/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * lv2.cc * * Thu Feb 12 14:55:41 CET 2015 * Copyright 2015 Bent Bisballe Nyeng * deva@aasimon.org ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of DrumGizmo. * * DrumGizmo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DrumGizmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DrumGizmo; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include <cppunit/extensions/HelperMacros.h> #include <unistd.h> #include <memory.h> #include <stdio.h> #include <arpa/inet.h> #include "lv2_test_host.h" #define DG_URI "http://drumgizmo.org/lv2" /** * Tests that should be performed: * ------------------------------- * - Run without port connects (shouldn't crash) * - Run without output ports connects (shouldn't crash) * - Run with buffer size 0 * - Run with VERY LARGE buffer size (>1MB?) * - Run with buffer size a prime number (and thereby not power of 2) * - Run with HUGE number of midi events in one buffer (10000) */ class test_lv2 : public CppUnit::TestFixture { CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE(test_lv2); CPPUNIT_TEST(open_and_verify); CPPUNIT_TEST(run_no_ports_connected); CPPUNIT_TEST(run_no_output_ports_connected); CPPUNIT_TEST(test1); CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_END(); public: void setUp() {} void tearDown() {} void open_and_verify() { int res; LV2TestHost h(LV2_PATH); res = h.open(DG_URI); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.verify(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.close(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); } void run_no_ports_connected() { int res; LV2TestHost h("/home/deva/docs/c/drumgizmo/install/lib/lv2"); res = h.open(DG_URI); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.verify(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.createInstance(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); const char config_fmt[] = "<config>\n" " <value name=\"drumkitfile\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"midimapfile\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_velocity_modifier\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_modifier_falloff\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_modifier_weight\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_velocity_randomiser\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_randomiser_weight\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_resampling\">%s</value>\n" "</config>"; const char drumkitfile[] = "kit/kit1.xml"; const char midimapfile[] = "kit/midimap.xml"; bool enable_velocity_modifier = true; float velocity_modifier_falloff = 0.5; float velocity_modifier_weight = 0.25; bool enable_velocity_randomiser = false; float velocity_randomiser_weight = 0.1; bool enable_resampling = false; char config[sizeof(config_fmt) * 2]; sprintf(config, config_fmt, drumkitfile, midimapfile, enable_velocity_modifier?"true":"false", velocity_modifier_falloff, velocity_modifier_weight, enable_velocity_randomiser?"true":"false", velocity_randomiser_weight, enable_resampling?"true":"false" ); res = h.loadConfig(config, strlen(config)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); // run for 1 samples to trigger kit loading res = h.run(1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); sleep(1); // wait for kit to get loaded (async), res = h.run(100); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.destroyInstance(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.close(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); } void run_no_output_ports_connected() { int res; LV2TestHost h("/home/deva/docs/c/drumgizmo/install/lib/lv2"); res = h.open(DG_URI); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.verify(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.createInstance(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); const char config_fmt[] = "<config>\n" " <value name=\"drumkitfile\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"midimapfile\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_velocity_modifier\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_modifier_falloff\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_modifier_weight\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_velocity_randomiser\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_randomiser_weight\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_resampling\">%s</value>\n" "</config>"; const char drumkitfile[] = "kit/kit1.xml"; const char midimapfile[] = "kit/midimap.xml"; bool enable_velocity_modifier = true; float velocity_modifier_falloff = 0.5; float velocity_modifier_weight = 0.25; bool enable_velocity_randomiser = false; float velocity_randomiser_weight = 0.1; bool enable_resampling = false; char config[sizeof(config_fmt) * 2]; sprintf(config, config_fmt, drumkitfile, midimapfile, enable_velocity_modifier?"true":"false", velocity_modifier_falloff, velocity_modifier_weight, enable_velocity_randomiser?"true":"false", velocity_randomiser_weight, enable_resampling?"true":"false" ); res = h.loadConfig(config, strlen(config)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); // Port buffers: char sequence_buffer[4096]; LV2TestHost::Sequence seq(sequence_buffer, sizeof(sequence_buffer)); res = h.connectPort(0, seq.data()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); // run for 1 samples to trigger kit loading res = h.run(1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); sleep(1); // wait for kit to get loaded (async), seq.addMidiNote(5, 1, 127); res = h.run(100); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.destroyInstance(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.close(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); } void test1() { int res; LV2TestHost h("/home/deva/docs/c/drumgizmo/install/lib/lv2"); res = h.open(DG_URI); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.verify(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.createInstance(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); const char config_fmt[] = "<config>\n" " <value name=\"drumkitfile\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"midimapfile\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_velocity_modifier\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_modifier_falloff\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_modifier_weight\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_velocity_randomiser\">%s</value>\n" " <value name=\"velocity_randomiser_weight\">%f</value>\n" " <value name=\"enable_resampling\">%s</value>\n" "</config>"; const char drumkitfile[] = "kit/kit1.xml"; const char midimapfile[] = "kit/midimap.xml"; bool enable_velocity_modifier = true; float velocity_modifier_falloff = 0.5; float velocity_modifier_weight = 0.25; bool enable_velocity_randomiser = false; float velocity_randomiser_weight = 0.1; bool enable_resampling = false; char config[sizeof(config_fmt) * 2]; sprintf(config, config_fmt, drumkitfile, midimapfile, enable_velocity_modifier?"true":"false", velocity_modifier_falloff, velocity_modifier_weight, enable_velocity_randomiser?"true":"false", velocity_randomiser_weight, enable_resampling?"true":"false" ); res = h.loadConfig(config, strlen(config)); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); // Port buffers: char sequence_buffer[4096]; float pcm_buffer[16][10]; LV2TestHost::Sequence seq(sequence_buffer, sizeof(sequence_buffer)); res = h.connectPort(0, seq.data()); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); for(int i = 1; i <= 16; i++) { memset(pcm_buffer, 1, sizeof(pcm_buffer)); res += h.connectPort(i, pcm_buffer[i-1]); } CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); // run for 1 samples to trigger kit loading res = h.run(1); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); sleep(1); // wait for kit to get loaded (async), /* seq.addMidiNote(5, 1, 127); for(int i = 0; i < 10; i++) { res = h.run(10); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); printf("Iteration:\n"); for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { printf("#%d ", k); for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) printf("[%f]", pcm_buffer[k][j]); printf("\n"); } printf("\n"); seq.clear(); } */ seq.addMidiNote(5, 1, 127); res = h.run(10); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); union { float f; unsigned int u; } comp_val; comp_val.u = 1040744448; for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++) { for(int j = 0; j < 10; j++) { CPPUNIT_ASSERT(pcm_buffer[k][j] == ((j==4)?comp_val.f:0)); } } seq.clear(); res = h.destroyInstance(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); res = h.close(); CPPUNIT_ASSERT(res == 0); } }; // Registers the fixture into the 'registry' CPPUNIT_TEST_SUITE_REGISTRATION(test_lv2);