#include "pugixml.hpp" #include <string.h> #include <iostream> int main() { pugi::xml_document doc; if (!doc.load_string("<node id='123'>text</node><!-- comment -->", pugi::parse_default | pugi::parse_comments)) return -1; //[code_modify_base_node pugi::xml_node node = doc.child("node"); // change node name std::cout << node.set_name("notnode"); std::cout << ", new node name: " << node.name() << std::endl; // change comment text std::cout << doc.last_child().set_value("useless comment"); std::cout << ", new comment text: " << doc.last_child().value() << std::endl; // we can't change value of the element or name of the comment std::cout << node.set_value("1") << ", " << doc.last_child().set_name("2") << std::endl; //] //[code_modify_base_attr pugi::xml_attribute attr = node.attribute("id"); // change attribute name/value std::cout << attr.set_name("key") << ", " << attr.set_value("345"); std::cout << ", new attribute: " << attr.name() << "=" << attr.value() << std::endl; // we can use numbers or booleans attr.set_value(1.234); std::cout << "new attribute value: " << attr.value() << std::endl; // we can also use assignment operators for more concise code attr = true; std::cout << "final attribute value: " << attr.value() << std::endl; //] } // vim:et