (!empty() && _root->name) ? _root->name : "";

	xml_node_type xml_node::type() const
		return (_root) ? (xml_node_type)_root->type : node_null;
	const char* xml_node::value() const
		return (!empty() && _root->value) ? _root->value : "";
	xml_node xml_node::child(const char* name) const
		if (!empty())
			for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
				if (i->name && !strcmp(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::child_w(const char* name) const
		if (!empty())
			for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
				if (i->name && !impl::strcmpwild(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_attribute xml_node::attribute(const char* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_attribute();

		for (xml_attribute_struct* i = _root->first_attribute; i; i = i->next_attribute)
			if (i->name && !strcmp(name, i->name))
				return xml_attribute(i);
		return xml_attribute();
	xml_attribute xml_node::attribute_w(const char* name) const
		if (!_root) return xml_attribute();

		for (xml_attribute_struct* i = _root->first_attribute; i; i = i->next_attribute)
			if (i->name && !impl::strcmpwild(name, i->name))
				return xml_attribute(i);
		return xml_attribute();

	xml_node xml_node::sibling(const char* name) const
		if (!empty() && !type_document()) return parent().child(name);
		else return xml_node();
	xml_node xml_node::sibling_w(const char* name) const
		if (!empty() && !type_document()) return parent().child_w(name);
		else return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::next_sibling(const char* name) const
		if(empty()) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->next_sibling; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && !strcmp(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::next_sibling_w(const char* name) const
		if(empty()) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->next_sibling; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->name && !impl::strcmpwild(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::next_sibling() const
		if(empty()) return xml_node();
		if (_root->next_sibling) return xml_node(_root->next_sibling);
		else return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::previous_sibling(const char* name) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->prev_sibling; i; i = i->prev_sibling)
			if (i->name && !strcmp(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::previous_sibling_w(const char* name) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->prev_sibling; i; i = i->prev_sibling)
			if (i->name && !impl::strcmpwild(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);

		return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::previous_sibling() const
		if(empty()) return xml_node();
		if (_root->prev_sibling) return xml_node(_root->prev_sibling);
		else return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::parent() const
		return (!type_document()) ? xml_node(_root->parent) : xml_node();

	const char* xml_node::child_value() const
		if (!empty())
			for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
				if ((i->type == node_pcdata || i->type == node_cdata) && i->value)
					return i->value;
		return "";

	const char* xml_node::child_value(const char* name) const
		return child(name).child_value();

	const char* xml_node::child_value_w(const char* name) const
		return child_w(name).child_value();

	xml_attribute xml_node::first_attribute() const
		return _root ? xml_attribute(_root->first_attribute) : xml_attribute();

	xml_attribute xml_node::last_attribute() const
		return _root ? xml_attribute(_root->last_attribute) : xml_attribute();

	xml_node xml_node::first_child() const
		if (_root) return xml_node(_root->first_child);
		else return xml_node();

	xml_node xml_node::last_child() const
		if (_root) return xml_node(_root->last_child);
		else return xml_node();

	namespace impl
		xml_node first_element(const xml_node_struct* node, const char* name, strcmpfunc pred)
			for (xml_node_struct* i = node->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
				if (i->name && !pred(name, i->name)) return xml_node(i);
				else if (i->first_child)
					xml_node found = first_element(i, name, pred);
					if (found) return found; // Found.
			return xml_node(); // Not found.

	xml_node xml_node::first_element(const char* name) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();

		return impl::first_element(_root, name, &strcmp);

	xml_node xml_node::first_element_w(const char* name) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();

		return impl::first_element(_root, name, &strcmpwildimpl);

	namespace impl
		xml_node first_element_by_value(const xml_node_struct* node, const char* name, const char* value, strcmpfunc pred)
			for (xml_node_struct* i = node->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
				if (i->name && !pred(name,i->name))
					for (xml_node_struct* j = i->first_child; j; j = j->next_sibling)
						if (j->type == node_pcdata && j->value && !pred(value, j->value))
							return xml_node(i);
				else if (i->first_child)
					xml_node found = first_element_by_value(i, name, value, pred);
					if(!found.empty()) return found; // Found.
			return xml_node(); // Not found.

	xml_node xml_node::first_element_by_value(const char* name,const char* value) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();

		return impl::first_element_by_value(_root, name, value, &strcmp);

	xml_node xml_node::first_element_by_value_w(const char* name,const char* value) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();

		return impl::first_element_by_value(_root, name, value, &strcmpwildimpl);

	namespace impl
		xml_node first_element_by_attribute(const xml_node_struct* node, const char* name, const char* attr_name, const char* attr_value, strcmpfunc pred)
			for (xml_node_struct* i = node->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
				if (i->name && !pred(name, i->name))
					for (xml_attribute_struct* j = i->first_attribute; j; j = j->next_attribute)
						if (j->name && j->value && !pred(attr_name, j->name) && !pred(attr_value, j->value))
							return xml_node(i); // Wrap it up and return.
				else if (i->first_child)
					xml_node found = first_element_by_attribute(i, name, attr_name, attr_value, pred);
					if(!found.empty()) return found; // Found.
			return xml_node(); // Not found.
	xml_node xml_node::first_element_by_attribute(const char* name,const char* attr_name,const char* attr_value) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();

		return impl::first_element_by_attribute(_root, name, attr_name, attr_value, &strcmp);

	xml_node xml_node::first_element_by_attribute_w(const char* name,const char* attr_name,const char* attr_value) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();

		return impl::first_element_by_attribute(_root, name, attr_name, attr_value, &strcmpwildimpl);

	namespace impl
		xml_node first_element_by_attribute(const xml_node_struct* node, const char* attr_name,const char* attr_value, strcmpfunc pred)
			for (xml_node_struct* i = node->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
				for (xml_attribute_struct* j = i->first_attribute; j; j = j->next_attribute)
					if (j->name && j->value && !pred(attr_name, j->name) && !pred(attr_value, j->value))
						return xml_node(i); // Wrap it up and return.
				if (i->first_child)
					xml_node found = first_element_by_attribute(i->first_child, attr_name, attr_value, pred);
					if (!found.empty()) return found; // Found.
			return xml_node(); // Not found.

	xml_node xml_node::first_element_by_attribute(const char* attr_name,const char* attr_value) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();

		return impl::first_element_by_attribute(_root, attr_name, attr_value, &strcmp);

	xml_node xml_node::first_element_by_attribute_w(const char* attr_name,const char* attr_value) const
		if (empty()) return xml_node();

		return impl::first_element_by_attribute(_root, attr_name, attr_value, &strcmpwildimpl);

	xml_node xml_node::first_node(xml_node_type type) const
		if(!_root) return xml_node();
		for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
			if (i->type == type) return xml_node(i);
			else if (i->first_child)
				xml_node subsearch(i);
				xml_node found = subsearch.first_node(type);
				if(!found.empty()) return found; // Found.
		return xml_node(); // Not found.

	std::string xml_node::path(char delimiter) const
		std::string path;

		xml_node cursor = *this; // Make a copy.
		path = cursor.name();

		while (cursor.parent() && !cursor.type_document()) // Loop to parent (stopping on actual root because it has no name).
			cursor = cursor.parent();
			std::string temp = cursor.name();
			temp += delimiter;
			temp += path;

		return path;

	xml_node xml_node::first_element_by_path(const char* path, char delimiter) const
		xml_node found = *this; // Current search context.

		if (empty() || !path || !path[0]) return found;

		if (path[0] == delimiter)
			// Absolute path; e.g. '/foo/bar'
			while (found.parent()) found = found.parent();

		const char* path_segment = path;

		while (*path_segment == delimiter) ++path_segment;

		const char* path_segment_end = path_segment;

		while (*path_segment_end && *path_segment_end != delimiter) ++path_segment_end;

		if (path_segment == path_segment_end) return found;

		const char* next_segment = path_segment_end;

		while (*next_segment == delimiter) ++next_segment;

		if (*path_segment == '.' && path_segment + 1 == path_segment_end)
			return found.first_element_by_path(next_segment, delimiter);
		else if (*path_segment == '.' && *(path_segment+1) == '.' && path_segment + 2 == path_segment_end)
			return found.parent().first_element_by_path(next_segment, delimiter);
			for (xml_node_struct* j = found._root->first_child; j; j = j->next_sibling)
				if (j->name && !strcmprange(j->name, path_segment, path_segment_end))
					xml_node subsearch = xml_node(j).first_element_by_path(next_segment, delimiter);

					if (subsearch) return subsearch;

			return xml_node();

	bool xml_node::traverse(xml_tree_walker& walker) const
		if (!walker.begin(*this)) return false; // Send the callback for begin traverse if depth is zero.
		if(!empty()) // Don't traverse if this is a null node.
			walker.push(); // Increment the walker depth counter.

			for (xml_node_struct* i = _root->first_child; i; i = i->next_sibling)
				xml_node subsearch(i);
				if (!subsearch.traverse(walker)) return false;
			walker.pop(); // Decrement the walker depth counter.
		if (!walker.end(*this)) return false; // Send the callback for end traverse if depth is zero.
		return true;


	xml_node_iterator::xml_node_iterator(const xml_node& node): _wrap(node)

	xml_node_iterator::xml_node_iterator(const xml_node_struct* ref): _wrap(ref)
	xml_node_iterator::xml_node_iterator(const xml_node_struct* ref, const xml_node_struct* prev): _prev(prev), _wrap(ref)

	bool xml_node_iterator::operator==(const xml_node_iterator& rhs) const
		return (_wrap == rhs._wrap);
	bool xml_node_iterator::operator!=(const xml_node_iterator& rhs) const
		return (_wrap != rhs._wrap);

	const xml_node& xml_node_iterator::operator*() const
		return _wrap;

	const xml_node* xml_node_iterator::operator->() const
		return &_wrap;

	const xml_node_iterator& xml_node_iterator::operator++()
		_prev = _wrap;
		_wrap = xml_node(_wrap._root->next_sibling);
		return *this;

	xml_node_iterator xml_node_iterator::operator++(int)
		xml_node_iterator temp = *this;
		return temp;

	const xml_node_iterator& xml_node_iterator::operator--()
		if (_wrap._root) _wrap = xml_node(_wrap._root->prev_sibling);
		else _wrap = _prev;
		return *this;

	xml_node_iterator xml_node_iterator::operator--(int)
		xml_node_iterator temp = *this;
		return temp;


	xml_attribute_iterator::xml_attribute_iterator(const xml_attribute& attr): _wrap(attr)

	xml_attribute_iterator::xml_attribute_iterator(const xml_attribute_struct* ref): _wrap(ref)
	xml_attribute_iterator::xml_attribute_iterator(const xml_attribute_struct* ref, const xml_attribute_struct* prev): _prev(prev), _wrap(ref)

	bool xml_attribute_iterator::operator==(const xml_attribute_iterator& rhs) const
		return (_wrap == rhs._wrap);
	bool xml_attribute_iterator::operator!=(const xml_attribute_iterator& rhs) const
		return (_wrap != rhs._wrap);

	const xml_attribute& xml_attribute_iterator::operator*() const
		return _wrap;

	const xml_attribute* xml_attribute_iterator::operator->() const
		return &_wrap;

	const xml_attribute_iterator& xml_attribute_iterator::operator++()
		_prev = _wrap;
		_wrap = xml_attribute(_wrap._attr->next_attribute);
		return *this;

	xml_attribute_iterator xml_attribute_iterator::operator++(int)
		xml_attribute_iterator temp = *this;
		return temp;

	const xml_attribute_iterator& xml_attribute_iterator::operator--()
		if (_wrap._attr) _wrap = xml_attribute(_wrap._attr->prev_attribute);
		else _wrap = _prev;
		return *this;

	xml_attribute_iterator xml_attribute_iterator::operator--(int)
		xml_attribute_iterator temp = *this;
		return temp;

	xml_memory_block::xml_memory_block(): next(0), size(0)

	xml_parser::xml_parser(unsigned int optmsk): _buffer(0), _xmldoc(0), _optmsk(optmsk)

	xml_parser::xml_parser(std::istream& stream,unsigned int optmsk): _buffer(0), _xmldoc(0), _optmsk(optmsk)
		parse(stream, _optmsk);

	xml_parser::xml_parser(char* xmlstr,unsigned int optmsk): _buffer(0), _xmldoc(0), _optmsk(optmsk)
		parse(xmlstr, _optmsk);

	xml_parser::xml_parser(const transfer_ownership_tag& tag, char* xmlstr ,unsigned int optmsk): _buffer(0), _xmldoc(0), _optmsk(optmsk)
		parse(tag, xmlstr, _optmsk);


	void xml_parser::free()
		delete _buffer;
		_buffer = 0;

		xml_memory_block* current = _memory.next;

		while (current)
			xml_memory_block* next = current->next;
			delete current;
			current = next;
		_memory.next = 0;
		_memory.size = 0;

	xml_parser::operator xml_node() const
		return xml_node(_xmldoc);
	xml_node xml_parser::document() const
		return xml_node(_xmldoc);

	unsigned int xml_parser::options() const
		return _optmsk;

	unsigned int xml_parser::options(unsigned int optmsk)
		unsigned int prev = _optmsk;
		_optmsk = optmsk;
		return prev;

	void xml_parser::parse(std::istream& stream,unsigned int optmsk)

		std::streamoff length = 0, pos = stream.tellg();
		stream.seekg(0, std::ios_base::end);
		length = stream.tellg();
		stream.seekg(pos, std::ios_base::beg);

		char* s = new char[length + 1];
		stream.read(s, length);
		s[length] = 0;

		parse(transfer_ownership_tag(), s, optmsk); // Parse the input string.

	char* xml_parser::parse(char* xmlstr,unsigned int optmsk)

		if(!xmlstr) return 0;

		xml_allocator alloc(&_memory);
		_xmldoc = alloc.allocate<xml_node_struct>(node_document); // Allocate a new root.
		_xmldoc->parent = _xmldoc; // Point to self.
		if(optmsk != parse_noset) _optmsk = optmsk;
		xml_parser_impl parser(alloc);
		return parser.parse(xmlstr,_xmldoc,_optmsk); // Parse the input string.
	char* xml_parser::parse(const transfer_ownership_tag&, char* xmlstr,unsigned int optmsk)

		if(!xmlstr) return 0;

		_buffer = xmlstr;

		xml_allocator alloc(&_memory);
		_xmldoc = alloc.allocate<xml_node_struct>(node_document); // Allocate a new root.
		_xmldoc->parent = _xmldoc; // Point to self.
		if(optmsk != parse_noset) _optmsk = optmsk;
		xml_parser_impl parser(alloc);
		return parser.parse(xmlstr,_xmldoc,_optmsk); // Parse the input string.

	std::string utf8(const wchar_t* str)
		std::string result;
		for (; *str; ++str)
			char buffer[6];
			result.append(buffer, strutf16_utf8(buffer, *str));
	  	return result;
	std::wstring utf16(const char* str)
		std::wstring result;

		for (; *str;)
			unsigned int ch;
			str = strutf8_utf16(str, ch);
			result += (wchar_t)ch;

		return result;