/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * cachemanager.h * * Fri Apr 10 10:39:24 CEST 2015 * Copyright 2015 Jonas Suhr Christensen * jsc@umbraculum.org ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of DrumGizmo. * * DrumGizmo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DrumGizmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DrumGizmo; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #ifndef __DRUMGIZMO_CACHEMANAGER_H__ #define __DRUMGIZMO_CACHEMANAGER_H__ #include <string> #include <list> #include <vector> #include "thread.h" #include "semaphore.h" #include "mutex.h" #include "audiotypes.h" #include "audiofile.h" #define CACHE_DUMMYID -2 #define CACHE_NOID -1 #define CHUNK_MULTIPLIER 16 class AudioFile; typedef int cacheid_t; class AFile; //TODO: // 1: Move nodata initialisation to init method. // 2: Make semaphore in thread to block init call until thread has been started. //// next // Pre: preloaded contains 2 x framesize. chunk size is framesize. // allocate 2 chunks and copy initial_samples_needed to first buffer from // preloaded data and enough to fill up the second buffer from preloaded // returns the first buffer and its size in &size. // get id from "free stack" and store pointers to buffers in id vector. // event: open sndfile handle (if not already open) and increase refcount //// next // Return which ever buffer is the front, swap them and add event to load the // next chunk. //// close // decrement file handle refcounter and close file if it is 0. // free the 2 buffers // (do not erase from the id vector), push index to // "free stack" for reuse. class CacheManager : public Thread { public: /** * Empty constructor... */ CacheManager(); /** * Destroy object and stop thread if needed. */ ~CacheManager(); /** * Initialise cache manager and allocate needed resources * This method starts the cache manager thread. * This method blocks until the thread has been started. * @param poolsize The maximum number of parellel events supported. */ void init(size_t poolsize, bool threaded); /** * Stop thread and clean up resources. * This method blocks until the thread has stopped. */ void deinit(); /** * Register new cache entry. * Prepares an entry in the cache manager for future disk streaming. * @param file A pointer to the file which is to be streamed from. * @param initial_samples_needed The number of samples needed in the first * read that is not nessecarily of framesize. This is the number of samples * from the input event offset to the end of the frame in which it resides. * initial_samples_needed <= framesize. * @param channel The channel to which the cache id will be bound. * @param [out] new_id The newly created cache id. * @return A pointer to the first buffer containing the * 'initial_samples_needed' number of samples. */ sample_t *open(AudioFile *file, size_t initial_samples_needed, int channel, cacheid_t &new_id); /** * Get next buffer. * Returns the next buffer for reading based on cache id. * This function will (if needed) schedule a new disk read to make sure that * data is available in the next call to this method. * @param id The cache id to read from. * @param [out] size The size of the returned buffer. * @return A pointer to the buffer. */ sample_t *next(cacheid_t id, size_t &size); /** * Unregister cache entry. * Close associated file handles and free associated buffers. * @param id The cache id to close. */ void close(cacheid_t id); void setFrameSize(size_t framesize); ///! Internal thread main method - needs to be public. void thread_main(); private: size_t framesize; sample_t *nodata; typedef struct { AFile *file; size_t channel; size_t pos; //< File possition volatile bool ready; sample_t *front; sample_t *back; size_t localpos; //< Intra buffer (front) position. sample_t* preloaded_samples; // NULL means not active. size_t preloaded_samples_size; } cache_t; typedef enum { LOADNEXT = 0, CLOSE = 1 } cmd_t; typedef struct { cmd_t cmd; // For close event: cacheid_t id; // For load next event: size_t pos; sample_t *buffer; volatile bool *ready; size_t channel; AFile *file; } cevent_t; cevent_t createLoadNextEvent(AFile *file, size_t channel, size_t pos, sample_t* buffer); cevent_t createCloseEvent(cacheid_t id); void handleLoadNextEvent(cevent_t &e); void handleCloseEvent(cevent_t &e); void handleEvent(cevent_t &e); void pushEvent(cevent_t e); std::vector<cache_t> id2cache; // Protected by mutex: std::list<cevent_t> eventqueue; std::list<cacheid_t> availableids; Mutex m_events; Mutex m_ids; bool threaded; // Indicates if we are running in thread mode or offline mode. Semaphore sem; Semaphore sem_run; bool running; std::map<std::string, AFile*> files; }; #endif/*__DRUMGIZMO_CACHEMANAGER_H__*/