.TH "DRUMGIZMO" "1" "4 February 2015" "drumgizmo 0.9.7" "" .SH NAME drumgizmo \- drum application .SH SYNOPSIS \fBdrumgizmo\fR [OPTIONS] drumkitfile .SH "DESCRIPTION" .PP \fBDrumGizmo\fR is an open source cross-platform drum plugin and stand-alone application. It is comparable to several commercial drum plugin products. .PP DrumGizmo uses an open drumkit file format, allowing the community to create their own drumkits. It has multichannel output, making it possible to mix it just the way you would a real drumkit. The optional built-in humanizer analyzes the midi notes, adjusting velocities on-the-fly. This client can be a stand-alone midi renderer, generating .wav files, 1 for each channel. Or use DrumGizmo as a software sampler for an electronic drumkit. There are also plugin versions available. .SH "OPTIONS" .PD 0 .RE .RS 7 \fB-i, --inputengine \fR{dummy|test|jackmidi|midifile} .RS 7 Use said event input engine. .RE \fB-I, --inputparms parmlist\fR .RS 7 Set input engine parameters. \fBjackmidi:\fR .P midimap=<midimapfile> \fBmidifile:\fR .P file=<midifile> .P speed=<tempo> (default 1.0) .P track=<miditrack> (default -1, all tracks) .P midimap=<midimapfile> .P loop=<true|false> \fBtest:\fR .P p=<hit_propability> (default 0.1) .P instr=<instrument> (default -1, random instrument) .P len=<seconds> (default -1, forever) \fBdummy:\fR .RE \fB-o, --outputengine \fR{dummy|alsa|jackaudio|wavfile} .RS 7 Use said audio output engine. .RE \fB-O, --outputparms parmlist\fR .RS 7 Set output engine parameters. \fBalsa:\fR .P dev=<device> (default 'default') .P frames=<frames> (default 32) .P srate=<samplerate> (default 441000) \fBwavfile:\fR .P file=<filename> (default 'output') .P srate=<samplerate> (default 44100) \fBjackaudio:\fR \fBdummy:\fR .RE \fB-e, --endpos\fR .RS 7 Number of samples to process, -1: infinite. .RE \fB-v, --version\fR .RS 7 Print drumgizmo version and exit. .RE \fB-h, --help\fR .RS 7 Print command line help and exit. .RE \fBdrumkitfile\fR .RS 7 Load the drumkitfile. .RE .SH "EXAMPLES" \fBRender midifile to wav files:\fR .RS 7 drumgizmo -i midifile -I file=file.mid,midimap=midimap.xml -o wavfile -O file=file.wav drumkit.xml .RE \fBRecieve midi from Jack and send audio output to speakers:\fR .RS 7 drumgizmo -i jackmidi -I midimap=midimap.xml -o jackaudio drumkit.xml .RE .SH "BUGS" Report bugs to http://www.drumgizmo.org/wiki/doku.php?id=bugs. .SH "ADDITIONAL INFORMATION" For further information, visit the website http://www.drumgizmo.org.