--- layout: post title: pugixml 1.5 release --- pugixml-1.5 is out. This is a major release focused on performance improvements that also has some new features and compatibility improvements (read the [changelog](http://cdn.rawgit.com/zeux/pugixml/v1.5/docs/manual/changes.html) for details). Highlights for this release include: * Implemented efficient moving of nodes within the same document * Optimized parsing (10-40% faster with clang/GCC, 10% faster with MSVC) * Optimized node copying (stackless, shares string contents where possible, up to 3x faster overall) * Optimized node output (stackless, up to 60% faster) * Optimized XPath evaluation (XPathMark suite is 100x faster; some commonly used queries are 4x faster) You can [download the source package](http://github.com/zeux/pugixml/releases/download/v1.5/pugixml-1.5.zip) or get the new version from GitHub using the latest tag (http://github.com/zeux/pugixml).