configurations { // This node contains custom pivot information. Toolset { key: "PlatformToolset"; choices: { v140, v120, v110, v100 }; } } nuget { nuspec { id = pugixml; version: 1.7.0-appveyor; authors: {Arseny Kapoulkine}; owners: {Arseny Kapoulkine}; projectUrl: ""; iconUrl: ""; title: pugixml; summary: "Light-weight, simple and fast XML parser for C++ with XPath support"; releaseNotes: ""; copyright: "Copyright (c) 2006-2016 Arseny Kapoulkine"; licenseUrl: ""; requireLicenseAcceptance: false; description: @"pugixml is a C++ XML processing library, which consists of a DOM-like interface with rich traversal/modification capabilities, an extremely fast XML parser which constructs the DOM tree from an XML file/buffer, and an XPath 1.0 implementation for complex data-driven tree queries. Full Unicode support is also available, with Unicode interface variants and conversions between different Unicode encodings (which happen automatically during parsing/saving). pugixml is used by a lot of projects, both open-source and proprietary, for performance and easy-to-use interface."; tags: { native }; } files { include: { "..\src\*.hpp" }; [x86,v120,release] { lib: vs2013\x32\pugixmls.lib; } [x86,v120,debug] { lib: vs2013\x32\pugixmlsd.lib; } [x64,v120,release] { lib: vs2013\x64\pugixmls.lib; } [x64,v120,debug] { lib: vs2013\x64\pugixmlsd.lib; } [x86,v140,release] { lib: vs2015\Win32_Release\pugixml.lib; } [x86,v140,debug] { lib: vs2015\Win32_Debug\pugixml.lib; } [x64,v140,release] { lib: vs2015\x64_Release\pugixml.lib; } [x64,v140,debug] { lib: vs2015\x64_Debug\pugixml.lib; } } }