#include "pugixml.hpp" #include <iostream> int main() { //[code_load_memory_decl const char source[] = "<mesh name='sphere'><bounds>0 0 1 1</bounds></mesh>"; size_t size = sizeof(source); //] pugi::xml_document doc; { //[code_load_memory_buffer // You can use load_buffer to load document from immutable memory block: pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_buffer(source, size); //] std::cout << "Load result: " << result.description() << ", mesh name: " << doc.child("mesh").attribute("name").value() << std::endl; } { //[code_load_memory_buffer_inplace // You can use load_buffer_inplace to load document from mutable memory block; memory blocks lifetime must exceed that of document char* buffer = new char[size]; memcpy(buffer, source, size); // The block can be allocated by any method; the block is modified during parsing pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_buffer_inplace(buffer, size); //<- std::cout << "Load result: " << result.description() << ", mesh name: " << doc.child("mesh").attribute("name").value() << std::endl; //-> // You have to destroy the block yourself after the document is no longer used delete[] buffer; //] } { //[code_load_memory_buffer_inplace_own // You can use load_buffer_inplace_own to load document from mutable memory block and to pass the ownership of this block // The block has to be allocated via pugixml allocation function - using i.e. operator new here is incorrect char* buffer = static_cast<char*>(pugi::get_memory_allocation_function()(size)); memcpy(buffer, source, size); // The block will be deleted by the document pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load_buffer_inplace_own(buffer, size); //] std::cout << "Load result: " << result.description() << ", mesh name: " << doc.child("mesh").attribute("name").value() << std::endl; } { //[code_load_memory_string // You can use load to load document from null-terminated strings, for example literals: pugi::xml_parse_result result = doc.load("<mesh name='sphere'><bounds>0 0 1 1</bounds></mesh>"); //] std::cout << "Load result: " << result.description() << ", mesh name: " << doc.child("mesh").attribute("name").value() << std::endl; } }