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Especially, building a drum kit sample bank with different velocity layers requires producing samples of very similar loudness, as changing the gain of a sample after recording makes it sound less natural. An approach that avoids this issue is to not categorize the samples in fixed groups but to simply calculate their loudness and then dynamically choose a sample, when a sample corresponding to e.g.\ a specific MIDI value is requested. We present a first investigation of algorithms doing this selection and discuss their advantages and disadvantages. The seemingly best candidate we implemented in DrumGizmo -- a FLOSS drum plugin -- and we do experiments on how our suggested algorithms perform on the samples drum kits. \end{abstract} \section{Introduction} \todo{Talk about the general problem of sample selection.} \todo{Limit scope to drums.} \todo{Talk about round robin.} \todo{Mention drawbacks.} \todo{Introduce high-level ideas of our work.} \todo{Make difference between humanization and sample selection clear.} \subsection{Related Work} \todo{I don't really know what to write, except about round robin. Is there any other common method or any academic literature? Are there other methods in open source programs?} \todo{Discuss DGs old sampling algorithm briefly.} \subsection{Our Contribution} \todo{The main points are: Identify important aspects that sampling algorithms in this setting have to fulfill; Suggest a new algorithm based on those requirements; Implement and conduct experiments on this implementation.} \section{Preliminaries} \todo{Talk about how the drum kit samples are usually created; very briefly.} \todo{Talk about loudness computation of samples.} \todo{Mathematical basics (if there are any important ones).} \todo{Formalize the setting, i.e.\ what is the input/output of our algorithm?} \section{Requirements} \todo{Intuitively discuss the requirements of a good sampling algorithm.} \todo{List the requirements one by one and discuss them. Try to formalize them in some way.} \section{Algorithm} \todo{We have a multi-criteria optimization!} \todo{Talk about the general idea of a potential function.} \todo{Introduce the potential function of the algorithm.} \todo{Talk about the single terms of the potential function.} \todo{Maybe add some pseudo-code to make things easier to understand?} \section{Implementation} \todo{Give a short introduction to DrumGizmo, including a link to the git repository.} \todo{Talk about the timeline, i.e., when were the releases and what is still unreleased?} \todo{Talk about how the sampling algorithm was implemented} \todo{Add some of the source code to the paper?} \todo{Give less important implementation details, e.g., like adaptive search starting from the most promising value} \section{Experiments} \todo{Talk about the setup.} \todo{Talk about what the experiments should show: two close samples are chosen similarly often; playing the same MIDI note plays a reasonably varied sample set; average distance of one sample} \todo{Experiments are: playing fast sweeps (with multiple hits per velocity); playing a single note over and over again at the same velocity; sound examples that people can listen to online?} \todo{Do beautiful tables and plots here} \todo{Summarize experiments} \section{Conclusion and Future Work} \todo{Recapitulate what was done in this paper. Highlight some of the difficulties and surprises.} \todo{List future work: transforming the loudness space; refine the objective function; adapt algorithm to other instruments/settings; study to see what sounds good to people and do they actually hear the difference?} \section{Acknowledgements} \todo{Thank people for testing?} %\newpage \nocite{*} \bibliographystyle{IEEEbib} \bibliography{LAC-20} % requires file lac-20.bib \end{document}