/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * plugingui.cc * * Mon Oct 3 13:40:49 CEST 2011 * Copyright 2011 Bent Bisballe Nyeng * deva@aasimon.org ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of DrumGizmo. * * DrumGizmo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DrumGizmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with DrumGizmo; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include "plugingui.h" #include <hugin.hpp> #include <stdio.h> #include "globalcontext.h" #include "knob.h" #ifndef STANDALONE #include <drumgizmo.h> #include "../src/configuration.h" #else #include "../src/message.h" class DrumGizmo { public: void loadkit(std::string) {} void init(bool) {} std::string drumkitfile() { return ""; } std::string midimapfile; Message *receiveMessage() { return NULL; } Message *peekMessage() { return NULL; } }; namespace Conf { bool enable_velocity_modifier; float velocity_modifier_weight; float velocity_modifier_falloff; }; #endif static void checkClick(void *ptr) { PluginGUI *gui = (PluginGUI*)ptr; Conf::enable_velocity_modifier = gui->check->checked(); } static void knobChange(void *ptr) { PluginGUI *gui = (PluginGUI*)ptr; Conf::velocity_modifier_weight = gui->knob->value(); int i = gui->knob->value() * 5; switch(i) { case 0: gui->progress->setState(GUI::ProgressBar::off); break; case 1: gui->progress->setState(GUI::ProgressBar::blue); break; case 2: gui->progress->setState(GUI::ProgressBar::green); break; case 3: gui->progress->setState(GUI::ProgressBar::red); break; default: break; } } static void knobChange2(void *ptr) { PluginGUI *gui = (PluginGUI*)ptr; Conf::velocity_modifier_falloff = gui->knob2->value(); gui->progress->setProgress(gui->knob2->value()); } GUI::FileBrowser *fb; static void selectKitFile(void *ptr, std::string filename) { PluginGUI *gui = (PluginGUI*)ptr; gui->lineedit->setText(filename); fb->hide(); std::string drumkit = gui->lineedit->text(); if(!gui->drumgizmo) return; gui->drumgizmo->loadkit(drumkit); gui->drumgizmo->init(true); gui->progress->setState(GUI::ProgressBar::green); } static void kitBrowseClick(void *ptr) { PluginGUI *gui = (PluginGUI*)ptr; fb->setPath(gui->lineedit->text()); fb->registerFileSelectHandler(selectKitFile, gui); fb->show(); } static void selectMapFile(void *ptr, std::string filename) { PluginGUI *gui = (PluginGUI*)ptr; gui->lineedit2->setText(filename); fb->hide(); std::string midimap = gui->lineedit2->text(); if(gui->changeMidimapHandler) gui->changeMidimapHandler(gui->changeMidimapPtr, midimap.c_str()); gui->progress2->setState(GUI::ProgressBar::green); } static void midimapBrowseClick(void *ptr) { PluginGUI *gui = (PluginGUI*)ptr; fb->setPath(gui->lineedit2->text()); fb->registerFileSelectHandler(selectMapFile, gui); fb->show(); } /* void closeClick(void *ptr) { PluginGUI *gui = (PluginGUI*)ptr; if(gui->windowClosedHandler) gui->windowClosedHandler(gui->windowClosedPtr); } */ #include "../version.h" PluginGUI::PluginGUI(DrumGizmo *drumgizmo) { windowClosedHandler = NULL; changeMidimapHandler = NULL; this->drumgizmo = drumgizmo; gctx = NULL; window = NULL; eventhandler = NULL; running = true; #ifdef USE_THREAD run(); #else init(); #endif/*USE_THREAD*/ sem.wait(); } PluginGUI::~PluginGUI() { DEBUG(plugingui, "~PluginGUI()\n"); running = false; wait_stop(); if(window) delete window; if(eventhandler) delete eventhandler; if(gctx) delete gctx; } void PluginGUI::thread_main() { init(); while(running) { eventhandler->processEvents(window); #ifdef WIN32 SleepEx(50, FALSE); #else usleep(50); #endif/*WIN32*/ Message *msg; while((msg = drumgizmo->receiveMessage()) != NULL) { switch(msg->type()) { case Message::LoadStatus: { Message *pmsg; while( (pmsg = drumgizmo->peekMessage()) != NULL) { if(pmsg->type() != Message::LoadStatus) break; delete msg; msg = drumgizmo->receiveMessage(); } LoadStatus *ls = (LoadStatus*)msg; DEBUG(gui, "%d of %d (%s)\n", ls->numer_of_files_loaded, ls->number_of_files, ls->current_file.c_str()); progress->setProgress((float)ls->numer_of_files_loaded / (float)ls->number_of_files); } break; default: break; } delete msg; } } } void PluginGUI::init() { DEBUG(gui, "init"); gctx = new GUI::GlobalContext(); eventhandler = new GUI::EventHandler(gctx); // printf("%p\n", eventhandler); window = new GUI::Window(gctx); window->resize(370, 330); window->setCaption("DrumGizmo v"VERSION); GUI::Label *lbl_title = new GUI::Label(window); lbl_title->setText("DrumGizmo"); lbl_title->move(127, 7); lbl_title->resize(200, 20); // Enable Velocity GUI::Label *lbl_velocity = new GUI::Label(window); lbl_velocity->resize(78 ,20); lbl_velocity->move(19,206); lbl_velocity->setText("Humanizer"); check = new GUI::CheckBox(window); //check->setText("Enable Velocity Modifier"); check->move(24,227); check->resize(59,38); check->setChecked(Conf::enable_velocity_modifier); check->registerClickHandler(checkClick, this); // Velocity Weight Modifier: { GUI::Label *lbl_weight = new GUI::Label(window); lbl_weight->setText("LABEL"); lbl_weight->move(114, 206); lbl_weight->resize(100, 20); knob = new GUI::Knob(window); knob->move(114, 223); knob->resize(57, 57); knob->setValue(Conf::velocity_modifier_weight); knob->registerClickHandler(knobChange, this); } // Velocity Falloff Modifier: { GUI::Label *lbl_falloff = new GUI::Label(window); lbl_falloff->setText("LABEL"); lbl_falloff->move(202, 206); lbl_falloff->resize(100, 20); knob2 = new GUI::Knob(window); knob2->move(202, 223); knob2->resize(57, 57); knob2->setValue(Conf::velocity_modifier_falloff); knob2->registerClickHandler(knobChange2, this); } // Drumkit file { GUI::Label *lbl = new GUI::Label(window); lbl->setText("Drumkit file:"); lbl->move(19, 46); lbl->resize(100, 20); /* led = new GUI::LED(window); led->move(0,0); led->resize(16, 16); // led->setState(false); */ progress = new GUI::ProgressBar(window); progress->move(19, 100); progress->resize(336, 11); lineedit = new GUI::LineEdit(window); if(drumgizmo) lineedit->setText(drumgizmo->drumkitfile()); else lineedit->setText("Missing DrumGizmo*"); lineedit->move(19, 62); lineedit->resize(243, 31); GUI::Button *btn_brw = new GUI::Button(window); btn_brw->setText("Browse..."); btn_brw->move(266, 62 - 6); btn_brw->resize(85, 35 + 6); btn_brw->registerClickHandler(kitBrowseClick, this); } // Midimap file { lbl2 = new GUI::Label(window); lbl2->setText("Midimap file:"); lbl2->move(19, 118); lbl2->resize(100, 20); /* led2 = new GUI::LED(window); led2->move(0,0); led2->resize(16, 16); // led2->setState(false); */ progress2 = new GUI::ProgressBar(window); progress2->move(19, 174); progress2->resize(336, 11); lineedit2 = new GUI::LineEdit(window); if(drumgizmo) lineedit2->setText(drumgizmo->midimapfile); lineedit2->move(19, 136); lineedit2->resize(243, 31); GUI::Button *btn_brw = new GUI::Button(window); btn_brw->setText("Browse..."); btn_brw->move(266, 136 - 6); btn_brw->resize(85, 35 + 6); btn_brw->registerClickHandler(midimapBrowseClick, this); } GUI::Label *lbl_version = new GUI::Label(window); lbl_version->setText("v"VERSION); lbl_version->move(270, 279); lbl_version->resize(70, 20); /* { GUI::ComboBox *cmb = new GUI::ComboBox(window); cmb->addItem("Foo", "Bar"); cmb->addItem("Hello", "World"); cmb->move(10,100); cmb->resize(70, 30); } */ // Create filebrowser filebrowser = new GUI::FileBrowser(window); filebrowser->move(0, 0); filebrowser->resize(window->width() - 1, window->height() - 1); filebrowser->hide(); fb = filebrowser; window->show(); sem.post(); } static bool shown = false; void PluginGUI::show() { if(!gctx) init(); // printf("PluginGUI::show()\n"); if(!shown && window) { shown = true; //window->show(); } } void PluginGUI::hide() { // printf("PluginGUI::hide()\n"); if(window) window->hide(); } void PluginGUI::processEvents() { #ifdef USE_THREAD #else printf("PluginGUI::processEvents()\n"); eventhandler->processEvents(window); #endif/*USE_THREAD*/ } void PluginGUI::setWindowClosedCallback(void (*handler)(void *), void *ptr) { windowClosedHandler = handler; windowClosedPtr = ptr; eventhandler->registerCloseHandler(handler, ptr); } void PluginGUI::setChangeMidimapCallback(void (*handler)(void *, const char *), void *ptr) { changeMidimapHandler = handler; changeMidimapPtr = ptr; } #ifdef STANDALONE void stop(void *ptr) { DEBUG(stop, "Stopping...\n"); bool *running = (bool*)ptr; *running = false; } int main() { /* hug_status_t status = hug_init(HUG_FLAG_OUTPUT_TO_SYSLOG, HUG_OPTION_SYSLOG_HOST, "", HUG_OPTION_SYSLOG_PORT, 514, HUG_OPTION_END); if(status != HUG_STATUS_OK) { printf("Error: %d\n", status); return 1; } */ INFO(example, "We are up and running"); bool running = true; PluginGUI gui(NULL); gui.setWindowClosedCallback(stop, &running); // gui.show(); while(running) { // gui.processEvents(); #ifdef WIN32 SleepEx(1000, FALSE); #else // usleep(10000); sleep(1); #endif } return 0; } #endif/*STANDALONE*/