--- layout: post title: pugixml 1.4 release --- pugixml-1.4 is finally out. This is a major release with several new features and compatibility improvements (read the [changelog](http://pugixml.googlecode.com/svn/tags/release-1.4/docs/manual/changes.html) for details). Highlights for this release include: * Improved validation of documents without element nodes * More parsing options (parse_fragment flag to parse XML document fragments, parse_trim_pcdata flag to remove leading/trailing whitespace) * Better integer support for attribute and text nodes (long long types and hexadecimal conversion) * More stack-efficient XPath compilation and evaluation You can [download the source package](http://github.com/zeux/pugixml/releases/download/v1.4/pugixml-1.4.zip) or get the new version from Subversion using the latest tag (http://pugixml.googlecode.com/svn/tags/latest).