/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * inputprocessor.cc * * Sat Apr 23 20:39:30 CEST 2016 * Copyright 2016 Andr� Nusser * andre.nusser@googlemail.com ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of DrumGizmo. * * DrumGizmo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DrumGizmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with DrumGizmo; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include "inputprocessor.h" #include <list> #include <memory> #include <hugin.hpp> #include "instrument.h" #include "latencyfilter.h" #include "powermapfilter.h" #include "staminafilter.h" #include "velocityfilter.h" class VelocityStorer : public InputFilter { public: VelocityStorer(float& original_velocity) : original_velocity(original_velocity) { } bool filter(event_t& event, std::size_t pos) override { original_velocity = event.velocity; return true; } private: float& original_velocity; }; class Reporter : public InputFilter { public: Reporter(Settings& settings, float& original_velocity) : settings(settings) , original_velocity(original_velocity) { } bool filter(event_t& event, std::size_t pos) override { settings.velocity_modifier_current.store(event.velocity / original_velocity); return true; } private: Settings& settings; float& original_velocity; }; InputProcessor::InputProcessor(Settings& settings, DrumKit& kit, EventsDS& events_ds, Random& random) : kit(kit) , events_ds(events_ds) , settings(settings) { // Build filter list filters.emplace_back(std::make_unique<PowermapFilter>(settings)); filters.emplace_back(std::make_unique<VelocityStorer>(original_velocity)); filters.emplace_back(std::make_unique<StaminaFilter>(settings)); filters.emplace_back(std::make_unique<LatencyFilter>(settings, random)); filters.emplace_back(std::make_unique<VelocityFilter>(settings, random)); filters.emplace_back(std::make_unique<Reporter>(settings, original_velocity)); } bool InputProcessor::process(std::vector<event_t>& events, std::size_t pos, double resample_ratio) { for(auto& event: events) { if(event.type == EventType::OnSet) { if(!processOnset(event, pos, resample_ratio)) { continue; } } if(event.type == EventType::Choke) { if(!processChoke(event, pos, resample_ratio)) { continue; } } if(!processStop(event)) { return false; } } return true; } std::size_t InputProcessor::getLatency() const { std::size_t latency = 0; for(const auto& filter : filters) { latency += filter->getLatency(); } return latency; } void InputProcessor::applyChoke(Settings& settings, SampleEvent& event, double length_ms, timepos_t offset, std::size_t pos) { std::size_t ramp_length = (length_ms / 1000.) * settings.samplerate.load(); event.rampdown_count = ramp_length; event.rampdown_offset = offset + pos; event.ramp_length = ramp_length; } void InputProcessor::applyChokeGroup(Settings& settings, DrumKit& kit, Instrument& instr, event_t& event, EventsDS& events_ds, std::size_t pos) { std::size_t instrument_id = event.instrument; if(instr.getGroup() == "") { return; } // Add event to ramp down all existing events with the same groupname. for(const auto& ch : kit.channels) { if(ch.num >= NUM_CHANNELS) // kit may have more channels than the engine { continue; } for(auto& event_sample : events_ds.iterateOver<SampleEvent>(ch.num)) { if(event_sample.group == instr.getGroup() && event_sample.instrument_id != instrument_id && event_sample.rampdown_count == -1) // Only if not already ramping. { // Fixed group rampdown time of 68ms, independent of samplerate applyChoke(settings, event_sample, 68, event.offset, pos); } } } } void InputProcessor::applyDirectedChoke(Settings& settings, DrumKit& kit, Instrument& instr, event_t& event, EventsDS& events_ds, std::size_t pos) { for(const auto& choke : instr.getChokes()) { // Add event to ramp down all existing events with the same groupname. for(const auto& ch : kit.channels) { if(ch.num >= NUM_CHANNELS) // kit may have more channels than the engine { continue; } for(auto& event_sample : events_ds.iterateOver<SampleEvent>(ch.num)) { if(choke.instrument_id == event_sample.instrument_id && event_sample.rampdown_count == -1) // Only if not already ramping. { // choke.choketime is in ms applyChoke(settings, event_sample, choke.choketime, event.offset, pos); } } } } } bool InputProcessor::processOnset(event_t& event, std::size_t pos, double resample_ratio) { if(!kit.isValid()) { return false; } std::size_t instrument_id = event.instrument; Instrument* instr = nullptr; if(instrument_id < kit.instruments.size()) { instr = kit.instruments[instrument_id].get(); } if(instr == nullptr || !instr->isValid()) { ERR(inputprocessor, "Missing Instrument %d.\n", (int)instrument_id); return false; } original_velocity = event.velocity; for(auto& filter : filters) { // This line might change the 'event' variable bool keep = filter->filter(event, event.offset + pos); if(!keep) { return false; // Skip event completely } } // Mute other instruments in the same instrument/choke group applyChokeGroup(settings, kit, *instr, event, events_ds, pos); // Apply directed chokes to mute other instruments if needed applyDirectedChoke(settings, kit, *instr, event, events_ds, pos); auto const power_max = instr->getMaxPower(); auto const power_min = instr->getMinPower(); float const power_span = power_max - power_min; float const instrument_level = power_min + event.velocity*power_span; const auto sample = instr->sample(instrument_level, event.offset + pos); if(sample == nullptr) { ERR(inputprocessor, "Missing Sample.\n"); return false; } if(settings.enable_voice_limit.load()) { limitVoices(instrument_id, settings.voice_limit_max.load(), settings.voice_limit_rampdown.load(), pos); } //Given that audio files could be invalid, maybe we must add the new //group just before adding the first new sample... bool new_group_added = false; for(Channel& ch: kit.channels) { if(ch.num >= NUM_CHANNELS) // kit may have more channels than the engine { continue; } const auto af = sample->getAudioFile(ch); if(af == nullptr || !af->isValid()) { //DEBUG(inputprocessor, "Missing AudioFile.\n"); } else { //DEBUG(inputprocessor, "Adding event %d.\n", event.offset); if(!new_group_added) { new_group_added=true; events_ds.startAddingNewGroup(instrument_id); } auto& event_sample = events_ds.emplace<SampleEvent>(ch.num, ch.num, 1.0, af, instr->getGroup(), instrument_id); event_sample.offset = (event.offset + pos) * resample_ratio; if(settings.normalized_samples.load() && sample->getNormalized()) { event_sample.scale *= event.velocity; } } } return true; } bool InputProcessor::processChoke(event_t& event, std::size_t pos, double resample_ratio) { if(!kit.isValid()) { return false; } std::size_t instrument_id = event.instrument; Instrument* instr = nullptr; if(instrument_id < kit.instruments.size()) { instr = kit.instruments[instrument_id].get(); } if(instr == nullptr || !instr->isValid()) { ERR(inputprocessor, "Missing Instrument %d.\n", (int)instrument_id); return false; } for(auto& filter : filters) { // This line might change the 'event' variable bool keep = filter->filter(event, event.offset + pos); if(!keep) { return false; // Skip event completely } } // Add event to ramp down all existing events with the same groupname. for(const auto& ch : kit.channels) { if(ch.num >= NUM_CHANNELS) // kit may have more channels than the engine { continue; } for(auto& event_sample : events_ds.iterateOver<SampleEvent>(ch.num)) { if(event_sample.instrument_id == instrument_id && event_sample.rampdown_count == -1) // Only if not already ramping. { // Fixed group rampdown time of 68ms, independent of samplerate applyChoke(settings, event_sample, 450, event.offset, pos); } } } return true; } bool InputProcessor::processStop(event_t& event) { if(event.type == EventType::Stop) { is_stopping = true; } if(is_stopping) { // Count the number of active events. int num_active_events = 0; for(auto& ch: kit.channels) { if(ch.num >= NUM_CHANNELS) // kit may have more channels than the engine { continue; } num_active_events += events_ds.numberOfEvents(ch.num); } if(num_active_events == 0) { // No more active events - now we can stop the engine. return false; } } return true; } void InputProcessor::limitVoices(std::size_t instrument_id, std::size_t max_voices, float rampdown_time, std::size_t pos) { const auto& group_ids=events_ds.getSampleEventGroupIDsOf(instrument_id); if(group_ids.size() <= max_voices) { return; } //Filter out ramping events... auto filter_ramping_predicate = [this](EventGroupID group_id) -> bool { const auto& event_ids=events_ds.getEventIDsOf(group_id); //TODO: This should not happen. if(!event_ids.size()) { return false; } const auto& sample=events_ds.get<SampleEvent>(event_ids[0]); return !sample.hasRampdown(); }; EventGroupIDs non_ramping; std::copy_if(std::begin(group_ids), std::end(group_ids), std::back_inserter(non_ramping), filter_ramping_predicate); if(!non_ramping.size()) { return; } //Let us get the eldest... auto compare_event_offsets = [this](EventGroupID a, EventGroupID b) { const auto& event_ids_a=events_ds.getEventIDsOf(a); const auto& event_ids_b=events_ds.getEventIDsOf(b); const auto& sample_a=events_ds.get<SampleEvent>(event_ids_a[0]); const auto& sample_b=events_ds.get<SampleEvent>(event_ids_b[0]); return sample_a.offset < sample_b.offset; }; auto it = std::min_element(std::begin(non_ramping), std::end(non_ramping), compare_event_offsets); if(it == std::end(non_ramping)) { return; } const auto& event_ids = events_ds.getEventIDsOf(*it); for(const auto& event_id : event_ids) { auto& sample=events_ds.get<SampleEvent>(event_id); applyChoke(settings, sample, rampdown_time, sample.offset, pos); } }