Version 0.9.5
Released April 27th 2014
 - Editor changes:
   - Add stroke power attribute to drumkit xml format. (suhr)
   - Realtime update of waveform view when dragging fadeout slider. (deva)
   - Export energy levels to .xml file. (deva)
   - Clicking hit circles in velocity view selects corresponding in waveform view. (deva)
   - After selecting a hit by clicking a circle, allow direct deletion using “delete” kbd key. (deva)
   - Make hits in velocity view dragable. (deva)
   - Marked selection (ie. its values) is shown as lineedits in “edit” tab, changable by-value. (deva)
   - Enable multichannel export both for .wav and for .xml. (deva)
   - Turn volume slider into actual mixer fader instead of sample multiplier. (suhr)
   - Create filebrowser for selecting export path. (suhr)
   - Create main config file for saving and loading current values. (suhr)
   - Make player use fadein/out while playing (controllable through checkbox somewhere?) (deva)
 - Make engine use version number in order to select velocity algorithms and remove –with-experimental configure parameter. (deva)
 - Use Atom lv2 midi events. (suhr)
 - Make jack backend work on all buffer sizes. (deva)

Version 0.9.4
Released March 5th 2014
 - Add multichannel sample support. (John Hammen)
 - Write README, ChangeLog and AUTHORS files. (deva)
 - Delete old partially broken unit test system. (deva)
 - Fix double click on toggle button to not leave the button in its middle state. (deva)
 - Make plugin gui window fixed in size. (deva)
 - Fix lineedit mouseclick to the right of the text, which should position text cursor to the right of the text. (unassigned)
 - Handle sse optimisation toggling in (suhr)
 - Fix memory leak in Image class (png structure currently not free'd). (deva)
 - Improve FileBrowser functionality. (suhr)
 -   If filename lineedit is empty and the other one is not, use the non/empty lineedit path initially when opening filebrowser. (deva)
 -   Make it possible to type a path and have the browser switch accordingly. (suhr)
 -   Sort list by directories first and files next. (suhr)
 -   Filter out non-drumkit files. (suhr)
 -   Identify folders by appending '/' to their names. (suhr)
 -   Remove double '\\' after drive letter in filebrowser on Windows. (suhr)
 -   Test new filebrowser on Windows. (suhr)
 -   Handle directory that can not be opened. (suhr)
 -   Scrollbar is drawed wrong when few elements in list. (deva)
 - Refactor GUI::EventHandler. (deva)
 - Make Carla store plugin setting. (deva)
 - Make it work in QTractor. (deva)
 - Add jackaudio output module. (deva)
 - Support multiple samplerates by resampling at load-time (feature request from Cédric 'SxDx'). (deva)
 - Modernise autoconf. (deva)
 - Add new unit test system. (deva)
 - Find and fix LV2 midi velocities magically disappearing. (suhr) We can't reproduce this. Please contact us if you have this problem.

Version 0.9.3
Released on May 7th 2013, ie. LAC 2013 version
 - Make filebrowser use strings instead of chdir. (suhr)
 - Set "Creator" in the LV2 config. (deva)
 - Prevent mouse button up events from propagating after a double click if the window if closed. (deva)
 - libpng error handling (especially ubuntu libpng version mismatch vs. ardour, 12.49 vs. 1.6). (deva)
 - Optimise GUI rendering so that it doesn't feel sluggish to work with. (deva)
 - Fix bug, where the plugin starts using 100% cpu even with no notes playing. (deva)
 - Make midifile load send load status to GUI. (deva)
 - Make DrumKitLoader stop loading on plugin deletion and if a new drumkit is being loaded. (deva)
 - Make listview scrollbar knob work. (deva)
 - Make "give me all parameter value" message with engine respons for GUI initialisation. (deva)
 - Make humaniser parameters value set/get work using messages. (deva)
 - Create GUI::ProgressBar class for use in load feedback. (deva)
 - Implement engine -> GUI signaling mechanism (for load status, etc). (deva)
 - Implement GUI -> engine signaling mechanism (reload drumkit, read parameter, etc). (deva)
 - Make layout engine classes (Painter::Box/Painter::Bar). (deva)
 - Refactor GUI::Font. (deva)
 - Design and render as png-pixmaps new fonts. (muldjord)
 - Design new layout widgets. (muldjord)
   * Pushbutton
   * Knob
   * On/off switch
   * Lineedit
   * Combobox
   * Item view with scrollbars
 - Implement new layout as a new layout engine. (deva)
 - Create PNG loader. (deva)
 - Make GUI::Image class able to use libpng 1.2. (nemo)
 - Create RC handler (embed PNG images and fonts directly in the binary). (deva)
 - Make 'instrument group' feature that can stop an open hihat, when a closed hihat is played. (deva)
 - Check for x11 lib and headers in configure. (deva)

Version 0.9.2 and older (prehistoric)
Released on March 25th 2013.
 - Make autotools project.
 - Make event interface.
 - Make midi-node -> sample mapping.
 - Make drumkit xml file format spec.
 - Make xml reader/parser.
 - Make alternative audio backends work
   * ALSA (output)
   * ALSA Midi (input)
   * Jack (output)
   * JackMidi (input)
   * SndFile (output)
   * Midifile (input)
 - Make Win32 port.
 - Make plugin-able
   * LV2
   * VST
 - Make basic drumkit editor.