1.2 Crocell A kit well suited for Heavy Rock and Metal The patch is as follow : 01 - AmbLeft 02 - AmbRight 03 - OHLeft 04 - OHRight 05 - OHCenter 06 - HiHat 07 - Ride 08 - SnareTop 09 - SnareBottom 10 - Tom1 11 - Tom2 12 - FTom1 13 - FTom2 14 - KDrumInside 15 - KDrumOutside CC-BY-4.0 The CrocellKit is the kit used by Danish metal band Crocell. It was sampled while the band was recording their 2018 album "Relics". Jacob Olsen of JBOSound kindly let us into the studio after the band had wrapped up drum recordings. We then spend 5 hours sampling the kit with Jacobs mic setup and this is the result. Kit setup by Andreas from Crocell, Mics setup by Jacob Olsen from JBOSound, Sampled, Edited and prepared for DG by Lars Muldjord www.drumgizmo.org & www.Crocell.dk