/* -*- Mode: C++; tab-width: 2; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */ /*************************************************************************** * mainwindow.cc * * Sat Nov 26 14:27:29 CET 2016 * Copyright 2016 Bent Bisballe Nyeng * deva@aasimon.org ****************************************************************************/ /* * This file is part of DrumGizmo. * * DrumGizmo is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * DrumGizmo is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU Lesser General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU Lesser General Public License * along with DrumGizmo; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA. */ #include "mainwindow.h" #include <config.h> #include <version.h> #include "painter.h" #include <string> namespace GUI { MainWindow::MainWindow(Settings& settings, void* native_window) : Window(native_window) , settings(settings) , settings_notifier(settings) , main_tab(this, settings, settings_notifier) { // FIXME: remove this when settings are actually used in this class (void)settings; CONNECT(this, sizeChangeNotifier, this, &MainWindow::sizeChanged); CONNECT(eventHandler(), closeNotifier, this, &MainWindow::closeEventHandler); setCaption("DrumGizmo v" VERSION); tabs.move(16, 0); // x-offset to make room for the left side bar. tabs.addTab("Main", &main_tab); tabs.addTab("About", &about_text_field); about_text_field.setText(getAboutText()); about_text_field.adaptTextOnResize(true); about_text_field.setReadOnly(true); } bool MainWindow::processEvents() { // if(!initialised) // { // return running; // } settings_notifier.evaluate(); eventHandler()->processEvents(); if(closing) { closeNotifier(); closing = false; return false; } return true; } void MainWindow::repaintEvent(RepaintEvent* repaintEvent) { if(!visible()) { return; } Painter painter(*this); auto bar_height = tabs.getBarHeight(); // Grey background painter.drawImageStretched(0, 0, back, width(), height()); // DrumGizmo logo painter.drawImage(width() - logo.width() - 16, height() - logo.height() - 10, logo); // DrumGizmo version std::string version_string("v." + std::string(VERSION)); auto version_x = width() - font.textWidth(version_string) - sidebar.width() - 5; auto version_y = height() - 5; painter.setColour(Colour(0.18)); painter.drawText(version_x, version_y, font, version_string); // Topbar above the sidebars topbar.setSize(16, bar_height); painter.drawImage(0, 0, topbar); painter.drawImage(width() - 16, 0, topbar); // Sidebars sidebar.setSize(16, height() - bar_height + 1); painter.drawImage(0, bar_height-1, sidebar); painter.drawImage(width() - 16, bar_height-1, sidebar); } void MainWindow::sizeChanged(std::size_t width, std::size_t height) { about_text_field.preprocessText(); tabs.resize(width - 2 * 16, height); } void MainWindow::closeEventHandler() { closing = true; } std::string MainWindow::getAboutText() { std::string about_text; // About about_text.append( "=============\n" " About\n" "=============\n" "\n" "DrumGizmo is an open source, multichannel, multilayered, cross-platform\n" "drum plugin and stand-alone application. It enables you to compose drums\n" "in midi and mix them with a multichannel approach. It is comparable to\n" "that of mixing a real drumkit that has been recorded with a multimic setup.\n" "\n" "\n"); // Authors about_text.append( "=============\n" " Authors\n" "=============\n" "\n" "Bent Bisballe Nyeng\n" "Jonas Suhr Cristensen\n" "Lars Muldjord\n" "Andre Nusser\n" "Christian Gloeckner\n" "Goran Mekic\n" "... and others.\n" "\n" "\n"); // GPL about_text.append( "=============\n" " License\n" "=============\n" "\n"); about_text.append(gpl.data()); return about_text; } } // GUI::