/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * nativewindow_x11.cc * * Fri Dec 28 18:45:57 CET 2012 * Copyright 2012 Bent Bisballe Nyeng * deva@aasimon.org ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of DrumGizmo. * * DrumGizmo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DrumGizmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with DrumGizmo; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include "nativewindow_x11.h" //http://www.mesa3d.org/brianp/xshm.c #include <X11/Xutil.h> #include <sys/ipc.h> #include <sys/shm.h> #include <cerrno> #include <cstring> #include <stdlib.h> #include <chrono> #include <hugin.hpp> #include "window.h" namespace GUI { NativeWindowX11::NativeWindowX11(void* native_window, Window& window) : window(window) { display = XOpenDisplay(nullptr); if(display == nullptr) { ERR(X11, "XOpenDisplay failed"); return; } screen = DefaultScreen(display); visual = DefaultVisual(display, screen); depth = DefaultDepth(display, screen); ::Window parentWindow; if(native_window) { parentWindow = (::Window)native_window; } else { parentWindow = DefaultRootWindow(display); } // Create the window XSetWindowAttributes swa; swa.backing_store = Always; xwindow = XCreateWindow(display, parentWindow, window.x(), window.y(), window.width(), window.height(), 0, // border CopyFromParent, // depth CopyFromParent, // class CopyFromParent, // visual 0,//CWBackingStore, &swa); long mask = (StructureNotifyMask | PointerMotionMask | ButtonPressMask | ButtonReleaseMask | KeyPressMask | KeyReleaseMask| ExposureMask | StructureNotifyMask | SubstructureNotifyMask); XSelectInput(display, xwindow, mask); // Register the delete window message: wmDeleteMessage = XInternAtom(display, "WM_DELETE_WINDOW", false); Atom protocols[] = { wmDeleteMessage }; int count = sizeof(protocols)/sizeof(Atom); XSetWMProtocols(display, xwindow, protocols, count); // Create a "Graphics Context" gc = XCreateGC(display, xwindow, 0, nullptr); } NativeWindowX11::~NativeWindowX11() { if(display == nullptr) { return; } deallocateShmImage(); XFreeGC(display, gc); XDestroyWindow(display, xwindow); XCloseDisplay(display); } void NativeWindowX11::setFixedSize(int width, int height) { if(display == nullptr) { return; } resize(width, height); XSizeHints* size_hints; size_hints = XAllocSizeHints(); if(size_hints == nullptr) { ERR(X11,"XMallocSizeHints() failed"); return; } size_hints->flags = USPosition | PMinSize | PMaxSize; size_hints->min_width = size_hints->max_width = width; size_hints->min_height = size_hints->max_height = height; //size_hints->min_aspect.x = (float)window.width()/(float)window.height(); //size_hints->max_aspect.x = (float)window.width()/(float)window.height(); //size_hints->min_aspect.y = (float)window.width()/(float)window.height(); //size_hints->max_aspect.y = size_hints->min_aspect.y; XSetWMNormalHints(display, xwindow, size_hints); } void NativeWindowX11::resize(int width, int height) { if(display == nullptr) { return; } XResizeWindow(display, xwindow, width, height); } void NativeWindowX11::move(int x, int y) { if(display == nullptr) { return; } XMoveWindow(display, xwindow, x, y); } void NativeWindowX11::show() { if(display == nullptr) { return; } XMapWindow(display, xwindow); } void NativeWindowX11::hide() { if(display == nullptr) { return; } XUnmapWindow(display, xwindow); } void NativeWindowX11::handleBuffer() { updateImageFromBuffer(); } void NativeWindowX11::redraw() { if(display == nullptr) { return; } if(!image) { window.updateBuffer(); handleBuffer(); } XShmPutImage(display, xwindow, gc, image, 0, 0, 0, 0, std::min(image->width, (int)window.width()), std::min(image->height, (int)window.height()), false); XFlush(display); } void NativeWindowX11::setCaption(const std::string &caption) { if(display == nullptr) { return; } XStoreName(display, xwindow, caption.c_str()); } void NativeWindowX11::grabMouse(bool grab) { (void)grab; // Don't need to do anything on this platform... } bool NativeWindowX11::hasEvent() { if(display == nullptr) { return false; } return XPending(display); } std::shared_ptr<Event> NativeWindowX11::getNextEvent() { if(display == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if(!XPending(display)) { return nullptr; } XEvent xEvent; XNextEvent(display, &xEvent); return translateXMessage(xEvent); } std::shared_ptr<Event> NativeWindowX11::peekNextEvent() { if(display == nullptr) { return nullptr; } if(!XPending(display)) { return nullptr; } XEvent peekXEvent; XPeekEvent(display, &peekXEvent); return translateXMessage(peekXEvent, true); } std::shared_ptr<Event> NativeWindowX11::translateXMessage(XEvent& xevent, bool peek) { std::shared_ptr<Event> event = nullptr; switch(xevent.type) { case MotionNotify: //DEBUG(x11, "MotionNotify"); { auto mouseMoveEvent = std::make_shared<MouseMoveEvent>(); mouseMoveEvent->window_id = xevent.xmotion.window; mouseMoveEvent->x = xevent.xmotion.x; mouseMoveEvent->y = xevent.xmotion.y; event = mouseMoveEvent; } break; case Expose: //DEBUG(x11, "Expose"); //if(!peek) //{ // XEvent peekXEvent; // while(XCheckWindowEvent(display, xwindow, Expose, &peekXEvent)) // { // xevent.xexpose = peekXEvent.xexpose; // } //} if(xevent.xexpose.count == 0) { auto repaintEvent = std::make_shared<RepaintEvent>(); repaintEvent->window_id = xevent.xexpose.window; repaintEvent->x = xevent.xexpose.x; repaintEvent->y = xevent.xexpose.y; repaintEvent->width = xevent.xexpose.width; repaintEvent->height = xevent.xexpose.height; event = repaintEvent; } break; case ConfigureNotify: //DEBUG(x11, "ConfigureNotify"); { //if(!peek) //{ // XEvent peekXEvent; // while(XCheckWindowEvent(display, xwindow, ConfigureNotify, &peekXEvent)) // { // xevent.xconfigure = peekXEvent.xconfigure; // } //} if((window.width() != (std::size_t)xevent.xconfigure.width) || (window.height() != (std::size_t)xevent.xconfigure.height)) { auto resizeEvent = std::make_shared<ResizeEvent>(); resizeEvent->window_id = xevent.xconfigure.window; resizeEvent->width = xevent.xconfigure.width; resizeEvent->height = xevent.xconfigure.height; event = resizeEvent; } else if((window.windowX() != (std::size_t)xevent.xconfigure.x) || (window.windowY() != (std::size_t)xevent.xconfigure.y)) { auto moveEvent = std::make_shared<MoveEvent>(); moveEvent->window_id = xevent.xconfigure.window; moveEvent->x = xevent.xconfigure.x; moveEvent->y = xevent.xconfigure.y; event = moveEvent; } } break; case ButtonPress: case ButtonRelease: //DEBUG(x11, "ButtonPress"); { if((xevent.xbutton.button == 4) || (xevent.xbutton.button == 5)) { int scroll = 1; auto scrollEvent = std::make_shared<ScrollEvent>(); scrollEvent->window_id = xevent.xbutton.window; scrollEvent->x = xevent.xbutton.x; scrollEvent->y = xevent.xbutton.y; scrollEvent->delta = scroll * ((xevent.xbutton.button == 4) ? -1 : 1); event = scrollEvent; } else { auto buttonEvent = std::make_shared<ButtonEvent>(); buttonEvent->window_id = xevent.xbutton.window; buttonEvent->x = xevent.xbutton.x; buttonEvent->y = xevent.xbutton.y; switch(xevent.xbutton.button) { case 1: buttonEvent->button = MouseButton::left; break; case 2: buttonEvent->button = MouseButton::middle; break; case 3: buttonEvent->button = MouseButton::right; break; default: WARN(X11, "Unknown button %d, setting to MouseButton::left\n", xevent.xbutton.button); buttonEvent->button = MouseButton::left; break; } buttonEvent->direction = (xevent.type == ButtonPress) ? Direction::down : Direction::up; // This is a fix for hosts (e.g. those using JUCE) that set the // event time to '0'. if(xevent.xbutton.time == 0) { auto now = std::chrono::system_clock::now().time_since_epoch(); xevent.xbutton.time = std::chrono::duration_cast<std::chrono::milliseconds>(now).count(); } buttonEvent->doubleClick = (xevent.type == ButtonPress) && ((xevent.xbutton.time - last_click) < 200); if(!peek && (xevent.type == ButtonPress)) { last_click = xevent.xbutton.time; } event = buttonEvent; } } break; case KeyPress: case KeyRelease: //DEBUG(x11, "KeyPress"); { auto keyEvent = std::make_shared<KeyEvent>(); keyEvent->window_id = xevent.xkey.window; switch(xevent.xkey.keycode) { case 113: keyEvent->keycode = Key::left; break; case 114: keyEvent->keycode = Key::right; break; case 111: keyEvent->keycode = Key::up; break; case 116: keyEvent->keycode = Key::down; break; case 119: keyEvent->keycode = Key::deleteKey; break; case 22: keyEvent->keycode = Key::backspace; break; case 110: keyEvent->keycode = Key::home; break; case 115: keyEvent->keycode = Key::end; break; case 117: keyEvent->keycode = Key::pageDown; break; case 112: keyEvent->keycode = Key::pageUp; break; case 36: keyEvent->keycode = Key::enter; break; default: keyEvent->keycode = Key::unknown; break; } char stringBuffer[1024]; int size = XLookupString(&xevent.xkey, stringBuffer, sizeof(stringBuffer), nullptr, nullptr); if(size && keyEvent->keycode == Key::unknown) { keyEvent->keycode = Key::character; } keyEvent->text.append(stringBuffer, size); keyEvent->direction = (xevent.type == KeyPress) ? Direction::down : Direction::up; event = keyEvent; } break; case ClientMessage: //DEBUG(x11, "ClientMessage"); if(((unsigned int)xevent.xclient.data.l[0] == wmDeleteMessage)) { auto closeEvent = std::make_shared<CloseEvent>(); event = closeEvent; } break; case EnterNotify: case LeaveNotify: case MapNotify: case MappingNotify: //DEBUG(x11, "EnterNotify"); // There's nothing to do here atm. break; default: WARN(X11, "Unhandled xevent.type: %d\n", xevent.type); break; } return event; } void NativeWindowX11::allocateShmImage(std::size_t width, std::size_t height) { DEBUG(x11, "(Re)alloc XShmImage (%d, %d)", (int)width, (int)height); if(image) { deallocateShmImage(); } if(!XShmQueryExtension(display)) { ERR(x11, "XShmExtension not available"); return; } image = XShmCreateImage(display, visual, depth, ZPixmap, nullptr, &shm_info, width, height); if(image == nullptr) { ERR(x11, "XShmCreateImage failed!\n"); return; } std::size_t byte_size = image->bytes_per_line * image->height; // Allocate shm buffer int shm_id = shmget(IPC_PRIVATE, byte_size, IPC_CREAT|0777); if(shm_id == -1) { ERR(x11, "shmget failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } shm_info.shmid = shm_id; // Attach share memory bufer void* shm_addr = shmat(shm_id, nullptr, 0); if(reinterpret_cast<long int>(shm_addr) == -1) { ERR(x11, "shmat failed: %s", strerror(errno)); return; } shm_info.shmaddr = reinterpret_cast<char*>(shm_addr); image->data = shm_info.shmaddr; shm_info.readOnly = false; // This may trigger the X protocol error we're ready to catch: XShmAttach(display, &shm_info); XSync(display, false); // Make the shm id unavailable to others shmctl(shm_id, IPC_RMID, 0); } void NativeWindowX11::deallocateShmImage() { if(image == nullptr) { return; } XFlush(display); XShmDetach(display, &shm_info); XDestroyImage(image); image = nullptr; shmdt(shm_info.shmaddr); } void NativeWindowX11::updateImageFromBuffer() { //DEBUG(x11, "depth: %d", depth); auto width = window.wpixbuf.width; auto height = window.wpixbuf.height; // If image hasn't been allocated yet or if the image backbuffer is // too small, (re)allocate with a suitable size. if((image == nullptr) || ((int)width > image->width) || ((int)height > image->height)) { constexpr std::size_t step_size = 128; // size increments std::size_t new_width = ((width / step_size) + 1) * step_size; std::size_t new_height = ((height / step_size) + 1) * step_size; allocateShmImage(new_width, new_height); } auto stride = image->width; std::uint8_t* pixel_buffer = (std::uint8_t*)window.wpixbuf.buf; if(depth >= 24) // RGB 888 format { std::uint32_t* shm_addr = (std::uint32_t*)shm_info.shmaddr; std::size_t x_stride = 0; std::size_t x_pos = 0; for(std::size_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for(std::size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) { const std::uint8_t red = pixel_buffer[x_pos * 3]; const std::uint8_t green = pixel_buffer[x_pos * 3 + 1]; const std::uint8_t blue = pixel_buffer[x_pos * 3 + 2]; shm_addr[x_stride] = (red << 16) | (green << 8) | blue; ++x_pos; ++x_stride; } x_stride += (stride - width); } } else if(depth >= 15) // RGB 565 format { std::uint16_t* shm_addr = (std::uint16_t*)shm_info.shmaddr; std::size_t x_stride = 0; std::size_t x_pos = 0; for(std::size_t y = 0; y < height; ++y) { for(std::size_t x = 0; x < width; ++x) { const std::uint8_t red = pixel_buffer[x_pos * 3]; const std::uint8_t green = pixel_buffer[x_pos * 3 + 1]; const std::uint8_t blue = pixel_buffer[x_pos * 3 + 2]; shm_addr[x_stride] = (red << 11) | (green << 5) | blue; ++x_pos; ++x_stride; } x_stride += (stride - width); } } } } // GUI::