<html> <head> <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=iso-8859-1"> <title>pugixml documentation</title> </head> <body link="#0000ff" vlink="#800080"> <table border="0" cellpadding="4" cellspacing="0" width="100%" summary="header"> <tr> <td valign="top" bgcolor="#eeeeeee"> <h2 align="left">pugixml documentation</h2> </td> </tr> </table> <hr> <h2>Contents</h2> <dl class="index"> <dt><a href="#Introduction">Introduction</a></dt> <dt><a href="#DOM">Document Object Model</a></dt> <dt><a href="#Documentation">Documentation</a> <dd><a href="#Doc_Introduction">Introduction</a></dd> <dd><a href="#Doc_Parser">xml_parser class</a></dd> <dd><a href="#Doc_Node">xml_node class</a></dd> <dd><a href="#Doc_Attribute">xml_attribute class</a></dd> <dd><a href="#Doc_Iterators">Iterators</a></dd> <dd><a href="#Doc_Misc">Miscellaneous</a></dd> <dd><a href="#Doc_Lifetime">Lifetime issues and memory management</a></dd> </dt> <dt><a href="#Parsing">Parsing process</a></dt> <dt><a href="#Compliance">W3C compliance</a></dt> <dt><a href="#ComparisonTable">Comparison with existing parsers</a></dt> <dt><a href="#FAQ">FAQ</a></dt> <dt><a href="#Bugs">Bugs</a></dt> <dt><a href="#Future_work">Future work</a></dt> <dt><a href="#Changelog">Changelog</a></dt> <dt><a href="#Acknowledgements">Acknowledgements</a></dt> <dt><a href="#License">License</a></dt> </dl> <hr> <a name="Introduction"> <h2>Introduction</h2> <p><i>pugixml</i> is just another XML parser. This is a successor to <a href="http://www.codeproject.com/soap/pugxml.asp">pugxml</a> (well, to be honest, the only part that is left as is is wildcard matching code, the rest was either heavily refactored or rewritten from scratch). The main features (call it USP) are:</p> <ul> <li>low memory consumption and fragmentation (the win over <i>pugxml</i> is ~1.3 times, <i>TinyXML</i> - ~2.5 times, <i>Xerces (DOM)</i> - ~4.3 times <a href="#annot-1"><sup>1</sup></a>). Exact numbers can be seen in <a href="#ComparisonTable">Comparison with existing parsers</a> section.</li> <li>extremely high parsing speed (the win over <i>pugxml</i> is ~6 times, <i>TinyXML</i> - ~10 times, <i>Xerces-DOM</i> - ~17.6 times <a href="#annot-1"><sup>1</sup></a></li> <li>extremely high parsing speed (well, I'm repeating myself, but it's so fast, that it outperforms <i>Expat</i> by <b>2.8 times</b> on test XML) <a href="#annot-2"><sup>2</sup></a></li> <li>more or less standard-conformant (it will parse any standard-compliant file correctly in w3c-compliance mode, with the exception of DTD related issues and XML namespaces)</li> <li>pretty much error-ignorant (it will not choke on something like <text>You & Me</text>, like <i>expat</i> will; it will try to recover the state even if meeting an error (like finding matching tags for closing ones); it will parse files with data in wrong encoding; and so on)</li> <li>clean interface (a heavily refactored pugxml's one)</li> <li>more or less unicode-aware (actually, it assumes UTF-8 encoding of the input data, though it will readily work with ANSI - no UTF-16 for now (see <a href="#Future_work">Future work</a>), with helper conversion functions (UTF-8 <-> UTF-16/32 (whatever is the default for std::wstring & wchar_t))</li> <li>fully standard compliant code (approved by <a href="http://www.comeaucomputing.com/tryitout/">Comeau</a> strict mode), multiplatform (tested on win32 only ^_^)</li> <li>high flexibility. You can control many aspects of file parsing and DOM tree building via parsing options. </ul> <p>Okay, you might ask - what's the catch? Everything is so cute - it's small, fast, robust, clean solution for parsing XML. What is missing? Ok, we are fair developers - so here is a misfeature list:</p> <ul> <li>memory consumption. It beats every DOM-based parser that I know of - but when SAX parser comes, there is no chance. You can't process a 2 Gb XML file with less than 4 Gb of memory - and do it fast. Though <i>pugixml</i> behaves better, than all other DOM-based parser, so if you're stuck with DOM, it's not a problem.</li> <li>memory consumption. Ok, I'm repeating myself. Again. When other parsers will allow you to provide XML file in a constant storage (or even as a memory mapped area), <i>pugixml</i> will not. So you'll have to copy the entire data into a non-constant storage. Moreover, it should persist during the parser's lifetime (the reasons for that and more about lifetimes is written below). Again, if you're ok with DOM - it should not be a problem, because the overall memory consumption is less (well, though you'll need a contiguous chunk of memory, which can be a problem).</li> <li>lack of validation, DTD processing, XML namespaces, proper handling of encoding. If you need those - go take MSXML or XercesC or anything like that.</li> <li>lack of XPath & UTF-16/32 parsing. These are not implemented for now, but they are the features for the next release.</li> <li>immutability of DOM tree. It's constant. You can't change it. There are good reasons for prohibiting that, though it is a thing that will likely be in the next release.</li> </ul> <hr> <a name="annot-1"><sup>1</sup><small> The tests were done on a 1 mb XML file with a 4 levels deep tree with a small amount of text. The times are that of building DOM tree. <i>pugixml</i> was run in default parsing mode, so differences in speed are even bigger with minimal settings.</small> <br> <a name="annot-2"><sup>2</sup><small> Obviously, you can't estimate time of building DOM tree for a SAX parser, so the times of reading the data into storage that closely represented the structure of an XML file were measured.</small> <hr> <a name="DOM"> <h2>Document Object Model</h2> <p><i>pugixml</i> is a DOM-based parser. This means, that the XML document is converted to a tree. Each XML tag is converted to a node in DOM tree. If a tag is contained in some other tag, its node is a child to the outer tag's one. Comments, CDATA sections and PIs (Processing Instructions) also are transformed into tree nodes, as is the standalone text. Each node has its type.</p> <p>Here is an example of an XML document: <pre> <span style='color:#004a43; '><?</span><span style='color:#004a43; '>xml</span> <span style='color:#004a43; '>version</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#008c00; '>"1.0"</span><span style='color:#004a43; '>?></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>mesh</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>name</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>mesh_root</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> <span style='color:#696969; '><!--</span><span style='color:#696969; '> here is a mesh node </span><span style='color:#696969; '>--></span> some text <span style='color:#606060; '><![CDATA[</span>[someothertext<span style='color:#606060; '>]]></span> some more text <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>node</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>attr1</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>value1</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span> <span style='color:#a65700; '>/></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>node</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>attr1</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>value2</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> <span style='color:#004a43; '><?</span><span style='color:#004a43; '>TARGET</span><span style='color:#004a43; '> somedata</span><span style='color:#004a43; '>?></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>innernode</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>/></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '></</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>node</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '></</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>mesh</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> </pre> It gets converted to the following tree (note, that with some parsing options comments, PIs and CDATA sections are not stored in the tree, and with some options there are also nodes with whitespaces and the contents of PCDATA sections is a bit different (with trailing/leading whitespaces). So generally the resulting DOM tree depends on the parsing options):</p> <p><img src="tree.png"></p> <p>The parent-children relations are shown with lines. Some nodes have previous and next siblings (for example, the next sibling for node_comment node is node_pcdata with value "some text", and the previous sibling for node_element with name "mesh" is node_pi with target "xml" (target for PI nodes is stored in the node name)).</p> <hr> <a name="Documentation"> <h2>Documentation</h2> <a name="Doc_Introduction"> <h3>Introduction</h3> <p><i>pugixml</i> is a library for parsing XML files, which means that you give it XML data some way, and it gives you the DOM tree and the ways to traverse it and to get some useful information from it. The library source consist of two files, the header <b>pugixml.hpp</b>, and the source code <b>pugixml.cpp</b>. You can either compile cpp file in your project, or build a static library (or perhaps even a DLL), or make the whole code use inline linkage and make one big file (as it was done in <i>pugxml</i>). All library classes reside in namespace <b>pugi</b>, so you can either use fully qualified names (<b>pugi::xml_node</b>) or write a using declaration (<b>using namespace pugi;</b>, <b>using pugi::xml_node</b>) and use plain names. All classes have the <b>xml_</b> prefix.</p> <p>By default it's supposed that you compile the source file with your project (add it into your project, or add relevant entry in your Makefile, or do whatever you need to do with your compilation environment). The library is written in standard-conformant C++ and was tested on win32 platform (MSVC 7.1 (2003), MSVC 8.0 (2005)).</p> <a name="Doc_Parser"> <h3>xml_parser class</h3> <p><b>xml_parser</b> class is the core of parsing process; you initiate parsing with it, you get DOM tree from it, the nodes and attributes are stored in it. You have two ways to load a file: either provide a string with XML-data (it has to be null-terminated, and it will be modified during parsing process, so it can not be a piece of read-only memory), or with an <b>std::istream</b> object (any input stream, like <b>std::ifstream</b>, <b>std::istringstream</b>, etc.) - in this case the parser will allocate the necessary amount of memory (equivalent to stream's size) and read everything from the stream.</p> <p>The functions for parsing are: <dl> <dt> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >void</font></b> <font color="#000000" >parse(std::istream&</font> <font color="#000000" >stream,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >optmsk</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >parse_noset);</font></font></pre></td></tr></table> <dd>This function will create a buffer with the size equal to that of provided <code>stream</code>, read the chunk of data from the stream and parse it with provided options (<code>optmsk</code>). The stream does not have to persist after the call to the function, the lifetime of internal buffer with stream's data is managed by <i>pugixml</i>. </dd> </dt> <dt> </dt> <dt> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >parse(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >xmlstr,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >optmsk</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >parse_noset);</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <dd>This function parses the provided string with provided options, and returns the position where the parsing stopped (do not expect, that parsing will stop on every error, or on most of them - as I've said, <i>pugixml</i> is error ignorant). The input string is modified. The string must persist for the lifetime of the parser. </dt> <dt> </dt> <dt> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >parse(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000">ownership_transfer_tag&,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >xmlstr,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >optmsk</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >parse_noset);</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <dd>This function parses the provided string with provided options, and returns the position where the parsing stopped (do not expect, that parsing will stop on every error, or on most of them - as I've said, <i>pugixml</i> is error ignorant). The input string is modified. The string's ownership is managed by parser (string's memory is freed automatically when parser's destructor is called).</dt> <dt> </dt> <dt> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_parser(std::istream&</font> <font color="#000000" >stream,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >optmsk</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >parse_default);</font></font></pre></td></tr></table> <dd>Just a convenience ctor, that calls the corresponding parse() function.</dd> </dt> <dt> </dt> <dt> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_parser(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >xmlstr,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >optmsk</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >parse_default);</font></font></pre></td></tr></table> <dd>Just a convenience ctor, that calls the corresponding parse() function.</dd> </dt> <dt> </dt> <dt> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_parser(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000">ownership_transfer_tag&,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >xmlstr,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >optmsk</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >parse_default);</font></font></pre></td></tr></table> <dd>Just a convenience ctor, that calls the corresponding parse() function.</dd> </dt> </dl> <p>If you want to provide XML data after the creation of the parser, use the default ctor. Otherwise you are free to use either parsing ctors or default ctor and later - parsing function.</p> <p>After parsing an XML file, you'll get a DOM tree. To get access to it (or, more precisely, to its root), call either <b>document()</b> function or cast <b>xml_parser</b> object to <b>xml_node</b> by using the following functions:</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >document()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Ok, easy part is behind - now let's dive into parsing options. There is a variety of them, and you must choose them wisely to get the needed results and the best speed/least memory overhead. At first, there are flags that determine which parts of the document will be put into DOM tree, and which will be just skipped:</p> <ul> <li>If <b>parse_pi</b> is on, then processing instructions (<b><? ... ?></b>) are put into DOM tree (with node type <b>node_pi</b>, otherwise they are discarded. Note that for now the prolog (<?xml ... ?>) is parsed as a processing instruction. <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_comments</b> is on, then comments (<b><!-- ... --></b>) are put into DOM tree (with node type <b>node_comment</b>, otherwise they are discarded. <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_cdata</b> is on, then the content of CDATA section (<b><![CDATA[[ ... ]]></b>) is put into DOM tree (with node type <b>node_cdata</b>, otherwise it is discarded. <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_ws_pcdata</b> is off, then the content of PCDATA section (it's the plain text in the node, like in <b><some_tag>Hello!</some_tag></b>) is discarded if it consists only of space-like characters (spaces, tabs and newlines). <br>Default value: off <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_ext_pcdata</b> is off, then the content of PCDATA section is discarded if it belongs to root (document) node, that is it does not have a parent tag. <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: off</li> </ul> <p>Then there are flags that determine how the processing of the retrieved data is done. There are several reasons for these flags, mainly: <ul> <li>parsing speed. The less processing - the more speed.</li> <li>data fetching comfort. Sometimes you're ok with messed linefeeds, sometimes you're not. Sometimes you want your PCDATA trimmed, sometimes you do not. Sometimes you want your attribute values normalized, sometimes you do not. Some of these are normally specified in DOCTYPE, though... <li>...parser is not DOCTYPE aware (and will never be), so you need a way to set those properties - if not on per-node basis, then on per-document</li> </ul> So, these are the processing flags: </p> <ul> <li>If <b>parse_trim_pcdata</b> is on, then the trimming of leading/trailing space-like characters is performed for PCDATA content <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: off</li> <li>If <b>parse_trim_attribute</b> is on, then the trimming of leading/trailing space-like characters is performed for attribute values (this is non-standard behavior and is here only for compatibility reasons (PugXML had this flag). <br>Default value: off <br>In W3C mode: off</li> <li>If <b>parse_escapes_pcdata</b> is on, then the character reference expansion is done for PCDATA content (replacing <lt; with <, &#4c; with L, etc.). <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_escapes_attribute</b> is on, then the character reference expansion is done for attribute values (replacing <lt; with <, &#4c; with L, etc.). <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_wnorm_pcdata</b> is on, then the whitespace normalisation is done for PCDATA content (this includes replacing any space-like character by a space character and converting sequences of spaces into a single space) <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: off</li> <li>If <b>parse_wnorm_attribute</b> is on, then the whitespace normalisation is done for attribute values <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: off</li> <li>If <b>parse_wconv_attribute</b> is on, then the whitespace conversion is done for attribute values (this is a subset of whitespace normalization, and includes only replacing space-like characters with spaces). If <b>parse_wnorm_attribute</b> is on, this flag has no effect. <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_eol_pcdata</b> is on, then the end-of-line handling is done for PCDATA content (this includes converting any pair of 0x0d 0x0a characters to a single 0x0a and converting any standalone 0x0d to 0x0a). <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_eol_attribute</b> is on, then the end-of-line handling is done for attribute values. <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> <li>If <b>parse_eol_cdata</b> is on, then the end-of-line handling is done for CDATA content. <br>Default value: on <br>In W3C mode: on</li> </ul> <p>Finally, there are two more flags, that indicate closing tag parsing. When <i>pugixml</i> meets a close tags, there are three ways: <ul> <li>check that the tag name matches the opening tag, return an error if it does not. This is a standard-compliant way, is controlled by <b>parse_check_end_tags</b> flag, which is on in W3C mode</li> <li>try to find the corresponding tag name (so that <b><foo> <bar> </foo></b> will be parsed correctly). This is controlled by <b>parse_match_end_tags</b>, which is on by default</li> <li>just treat the tag as a closing tag for the node (so that <b><foo> ... </bar></b> will be parsed as <b><foo> ... </foo></b>). This is the fastest way, and this is what <i>pugxml</i> is doing, but it can corrupt your DOM tree. This way is chosen if both <b>parse_check_end_tags</b> and <b>parsse_match_end_tags</b> are off. </ul> Note, that these 2 flags are mutually exclusive. </p> <p>Did I say finally? Ok, so <b>finally</b> there are some helper flags, or better groups of flags. These are: <ul> <li><b>parse_minimal</b> - no flag is set (this also means the fastest parsing)</li> <li><b>parse_default</b> - default set of flags</li> <li><b>parse_noset</b> - use the current parser options (see below)</li> <li><b>parse_w3c</b> - use the W3C compliance mode</li> </ul> </p> <p>A couple of words on flag usage. The parsing options are just a set of bits, with each bit corresponding to one flag. You can turn the flag on by OR-ing the options value with this flag's constant: <pre> parse_w3c | parse_wnorm_pcdata </pre> or turn the flag off by AND-ing the options value with the NEGation of this flag's constant: <pre> parse_w3c & ~parse_comments </pre> You can access the current options of parser by <b>options()</b> method: <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >options()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >options(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >unsigned</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >optmsk);</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> (the latter one returns previous options). These options are used when <b>parse_noset</b> flag set is passed to <b>parse()</b> functions (which is the default value of corresponding parameter). </p> <a name="Doc_Node"> <h3>xml_node class</h3> <p>If <b>xml_parser</b> is a heart of constructing a DOM tree from file, <b>xml_node</b> is a heart of processing the tree. This is a simple wrapper, so it's small (4/8 bytes, depending on the size of pointer), you're free to copy it and it does not own anything. I'll continue with a list of methods with their description, with one note in advance. Some functions, that do something according to a string-like parameter, have a pair with a suffix <b>_w</b>. The <b>_w</b> suffix tells, that this function is doing a wildcard matching, instead of simple string comparison. You're free to use wildcards <b>*</b> (that is equal to any sequence of characters (possibly empty)), <b>?</b> (that is equal to any character) and character sets (<b>[Abc]</b> means 'any symbol of A, b and c', <b>[A-Z4]</b> means 'any symbol from A to Z, or 4', <b>[!0-9]</b> means 'any symbol, that is not a digit'). So the wildcard <b>?ell_[0-9][0-9]_*</b> will match strings like 'cell_23_xref', 'hell_00_', but will not match the strings like 'ell_23_xref', 'cell_0_x' or 'cell_0a_x'.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <i><font color="#808080" >/// Access iterators for this node's collection of child nodes.</font></i> <font color="#000000" >iterator</font> <font color="#000000" >begin()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >iterator</font> <font color="#000000" >end()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <i><font color="#808080" >/// Access iterators for this node's collection of child nodes (same as begin/end).</font></i> <font color="#000000" >iterator</font> <font color="#000000" >children_begin()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >iterator</font> <font color="#000000" >children_end()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <i><font color="#808080" >/// Access iterators for this node's collection of attributes.</font></i> <font color="#000000" >attribute_iterator</font> <font color="#000000" >attributes_begin()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >attribute_iterator</font> <font color="#000000" >attributes_end()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <i><font color="#808080" >/// Access iterators for this node's collection of siblings.</font></i> <font color="#000000" >iterator</font> <font color="#000000" >siblings_begin()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >iterator</font> <font color="#000000" >siblings_end()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Functions, returning the iterators to walk through children/siblings/attributes. More on that in <a href="#Doc_Iterators">Iterators</a> section.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b> <font color="#000000" >unspecified_bool_type()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>This is a safe bool-like conversion operator. You can check node's validity (<b>if (xml_node)</b>, <b>if (!xml_node)</b>, <b>if (node1 && node2 && !node3 && cond1 && ...)</b> - you get the idea) with it. </p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" >==(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" >!=(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" ><(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" >>(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" ><=(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" >>=(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Comparison operators</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <font color="#000000" >empty()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p><code>if (node.empty())</code> is equivalent to <code>if (!node)</code></p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node_type</font> <font color="#000000" >type()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >value()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Access node's properties (type, name and value). If there is no name/value, the corresponding functions return <b>""</b> - they <u>never</u> return NULL.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >child(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >child_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get a child node with specified name, or <b>xml_node()</b> (this is an invalid node) if nothing is found</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute</font> <font color="#000000" >attribute(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute</font> <font color="#000000" >attribute_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get an attribute with specified name, or <b>xml_attribute()</b> (this is an invalid attribute) if nothing is found</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >sibling(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >sibling_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get a node's sibling with specified name, or <b>xml_node()</b> if nothing is found.<br> <code>node.sibling(name)</code> is equivalent to <code>node.parent().child(name)</code>.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >next_sibling(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >next_sibling_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >next_sibling()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>These functions get the next sibling, that is, one of the siblings of that node, that is to the right. <code>next_sibling()</code> just returns the right brother of the node (or <b>xml_node()</b>), the two other functions are searching for the sibling with the given name</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >previous_sibling(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >previous_sibling_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >previous_sibling()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>These functions do exactly the same as <code>next_sibling</code> ones, with the exception that they search for the left siblings.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >parent()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get a parent node. The parent node for the root one (the document) is considered to be the document itself.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >child_value()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Look for the first node of type <b>node_pcdata</b> or <b>node_cdata</b> among the children of the current node and return its contents (or <b>""</b> if nothing is found)</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >child_value(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>This is the convenient way of looking into child's child value - that is, node.child_value(name) is equivalent to node.child(name).child_value().</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >child_value_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>This is the convenient way of looking into child's child value - that is, node.child_value_w(name) is equivalent to node.child_w(name).child_value().</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute</font> <font color="#000000" >first_attribute()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute</font> <font color="#000000" >last_attribute()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>These functions get the first and last attributes of the node (or <b>xml_attribute()</b> if the node has no attributes).</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_child()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >last_child()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>These functions get the first and last children of the node (or <b>xml_node()</b> if the node has no children).</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >template</font></b> <font color="#000000" ><</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >typename</font></b> <font color="#000000" >OutputIterator></font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >void</font></b> <font color="#000000" >all_elements_by_name(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name,</font> <font color="#000000" >OutputIterator</font> <font color="#000000" >it)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >template</font></b> <font color="#000000" ><</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >typename</font></b> <font color="#000000" >OutputIterator></font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >void</font></b> <font color="#000000" >all_elements_by_name_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name,</font> <font color="#000000" >OutputIterator</font> <font color="#000000" >it)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get all elements with the specified name in the subtree (depth-first search) and return them with the help of output iterator (i.e. std::back_inserter)</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >template</font></b> <font color="#000000" ><</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >typename</font></b> <font color="#000000" >Predicate></font> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute</font> <font color="#000000" >find_attribute(Predicate</font> <font color="#000000" >pred)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >template</font></b> <font color="#000000" ><</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >typename</font></b> <font color="#000000" >Predicate></font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >find_child(Predicate</font> <font color="#000000" >pred)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >template</font></b> <font color="#000000" ><</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >typename</font></b> <font color="#000000" >Predicate></font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >find_element(Predicate</font> <font color="#000000" >pred)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Find attribute, child or a node in the subtree (find_element - depth-first search) with the help of the given predicate. Predicate should behave like a function which accepts a <b>xml_node</b> or <b>xml_attribute</b> (for find_attribute) parameter and returns <b>bool</b>. The first entity for which the predicate returned true is returned. If predicate returned false for all entities, <b>xml_node()</b> or <b>xml_attribute()</b> is returned.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element_by_value(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >value)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element_by_value_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >value)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element_by_attribute(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >attr_name,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >attr_value)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element_by_attribute_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >attr_name,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >attr_value)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element_by_attribute(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >attr_name,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >attr_value)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element_by_attribute_w(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >attr_name,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >attr_value)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Find the first node (depth-first search), which corresponds to the given criteria (i.e. either has a matching name, or a matching value, or has an attribute with given name/value, or has an attribute and has a matching name). Note that <b>_w</b> versions treat all parameters as wildcards.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_node(xml_node_type</font> <font color="#000000" >type)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Return a first node (depth-first search) with a given type, or <b>xml_node()</b>.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >std::string</font> <font color="#000000" >path(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b> <font color="#000000" >delimiter</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#ff0000" >'/'</font><font color="#000000" >)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get a path of the node (i.e. the string of names of the nodes on the path from the DOM tree root to the node, separated with delimiter (/ by default).</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >first_element_by_path(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >path,</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b> <font color="#000000" >delimiter</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#ff0000" >'/'</font><font color="#000000" >)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get the first element that has the following path. The path can be absolute (beginning with delimiter) or relative, '..' means 'up-level' (so if we are at the path <b>mesh/fragment/geometry/stream</b>, <b>../..</b> will lead us to <b>mesh/fragment</b>, and <b>/mesh</b> will lead us to <b>mesh</b>).</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <font color="#000000" >traverse(xml_tree_walker&</font> <font color="#000000" >walker)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Traverse the subtree (beginning with current node) with the walker, return the result. See <a href="#Doc_Misc">Miscellaneous</a> section for details.</p> <a name="Doc_Attribute"> <h3>xml_attribute class</h3> <p>Like <b>xml_node</b>, <b>xml_attribute</b> is a simple wrapper of the node's attribute.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" >==(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" >!=(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" ><(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" >>(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" ><=(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b><font color="#000000" >>=(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute&</font> <font color="#000000" >r)</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Comparison operators.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >operator</font></b> <font color="#000000" >unspecified_bool_type()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Safe bool conversion - like in <b>xml_node</b>, use this to check for validity.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <font color="#000000" >empty()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Like with <b>xml_node</b>, <code>if (attr.empty())</code> is equivalent to <code>if (!attr)</code>. </p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute</font> <font color="#000000" >next_attribute()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute</font> <font color="#000000" >previous_attribute()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get the next/previous attribute of the node, that owns the current attribute. Return <b>xml_attribute()</b> if no such attribute is found.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >name()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >*</font> <font color="#000000" >value()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get the name and value of the attribute. These methods never return NULL - they return <b>""</b> instead.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >as_int()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >double</font></b> <font color="#000000" >as_double()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >float</font></b> <font color="#000000" >as_float()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Convert the value of an attribute to the desired type. If the conversion is not successfull, return default value (0 for int, 0.0 for double, 0.0f for float). These functions rely on CRT functions ato*.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <font color="#000000" >as_bool()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Convert the value of an attribute to bool. This method returns true if the first character of the value is '1', 't', 'T', 'y' or 'Y'. Otherwise it returns false.</p> <a name="Doc_Iterators"> <h3>Iterators</h3> <p>Sometimes you have to cycle through the children or the attributes of the node. You can do it either by using <b>next_sibling</b>, <b>previous_sibling</b>, <b>next_attribute</b> and <b>previous_attribute</b> (along with <b>first_child</b>, <b>last_child</b>, <b>first_attribute</b> and <b>last_attribute</b>), or you can use an iterator-like interface. There are two iterator types, <b>xml_node_iterator</b> and <b>xml_attribute_iterator</b>. They are bidirectional constant iterators, which means that you can either increment or decrement them, and use dereferencing and member access operators to get constant access to node/attribute (the constness of iterators may change with the introducing of mutable trees).</p> <p>In order to get the iterators, use corresponding functions of <b>xml_node</b>. Note that <b>_end()</b> functions return past-the-end iterator, that is, in order to get the last attribute, you'll have to do something like: <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(node.attributes_begin()</font> <font color="#000000" >!=</font> <font color="#000000" >node.attributes_end())</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// we have at least one attribute</font></i> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_attribute</font> <font color="#000000" >last_attrib</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >*(--node.attributes_end());</font> <font color="#000000" >...</font> <font color="#000000" >}</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> </p> <a name="Doc_Misc"> <h3>Miscellaneous</h3> <p>If you want to traverse a subtree, you can use <b>traverse</b> function. There is a class <b>xml_tree_walker</b>, which has some functions that you can override in order to get custom traversing (the default one just does nothing). <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >virtual</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <font color="#000000" >begin(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&);</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >virtual</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <font color="#000000" >end(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&);</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>These functions are called when the processing of the node starts/ends. First <b>begin()</b> is called, then all children of the node are processed recursively, then <b>end()</b> is called. If any of these functions returns false, the traversing is stopped and the <b>traverse()</b> function returns false.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >virtual</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >void</font></b> <font color="#000000" >push();</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >virtual</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >void</font></b> <font color="#000000" >pop();</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>These functions are called before and after the processing of node's children. If node has no children, none of these is called. The default behavior is to increment/decrement current node depth.</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >virtual</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >depth()</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>Get the current depth. You can use this function to do your own indentation, for example.</p> <p>Lets get to some minor notes. You can safely write something like: <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <font color="#000000" >value</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >node.child(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"stream"</font><font color="#000000" >).attribute(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"compress"</font><font color="#000000" >).as_bool();</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> If node has a child with the name 'geometry', and this child has an attribute 'compress', than everything is ok. If node has a child with the name 'geometry' with no attribute 'compress', then attribute("compress") will return xml_attribute(), and the corresponding call to as_bool() will return default value (false). If there is no child node 'geometry', the child(...) call will return xml_node(), the subsequent call to attribute(...) will return xml_attribute() (because there are no attributes belonging to invalid node), and as_bool() will again return false, so this call sequence is perfectly safe.</p> <a name="Doc_Lifetime"> <h3>Lifetime issues and memory management</h3> <p>As parsing is done in-situ, the XML data is to persist during the lifetime of <b>xml_parser</b>. If the parsing is called via a function of <b>xml_parser</b>, that accepts <b>char*</b>, you have to ensure yourself, that the string will outlive the <b>xml_parser</b> object.</p> <p>The memory for nodes and attributes is allocated in blocks of data (the blocks form a linked list; the default size of the block is 32 kb, though you can change it via changing a <b>memory_block_size</b> constant in <b>pugixml.hpp</b> file. Remember that the first block is allocated on stack (it resides inside <b>xml_parser</b> object), and all subsequent blocks are allocated on heap, so expect a stack overflow when setting too large memory block size), so the <b>xml_parser</b> object (which contains the blocks) should outlive all <b>xml_node</b> and <b>xml_attribute</b> objects (as well as iterators), which belong to the parser's tree. Again, you should ensure it yourself.</p> <hr> <a name="Example"> <h2>Example</h2> <p>Ok, so you are not much of documentation reader, are you? So am I. Let's assume that you're going to parse an xml file... something like this: <pre> <span style='color:#004a43; '><?</span><span style='color:#004a43; '>xml</span> <span style='color:#004a43; '>version</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#008c00; '>"1.0"</span> <span style='color:#004a43; '>encoding</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"UTF-8"</span><span style='color:#004a43; '>?></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>mesh</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>name</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>Cathedral</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>fragment</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>name</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>Cathedral</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>geometry</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>stream</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>usage</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>main</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>source</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>StAnna.dmesh</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>compress</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>true</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span> <span style='color:#a65700; '>/></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>stream</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>usage</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>ao</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>source</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>StAnna.ao</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span> <span style='color:#a65700; '>/></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '></</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>geometry</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '></</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>fragment</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> <span style='color:#a65700; '><</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>fragment</span> <span style='color:#274796; '>name</span><span style='color:#808030; '>=</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>Cathedral</span><span style='color:#0000e6; '>"</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> ... <span style='color:#a65700; '></</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>fragment</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> ... <span style='color:#a65700; '></</span><span style='color:#5f5035; '>mesh</span><span style='color:#a65700; '>></span> </pre> <p><mesh> is a root node, it has 0 or more <fragment>s, each of them has a <geometry> node, and there are <stream> nodes with the shown attributes. We'd like to parse the file and... well, and do something with it's contents. There are several methods of doing that; I'll show 2 of them (the remaining one is using iterators).</p> <p>Here we exploit the knowledge of the strict hierarchy of our XML document and read the nodes from DOM tree accordingly. When we have an <b>xml_node</b> object, we can get the desired information from it (name, value, attributes list, nearby nodes in a tree - siblings, parent and children).</p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" ><fstream></font> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" ><vector></font> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" ><algorithm></font> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" ><iterator></font> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" >"pugixml.hpp"</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >using</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >namespace</font></b> <font color="#000000" >pugi;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >main()</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <font color="#000000" >std::ifstream</font> <font color="#000000" >in(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"mesh.xml"</font><font color="#000000" >);</font> <font color="#000000" >in.unsetf(std::ios::skipws);</font> <font color="#000000" >std::vector<</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >></font> <font color="#000000" >buf;</font> <font color="#000000" >std::copy(std::istream_iterator<</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >>(in),</font> <font color="#000000" >std::istream_iterator<</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >>(),</font> <font color="#000000" >std::back_inserter(buf));</font> <font color="#000000" >buf.push_back(</font><b><font color="#40b440" >0</font></b><font color="#000000" >);</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// zero-terminate</font></i> <font color="#000000" >xml_parser</font> <font color="#000000" >parser(&buf[</font><b><font color="#40b440" >0</font></b><font color="#000000" >],</font> <font color="#000000" >pugi::parse_w3c);</font> <font color="#000000" >xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >doc</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >parser.document();</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >mesh</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >doc.first_element(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"mesh"</font><font color="#000000" >))</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// store mesh.attribute("name").value()</font></i> <b><font color="#0000ff" >for</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >fragment</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >mesh.first_element(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"fragment"</font><font color="#000000" >);</font> <font color="#000000" >fragment;</font> <font color="#000000" >fragment</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >fragment.next_sibling())</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// store fragment.attribute("name").value()</font></i> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >geometry</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >fragment.first_element(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"geometry"</font><font color="#000000" >))</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >for</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(xml_node</font> <font color="#000000" >stream</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >geometry.first_element(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"stream"</font><font color="#000000" >);</font> <font color="#000000" >stream;</font> <font color="#000000" >stream</font> <font color="#000000" >=</font> <font color="#000000" >stream.next_sibling())</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// store stream.attribute("usage").value()</font></i> <i><font color="#808080" >// store stream.attribute("source").value()</font></i> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(stream.attribute(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"compress"</font><font color="#000000" >))</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// store stream.attribute("compress").as_bool()</font></i> <font color="#000000" >}</font> <font color="#000000" >}</font> <font color="#000000" >}</font> <font color="#000000" >}</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <p>We can also write a class that will traverse the DOM tree and store the information from nodes based on their names, depths, attributes, etc. This way is well known by the users of SAX parsers. To do that, we have to write an implementation of <b>xml_tree_walker</b> interface </p> <table width = "100%" bgcolor="#e6e6e6"><tr><td><pre><font color="white"> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" ><fstream></font> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" ><vector></font> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" ><algorithm></font> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" ><iterator></font> <font color="#008000" >#include</font> <font color="#ff0000" >"pugixml.hpp"</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >using</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >namespace</font></b> <font color="#000000" >pugi;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >struct</font></b> <font color="#000000" >mesh_parser:</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >public</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_tree_walker</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >virtual</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >bool</font></b> <font color="#000000" >begin(</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >const</font></b> <font color="#000000" >xml_node&</font> <font color="#000000" >node)</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(strcmp(node.name(),</font> <font color="#ff0000" >"mesh"</font><font color="#000000" >)</font> <font color="#000000" >==</font> <b><font color="#40b440" >0</font></b><font color="#000000" >)</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// store node.attribute("name").value()</font></i> <font color="#000000" >}</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >else</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(strcmp(node.name(),</font> <font color="#ff0000" >"fragment"</font><font color="#000000" >)</font> <font color="#000000" >==</font> <b><font color="#40b440" >0</font></b><font color="#000000" >)</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// store node.attribute("name").value()</font></i> <font color="#000000" >}</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >else</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(strcmp(node.name(),</font> <font color="#ff0000" >"geometry"</font><font color="#000000" >)</font> <font color="#000000" >==</font> <b><font color="#40b440" >0</font></b><font color="#000000" >)</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// ...</font></i> <font color="#000000" >}</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >else</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(strcmp(node.name(),</font> <font color="#ff0000" >"stream"</font><font color="#000000" >)</font> <font color="#000000" >==</font> <b><font color="#40b440" >0</font></b><font color="#000000" >)</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// store node.attribute("usage").value()</font></i> <i><font color="#808080" >// store node.attribute("source").value()</font></i> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(node.attribute(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"compress"</font><font color="#000000" >))</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// store stream.attribute("compress").as_bool()</font></i> <font color="#000000" >}</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >else</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >return</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >false</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >return</font></b> <b><font color="#0000ff" >true</font></b><font color="#000000" >;</font> <font color="#000000" >}</font> <font color="#000000" >};</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >int</font></b> <font color="#000000" >main()</font> <font color="#000000" >{</font> <font color="#000000" >std::ifstream</font> <font color="#000000" >in(</font><font color="#ff0000" >"mesh.xml"</font><font color="#000000" >);</font> <font color="#000000" >in.unsetf(std::ios::skipws);</font> <font color="#000000" >std::vector<</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >></font> <font color="#000000" >buf;</font> <font color="#000000" >std::copy(std::istream_iterator<</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >>(in),</font> <font color="#000000" >std::istream_iterator<</font><b><font color="#0000ff" >char</font></b><font color="#000000" >>(),</font> <font color="#000000" >std::back_inserter(buf));</font> <font color="#000000" >buf.push_back(</font><b><font color="#40b440" >0</font></b><font color="#000000" >);</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// zero-terminate</font></i> <font color="#000000" >xml_parser</font> <font color="#000000" >parser(&buf[</font><b><font color="#40b440" >0</font></b><font color="#000000" >],</font> <font color="#000000" >pugi::parse_w3c);</font> <font color="#000000" >mesh_parser</font> <font color="#000000" >mp;</font> <b><font color="#0000ff" >if</font></b> <font color="#000000" >(!parser.document().traverse(mp))</font> <i><font color="#808080" >// generate an error</font></i> <font color="#000000" >}</font> </font></pre></td></tr></table> <hr> <a name="Parsing"> <h2>Parsing process</h2> <p>So, let's talk a bit about parsing process, and about the reason for providing XML data as a contiguous writeable block of memory. Parsing is done in-situ. This means, that the strings, representing the parts of DOM tree (node names, attribute names and values, CDATA content, etc.) are not separately allocated on heap, but instead are parts of the original data. This is the keypoint to parsing speed, because it helps achieve the minimal amount of memory allocations (more on that below) and minimal amount of copying data.</p> <p>In-situ parsing can be done in two ways, with zero-segmenting the string (that is, set the past-the-end character for the part of XML string to 0, see <a href="http://www.codeproject.com/soap/pugxml/pugxml_steps.gif"> this image</a> for further details), and storing pointer + size of the string instead of pointer to the beginning of ASCIIZ string.</p> <p>Originally, <i>pugxml</i> had only the first way, but then authors added the second method, 'non-segmenting' or non-destructive parsing. The advantages of this method are: you no longer need non-constant storage; you can even read data from memory-mapped files directly. Well, there are disadvantages. For one thing, you can not do any of the transformations in-situ. The transformations that are required by XML standard are: <ul> <li>End of line handling (replacing 0x0d 0x0a with 0x0a and any standalone 0x0d with 0x0a) (for the whole document)</li> <li>White space normalization for attribute values (converting space-like characters to spaces (0x20), sometimes trimming leading/trailing spaces and converting sequences of spaces to a single space</li> <li>Character reference expansion (&lt; and alike, <#0a; and alike, <40; and alike)</li> <li>Entity reference expansion (&entityname;)</li> </ul> None of these can be done in-situ. <i>pugxml</i> did neither character nor entity reference expansion, and allocated new memory when normalizing white spaces when in non-destructive mode. I chose complete in-situ parsing (the good thing about it is that any transformation, except entity reference, can be done in-situ because it does not increase the amount of characters - even converting a character reference to UTF-8). There is no entity reference expansion because of this and because I do not want to parse DOCTYPE and, moreover, use DOCTYPE in following parsing (performing selective whitespace normalization in attributes and CDATA sections and so on).</p> <p>In order to be able to modify the tree (change attribute/node names & values) with in-situ parsing, one needs to implement two ways of storing data (both in-situ and not). The DOM tree is now mutable, but it will change in the future releases (without introducing speed/memory overhead, except on clean- up stage).</p> <p>The parsing process itself is more or less straightforward, when you see it - but the impression is fake, because the explicit jumps are made (i.e. we know, that if we come to a closing brace (>), we should expect CDATA after it (or a new tag), so let's just jump to the corresponding code), and, well, there can be bugs (see <a href="#Bugs">Bugs</a> section).</p> <p>And, to make things worse, memory allocation (which is done only for node and attribute structures) is done in pools. The pools are single-linked lists with predefined block size (32 kb by default), and well, it increases speed a lot (allocations are slow, and the memory gets fragmented when allocating a bunch of 16-byte (attribute) or 40-byte (node) structures)</p> <hr> <a name="Compliance"> <h2>W3C compliance</h2> <p><i>pugixml</i> is not a compliant XML parser. The main reason for that is that it does not reject most malformed XML files. The more or less complete list of incompatibilities follows (I will be talking of ones when using <b>parse_w3c</b> mode): <ul> <li>The parser is completely DOCTYPE-ignorant, that is, it does not even skip all possible DOCTYPEs correctly, let alone use them for parsing <li>It accepts multiple attributes with the same name in one node <li>It is charset-ignorant <li>It accepts invalid names of tags <li>It accepts invalid attribute values (those with < in them) and does not reject invalid entity references or character references (in fact, it does not do DOCTYPE parsing, so it does not perform entity reference expansion) <li>It does not reject comments with -- inside <li>It does not reject PI with the names of 'xml' and alike; in fact, it parses prolog as a PI, which is not conformant <li>All characters from #x1 to #x20 are considered to be whitespaces <li>And some other things that I forgot to mention </ul> In short, it accepts most malformed XML files and does not do anything that is related to DOCTYPE. This is because the main goal was developing fast, easy-to-use and error ignorant (so you can always get something even from a malformed document) parser, there are some good validating and conformant parsers already.</p> <hr> <a name="ComparisonTable"> <h2>Comparison with existing parsers</h2> <p>This table summarizes the comparison in terms of time and memory consumption between pugixml and other parsers. For DOM parsers (all, except Expat, irrXML and SAX parser of XercesC), the process is as follows:</p> <ul> <li>construct DOM tree from file, which is preloaded in memory (all parsers take const char* and size as an input). 'parse time' means number of CPU clocks which is spent, 'parse allocs' - number of allocations, 'parse memory' - peak memory consumption <li>traverse DOM tree to fill information from it into some structure (which is the same for all parsers, of course). 'walk time' means number of CPU clocks which is spent, 'walk allocs' - number of allocations </ul> <p>For SAX parsers, the parse step is skipped (hence the N/A in relevant table cells), structure is filled during 'walk' step.</p> <p>For all parsers, 'total time' column means total time spent on the whole process, 'total allocs' - total allocation count, 'total memory' - peak memory consumption for the whole process.</p> <p>The tests were performed on a 1 Mb XML file with a small amount of text. They were compiled with Microsoft Visual C++ 8.0 (2005) compiler in Release mode, with checked iterators/secure STL turned off. The test system is AMD Sempron 2500+, 512 Mb RAM.</p> <table cellspacing=0 cellpadding=2 border=1> <tr><th>parser</th> <th>parse time</th><th>parse allocs</th><th>parse memory</th> <th>walk time</th><th>walk allocs</th> <th>total time</th><th>total allocs</th><th>total memory</th></tr> <tr><td><a href="http://xml.irrlicht3d.org/">irrXML</a></td> <td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td> <td>352 Mclocks</td><td>697 245</td> <td>356 Mclocks</td><td>697 284</td><td>906 kb</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="http://expat.sourceforge.net/">Expat</a></td> <td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td> <td>97 Mclocks</td><td>19</td> <td>97 Mclocks</td><td>23</td><td>1028 kb</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="http://tinyxml.sourceforge.net/">TinyXML</a></td> <td>168 Mclocks</td><td>50 163</td><td>5447 kb</td> <td>37 Mclocks</td><td>0</td> <td>242 Mclocks</td><td>50 163</td><td>5447 kb</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="http://www.codeproject.com/soap/pugxml.asp">PugXML</a></td> <td>100 Mclocks</td><td>106 597</td><td>2747 kb</td> <td>38 Mclocks</td><td>0</td> <td>206 Mclocks</td><td>131 677</td><td>2855 kb</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/">XercesC</a> SAX</td> <td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td><td>N/A</td> <td>411 Mclocks</td><td>70 380</td> <td>411 Mclocks</td><td>70 495</td><td>243 kb</td></tr> <tr><td><a href="http://xml.apache.org/xerces-c/">XercesC</a> DOM</td> <td>300 Mclocks</td><td>30 491</td><td>9251 kb</td> <td>65 Mclocks</td><td>1</td> <td>367 Mclocks</td><td>30 492</td><td>9251 kb</td></tr> <tr><td>pugixml</td> <td>17 Mclocks</td><td>40</td><td>2154 kb</td> <td>14 Mclocks</td><td>0</td> <td>32 Mclocks</td><td>40</td><td>2154 kb</td></tr> <tr><td>pugixml (test of non-destructive parsing)</td> <td>12 Mclocks</td><td>51</td><td>1632 kb</td> <td>21 Mclocks</td><td>0</td> <td>34 Mclocks</td><td>51</td><td>1632 kb</td></tr> </table> <p>Note, that non-destructive parsing mode was just a test and is not yet in <i>pugixml</i>.</p> <hr> <a name="FAQ"> <h2>FAQ</h2> <p><b>Q:</b> I do not have/want STL support. How can I compile <i>pugixml</i> without STL?</p> <p><b>A:</b> There is an undocumented define PUGIXML_NO_STL. If you uncomment the relevant line in <i>pugixml</i> header file, it will compile without any STL classes. The reason it is undocumented are that it will make some documented functions not available (specifically, xml_parser() ctor and parse() function that operate on std::istream, xml_node::path function, utf16 and utf8 conversion functions). Otherwise, it will work fine.</p> <p>I'm always open for questions; feel free to write them to <a href="mailto:arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com">arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com</a>. </p> <hr> <a name="Bugs"> <h2>Bugs</h2> <p>I'm always open for bug reports; feel free to write them to <a href="mailto:arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com">arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com</a>. Please provide as much information as possible - version of <i>pugixml</i>, compiling and OS environment (compiler and it's version, STL version, OS version, etc.), the description of the situation in which the bug arises, the code and data files that show the bug, etc. - the more, the better. Though, please, do not send executable files.</p> <p>Note, that you can also submit bug reports/suggestions at <a href="http://code.google.com/p/pugixml/issues/list">project page</a>. <hr> <a name="Future_work"> <h2>Future work</h2> <p>Here are some improvements that will be done in future versions (they are sorted by priority, the upper ones will get there sooner).</p> <ul> <li>Support for altering the tree (both changing nodes'/attributes' names and values and adding/deleting attributes/nodes) and writing the tree to stream <li>Support for UTF-16 files (parsing BOM to get file's type and converting UTF-16 file to UTF-8 buffer if necessary) <li>Improved API (I'm going to look at SelectNode from MS XML and perhaps there will be some other changes) <li>Externally provided entity reference table (or perhaps even taken from DOCTYPE?) <li>More intelligent parsing of DOCTYPE (it does not always skip DOCTYPE for now) <li>XML 1.1 changes (changed EOL handling, normalization issues, etc.) <li>XPath support <li>Name your own? </ul> <hr> <a name="Changelog"> <h2>Changelog</h2> <dl> <dt>15.07.2006 - v0.1 <dd>First private release for testing purposes </dt> <dt>6.11.2006 - v0.2 <dd>First public release. Changes: <ul> <li>Introduced child_value(name) and child_value_w(name) <li>Fixed child_value() (for empty nodes) <li>Fixed xml_parser_impl warning at W4 <li>parse_eol_pcdata and parse_eol_attribute flags + parse_minimal optimizations <li>Optimizations of strconv_t </ul> </dt> </dl> <hr> <a name="Acknowledgements"> <h2>Acknowledgements</h2> <ul> <li><a href="mailto:kristen@tima.net">Kristen Wegner</a> for <i>pugxml</i> parser <li><a href="mailto:readonly@getsoft.com">Neville Franks</a> for contributions to <i>pugxml</i> parser </ul> <hr> <a name="License"> <h2>License</h2> <p>The <i>pugixml</i> parser is distributed under the MIT license:</p> <pre> Copyright (c) 2006 Arseny Kapoulkine Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. </pre> <hr> <p>Revised 8 December, 2006</p> <p><i>© Copyright <a href="mailto:arseny.kapoulkine@gmail.com">Arseny Kapoulkine</a> 2006. All Rights Reserved.</i></p> </body> </html>