
[clog 1.07.2010 - version 0.9]

Major release, featuring extended and improved Unicode support, miscellaneous performance improvements, bug fixes and more.

* Major Unicode improvements:
	# Introduced encoding support (automatic/manual encoding detection on load, manual encoding selection on save, conversion from/to UTF8, UTF16 LE/BE, UTF32 LE/BE)
	# Introduced wchar_t mode (you can set PUGIXML_WCHAR_MODE define to switch pugixml internal encoding from UTF8 to wchar_t; all functions are switched to their Unicode variants)
	# Load/save functions now support wide streams

* Bug fixes:
	# Fixed document corruption on failed parsing bug
	# XPath string <-> number conversion improvements (increased precision, fixed crash for huge numbers)
	# Improved DOCTYPE parsing: now parser recognizes all well-formed DOCTYPE declarations
	# Fixed xml_attribute::as_uint() for large numbers (i.e. 2^32-1)

* Specification changes:
	# parse() API changed to load_buffer/load_buffer_inplace/load_buffer_inplace_own; load_buffer APIs do not require zero-terminated strings.
	# Renamed as_utf16 to as_wide
	# Changed xml_node::offset_debug return type and xml_parse_result::offset type to ptrdiff_t
	# Nodes/attributes with empty names are now printed as :anonymous

* Performance improvements:
	# Optimized document parsing and saving
	# Changed internal memory management: internal allocator is used for both metadata and name/value data; allocated pages are deleted if all allocations from them are deleted
	# Optimized memory consumption: sizeof(xml_node_struct) reduced from 40 bytes to 32 bytes on x86
	# Optimized debug mode parsing/saving by order of magnitude

* Miscellaneous:
	# All STL includes except <exception> in pugixml.hpp are replaced with forward declarations

* Compatibility:
	# parse() and as_utf16 are left for compatibility (these functions are deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0)
	# Wildcard functions, document_order/precompute_document_order functions, format_write_bom_utf8 and parse_wnorm_attribute flags are deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0
	# xpath_type_t enumeration was renamed to xpath_value_type; xpath_type_t is deprecated and will be removed in version 1.0


[clog 8.11.2009 - version 0.5]

Major bugfix release. Changes:

* XPath bugfixes:
	# Fixed translate(), lang() and concat() functions (infinite loops/crashes)
	# Fixed compilation of queries with empty literal strings ("")
	# Fixed axis tests: they never add empty nodes/attributes to the resulting node set now
	# Fixed string-value evaluation for node-set (the result excluded some text descendants)
	# Fixed self:: axis (it behaved like ancestor-or-self::)
	# Fixed following:: and preceding:: axes (they included descendent and ancestor nodes, respectively)
	# Minor fix for namespace-uri() function (namespace declaration scope includes the parent element of namespace declaration attribute)
	# Some incorrect queries are no longer parsed now (i.e. foo: *)
	# Fixed text()/etc. node test parsing bug (i.e. foo[text()] failed to compile)
	# Fixed root step (/) - it now selects empty node set if query is evaluated on empty node
	# Fixed string to number conversion ("123 " converted to NaN, "123 .456" converted to 123.456 - now the results are 123 and NaN, respectively)
	# Node set copying now preserves sorted type; leads to better performance on some queries

* Miscellaneous bugfixes:
	# Fixed xml_node::offset_debug for PI nodes
	# Added empty attribute checks to xml_node::remove_attribute
	# Fixed node_pi and node_declaration copying
	# Const-correctness fixes

* Specification changes:
	# xpath_node::select_nodes() and related functions now throw exception if expression return type is not node set (instead of assertion)
	# xml_node::traverse() now sets depth to -1 for both begin() and end() callbacks (was 0 at begin() and -1 at end())
	# In case of non-raw node printing a newline is output after PCDATA inside nodes if the PCDATA has siblings
	# UTF8 -> wchar_t conversion now considers 5-byte UTF8-like sequences as invalid

* New features:
	# Added xpath_node_set::operator[] for index-based iteration
	# Added xpath_query::return_type()
	# Added getter accessors for memory-management functions

[clog 17.09.2009 - version 0.42]

Maintenance release. Changes:

* Bug fixes:
	# Fixed deallocation in case of custom allocation functions or if delete[] / free are incompatible
	# XPath parser fixed for incorrect queries (i.e. incorrect XPath queries should now always fail to compile)
	# Const-correctness fixes for find_child_by_attribute
	# Improved compatibility (miscellaneous warning fixes, fixed cstring include dependency for GCC)
	# Fixed iterator begin/end and print function to work correctly for empty nodes

* New features:
	# Added PUGIXML_API/PUGIXML_CLASS/PUGIXML_FUNCTION configuration macros to control class/function attributes
	# Added xml_attribute::set_value overloads for different types

8.02.2009 - v0.41
	Maintenance release. Changes:

* Bug fixes:
	# Fixed bug with node printing (occasionally some content was not written to output stream)

[clog 18.01.2009 - version 0.4]


* Bug fixes:
	# Documentation fix in samples for parse() with manual lifetime control
	# Fixed document order sorting in XPath (it caused wrong order of nodes after xpath_node_set::sort and wrong results of some XPath queries)

* Node printing changes:
	# Single quotes are no longer escaped when printing nodes
	# Symbols in second half of ASCII table are no longer escaped when printing nodes; because of this, format_utf8 flag is deleted as it's no longer needed and format_write_bom is renamed to format_write_bom_utf8.
	# Reworked node printing - now it works via xml_writer interface; implementations for FILE* and std::ostream are available. As a side-effect, xml_document::save_file now works without STL.

* New features:
	# Added unsigned integer support for attributes (xml_attribute::as_uint, xml_attribute::operator=)
	# Now document declaration (<?xml ...?>) is parsed as node with type node_declaration when parse_declaration flag is specified (access to encoding/version is performed as if they were attributes, i.e. doc.child("xml").attribute("version").as_float()); corresponding flags for node printing were also added
	# Added support for custom memory management (see set_memory_management_functions for details)
	# Implemented node/attribute copying (see xml_node::insert_copy_* and xml_node::append_copy for details)
	# Added find_child_by_attribute and find_child_by_attribute_w to simplify parsing code in some cases (i.e. COLLADA files)
	# Added file offset information querying for debugging purposes (now you're able to determine exact location of any xml_node in parsed file, see xml_node::offset_debug for details)
	# Improved error handling for parsing - now load(), load_file() and parse() return xml_parse_result, which contains error code and last parsed offset; this does not break old interface as xml_parse_result can be implicitly casted to bool.

[clog 31.10.2007 - version 0.34]

Maintenance release. Changes:

* Bug fixes:
	# Fixed bug with loading from text-mode iostreams
	# Fixed leak when transfer_ownership is true and parsing is failing
	# Fixed bug in saving (\r and \n are now escaped in attribute values)
	# Renamed free() to destroy() - some macro conflicts were reported

* New features:
	# Improved compatibility (supported Digital Mars C++, MSVC 6, CodeWarrior 8, PGI C++, Comeau, supported PS3 and XBox360)
	# PUGIXML_NO_EXCEPTION flag for platforms without exception handling

[clog 21.02.2007 - version 0.3]

Refactored, reworked and improved version. Changes:

* Interface:
	# Added XPath
	# Added tree modification functions
	# Added no STL compilation mode
	# Added saving document to file
	# Refactored parsing flags
	# Removed xml_parser class in favor of xml_document
	# Added transfer ownership parsing mode
	# Modified the way xml_tree_walker works
	# Iterators are now non-constant

* Implementation:
	# Support of several compilers and platforms
	# Refactored and sped up parsing core
	# Improved standard compliancy
	# Added XPath implementation
	# Fixed several bugs

[clog 6.11.2006 - version 0.2]

First public release. Changes:

* Bug fixes:
	# Fixed child_value() (for empty nodes)
	# Fixed xml_parser_impl warning at W4

* New features:
	# Introduced child_value(name) and child_value_w(name)
	# parse_eol_pcdata and parse_eol_attribute flags + parse_minimal optimizations
	# Optimizations of strconv_t

[clog 15.07.2006 - version 0.1]

First private release for testing purposes